
Band of Brothers
By Stephen E. Ambrose


New Member

First of all I would like to say how great I think this website is. Those that have created and are maintaining it are doing a great job for the memory of those that fell.

I came across this website looking for details about my great uncle. Recently some documents were found when clearing out my grandparents house and this has sparked my interest. My grandfather never spoke about his brother as he found his loss so traumatic, so our family know very little about what happened to him in the war.

His name is Trooper George Miller No.7914293, and we have a dispatch when he was awarded the Military Medal describing his actions in 1943 that earned him the medal. However we know little about what happened to him. Your website has kindly detailed his grave, and that he was executed at an unknown date. My Grandma said he was in a prisoner of war ship bombed by the British. Could someone recommend where I can go next to uncover more information about George Miller?

Many thanks,


I have quite a lot of of information regarding your Great Uncle and his death. If you would like to contact me you can on skipodonovan@gmail.com

All the best,



First of all I would like to say how great I think this website is. Those that have created and are maintaining it are doing a great job for the memory of those that fell.

I came across this website looking for details about my great uncle. Recently some documents were found when clearing out my grandparents house and this has sparked my interest. My grandfather never spoke about his brother as he found his loss so traumatic, so our family know very little about what happened to him in the war.

His name is Trooper George Miller No.7914293, and we have a dispatch when he was awarded the Military Medal describing his actions in 1943 that earned him the medal. However we know little about what happened to him. Your website has kindly detailed his grave, and that he was executed at an unknown date. My Grandma said he was in a prisoner of war ship bombed by the British. Could someone recommend where I can go next to uncover more information about George Miller?

Many thanks,
