Operation Archway (Who are they?)

I Was A Stranger
By Sir John Hackett


Can anyone identify the 2SAS members in this photo. It is towards the end of Operation Archway, possibly somewhere between Minden and Celle. The person on the far left is my grandfather Sgt Edward Williams.


The following Sergeants are listed in the 2SAS Nominal Roll of Personnel for Operation Archway (before those from Operation Keystone joined):-

Sgt D Brannon, Sgt E Williams, Sgt P Mitchell (DCM), Sgt J Brownlee, Sgt Kuiper, Sgt W Marshall (MM), Sgt J O'Brien, Sgt F Caines, Sgt P Thorpe (MM) and Sgt H Vickers (DCM)
Harry Vickers served with my father who was SQMS J Alcock of 2 SAS. I myself have met Harry who is now dead. He lived near Chester after the war and was a surveyor for Manchester council. He was a lovely man.
Graham Alcock
I have group photos of s SAS known as Italy Squadron and also a reunion photo taken in 1946.
Graham Alcock
Hi Graham, how are you?

I remember you talking about Harry Vickers.

What I actually wanted to know, is, is he one of the people in this photo? There are ten Sergeants listed on Op Archway but he may not be in this photo.

We must get together again soon. I've been neglecting my research over the last few months so it needs a kick-start in the new year. I'm hoping William Oakes will have scanned a few photos from Op Archway (even though none had my grandfather on, it was extremely interesting to see photos of river crossings and assembly areas etc.) so I must get in touch with him again in the new year too.

By the way, did you realise it was me posting this?

Hi Tim,
yes Harry is in this photograph. I saw him as an old man but I am 90% sure he is the man on the extreme left. I manily recognise his sharp nose and elongated facial features. He was not a tall man and remained the same buils as an ols man.
Hi Graham,

The chap to the far left with the goggles on is 100% my Grandfather (Edward Williams).

I'll give you a call when the weather's turned for the better and I'll pop over to see you again.

In that case Tim the nearest lookalike is the third man from the left. Incidentally I have just found out that my dad got the Croixe de Guerre whilst taking part in the Torch landings of French north Africa with 2 SAS-I always thought it was for Pistol which was the year after.
Hi guys. My grandfather Les Nock served with Harry Vickers and i assume some of these including your fathers. I posted a while back to see if anyone had any info on Harry as he was the only name my dad could remember. I have sent photos found at my grandmothers and these are posted here. Would love to see any of the Italy ones to see if my grandfather is in them.
Much appreciated. Chris

Does anyone have a copy of this photo, I would be interested to see Lawrence Brownlee in the photo.

Best wishes,
