US PARAS Garretson, Chester R.

The Red Circle
By Brandon Webb

John Robertson

Staff member
Chester R.
  • UNIT
501 Parachute Infantry Regiment (Company I)
  • RANK
27th December 1944
  • AGE
from Dallas County,Texas
DOW Belgium
Hello Mr. Robertson:

I have been looking for information on Mr. Chester R. Garretson 38284853. I have seen several references to Mr. Garretson being in I Co of the 501st. I have Morning Report's from G Co. dated 31 Dec 1944, and 23 Mar 1945 stating that Mr. Garretson was wounded on 19 Dec 1944 and that he was discharged from G Co. on 23 Mar 1945 due to being lost to Hosp. The reason that I am curious is that Mr. Garretson was actually captured and a POW when he died on the 27 Dec 1944 in Camp 378. Field Hosp #01244 ABT/2-D BAd Nauheim Rheinland, Prussia 50-08. He is listed with several men (including my grand father) on both MR's. Of the 6 men listed on both MR's 4 were actually POW's. My grand father though not officially listed as a POW had told his children that he was injured and a POW out of Bastogne. That he was injured is substantiated by the 19 Dec 1944 MR, being that he is listed with others as "lost to hosp" on 23 Mar 1945 with POWs affirms that this is the occasion that he spoke of. Amongst other questions, I wonder why Mr. Garretson is on a G Co. Morning Report. This is not the first time that I have seen Mr. Garretson referenced to I Co. I am wondering if you would have any idea if he was in I or G Co.?