Lucien Fourer


New Member
Je viens de trouver que Lucien a ?t? mon p?re. Je suis n? au 11/03/1944 et il est mort au 10/06/1944. Il a ?t? fianc? avec ma m?re Adolfine (Dolly) Fischer.

Je ne trouve pas de date de naissance pour lui, ni lieu mais le descendants du cot? Fischer m'ont dit qu'il a ?t? Alsacien.

Est ce que quelqu'un pourra m'aider dans cette recherche?
I have taken the liberty of translating this into English for the member who posted it

(J'ai pris la libert? de le traduire dans l'anglais pour le membre qui l'a post?)

I have just found that Lucien was my father. I was born on 11/03/1944 and he died on 10/06/1944. It was betrothed with my mother Adolfine (Dolly) Fischer.

I do not find date of birth for him, nor place but descendants of quoted Fischer said to me that he was Alsatian.

Is what anybody will be able to help me in this research?
Some information about your father is here:
Quelques informations sur votre p?re sont ici:

Bon chance

Bonjour, Hello,
Merci pour votre int?r?t.
Thanks for your interest.
J'en ai trouver tous les r?f?rences sur le web mais il y a une probl?me.
I have found all the web references but there's a problem.
Son age n'est donn? nul part et aucun site g?n?ologique n'a aucun trace de la naissance d'un Lucien Fourer.
His age is not given anywhere and I cannot find any trace of his birth on any of the geneology websites.
if you know where he was born (town) you should be able to find a birth certificate and parents names from the council records
Unfortunately I do not know the town or his age. However I have identified the only village in Alsace where a Fourer was born around the appropriate time, there were two but I do not know their names. I have to wait till Tuesday evening to telephone the Mairie, so maybe... I am also trying to find his death certificate.

Thanks for your interest and advice.
I have finally found his birth certificate, the main part follows :

"Le vingt quatre d?cembre mille neuf cent vingt, dix heures du soir est n? 1, rue de la Charit? ; Lucien Joseph de sexe masculin de Fourer Marcel, vingt quatre ans employ? et de Gr?ssler Rosalie vingt 2 ans son ?pouse domicili?s ? Villeurbanne - Rh?ne......" T?moignage...

En marge : Ce. 5523
d?c?d? ? Ranville - Calvados - le 10 juin 1944


Photocopie conforme ? l'acte original

LYON le 14 AOUT 2009

I think you should be able to decipher that. Maybe this could be updated on the data-base?

Thanks for your encouragement.
