Royal Navy Commandos

RN CDOS - Royal Navy Commandos

motto “Imprino Exulto” (First in Last out)
Formed 1941 as RN Beach Parties
Renamed RN Commandos late 1942 A-H Commando and J-W Commando
Each Commando consisted of the following personnel :-
1 Principal Beach Master,3 Beach Masters,6 Assistant Beach Masters,3 Petty Officers,6 Leading Seamen,18 Able Seamen and 39 Ordinary Seamen
All disbanded from late 1944 through 1945
I have also included all the following units who were accepted by the RN Commando Association :-
RN Beach Signals
Landing Craft Obstacle Clearance Units (LCOCU)
Levant Schooner Flotilla
Combined Operations Bombardment Units consisting of Forward Observation Bombardment Parties (FOBs)
also included are naval members of
14 Commando
30 Commando (Assault Unit)
Roll Of Honour: 20Awards: 146Images: 45Links: 1
Web Links:
Combined Operations - Website of Combined Operations.
Godwin's Saga
By Kenneth Macksey
  • Published
    Jun 14, 2020
  • Page views

