A. Slater
John Robertson

A. Slater

Roll Of Honour
Roll of honour entry
Award Entry
Yes this Al Slater who died on that sorry day. A very brave man.Sad loss to his Family and dear Friends.R.I.P. AL -a.k.a.(Mr Angry)
I was watching a book review segment on BBC news 24 at the weekend and the presenter was interviewing an ex Para that’s just written a book about the Falklands War (Tony Banks is his name and he went on to become a millionaire from setting up care homes). It showed a picture of him as a young Para in his passing out platoon and as soon as I saw it I instantly recognized the face of Al Slater sitting in the middle. It was this picture. You can’t see it but Tony Banks is sat to the far right of Al

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22 SAS
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John Robertson
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