photos of malayan scouts


New Member
Dear All

I have recently completed a book about my dads service with the malayan Scouts. To illustrate the book I need contemporary photographs of Malayan Scouts their officers and also communist insurgents and their leaders. If anyone has photos preferably from 1951 can they get in touch with me. All images will be acknowledged in the book and credited to their source.


Joe Durkin.
i was just doing a bit of research for a friend of mine about his father frank william chatfield malayan scout 22sas he has quite a few photos with some names on the back
we understand that he operated under johnny cooper and was in the troop that spent 122 days in the jungle which he also has a original copy of the sunday pictorial feb 7 1954
describing the operation
some of the names are as follows pete myles,dave waddingham,lofty phillips,tich gould,charley white,cpl fielding,townie honest dia we know that he lost a lot of his friends in a ambush but not to much more before he died he visited the graves of cpl k bancroft 26 nov 53,ltnt fotheringham 18 dec 53 trooper f w wilkins 26 nov 53, a e howell 1st june 54, i wonder if you have any more info please contact me on
Hi Joe/Doug

Yours are very timely posts. My father served in malaya in 22 sas and passed away recently, His name was derek mc farland.

I have come into possesion of numerous black and white photographs of him, his squad and the local trackers they employed whilst on operations. Some are obviously quite rare, small photos showing the men on patrol, in the sgts mess and there are a few of the 'scouts' whom he always spoke very highly of.

He told me a few tales about some of his operations, for example he was the only serviceman who canopy jumped with a dog attached to his harness, he said he would rather have his dog and a tracker than a whole regiment with him!!!

I have only just joined this site and have yet to scan the pictures, but once i have heard back from john i'm sure i will be able to post some up for you and other interested parties.


D mc Farland (jnr!)
Joe/Doug/Derek - I find myself also on the track of 22 SAS in 1951, as my uncle also recently passed away. I have just found a photo of him on this forum amongst SAS officers photographed Dec 1951: Lt Peter Sheridan-Patterson.
We never heard much about his time apart from the pleasure and perils of canopy jumping and an unfortunate incident with one of his own claymores [or similar] when on patrol, which may have sent him home, and perhaps parachuting into KL rugby ground for a match (?) ... any photos of that time would indeed be very welcome - David Edwards
Hi Joe
My Uncle Vic Visagie was KIA in 1952. I would greatly appreciate if you could see if he is featured in any of the fotos you come across, and send me copies as I have very few.
I do have a picture of his troop (13) on board the ship which they took to Malaya if you would like a copy?
Dear Joe,

I have recently posted a photo of my uncle Ken Campbell on his return from Malaya 1950 ish. I look forward to reading the book and hope to try and find more photo's with him included.

Good luck with it all,


I have now scanned many of the pictures i promised earlier ( how time flies )and have sent them to John for posting up here.

I hope you all find them interesting and there are some good clear shots of the scouts on operation and at ease in the Sgts mess!!!.

If you recognise anyone, please let me know by posting their name on here.

I have some others that i will get scanned andsend them on to john for sharing.

Take care
Here are a few others that have not been posted yet
I was wondering if anyone knew the story behind the Legionare manaquin, my dad is next to it with a fake moustache and seriously bad hair do and he did mention the Legion a few times during our brief chats, he spoke very highly of them but this looks like someone is about to be the victim of a joke..........
Hi Joe, my father served in the 7th Gurkha rifles 1947-1950(MALAYA) From '50 to '61 he served with B troop SAS Malaya. He goes by the name of Santokh Singh, is 83 now and lives in Enfield England. Sadly his papers and pics have been lost to time. Just wanted you to know, thank you for keeping the past alive,
Baldave Singh, Los Angeles.
Good Evening to all members of this thread. I have been a collector of SF and Malayan Scouts in particular for the last 11 years.
I am trying to create an orbat of as many of the volunteers as I can.
Please may I ask anyone on this site, if they would be willing to share names, numbers, regiments, dates etc of any of the members of the MS.
I will be happy to share the information that I have.
I am lucky to have various photos in my collection (some named) and am in touch with 2 surviving Malayan Scouts.
Thanks for any small amount of information you can provide.
If I can help anyone on here please feel free to ask.
Hi Joe/Doug

Yours are very timely posts. My father served in malaya in 22 sas and passed away recently, His name was derek mc farland.

I have come into possesion of numerous black and white photographs of him, his squad and the local trackers they employed whilst on operations. Some are obviously quite rare, small photos showing the men on patrol, in the sgts mess and there are a few of the 'scouts' whom he always spoke very highly of.

He told me a few tales about some of his operations, for example he was the only serviceman who canopy jumped with a dog attached to his harness, he said he would rather have his dog and a tracker than a whole regiment with him!!!

I have only just joined this site and have yet to scan the pictures, but once i have heard back from john i'm sure i will be able to post some up for you and other interested parties.


D mc Farland (jnr!)
Do you know what Squadron your Father served with Sir?
Hi, the urls do not work as they have been shortened, see the dots (at least I cannot get them to work). I am sure the Regimental Association will be pleased to receive the photos for the regimental history. If you have your father's army number please also send them it for their records. I cannot give you the phone number or email address but you can write to them at:
The Occupier
PO Box 35051
Dear All

I have recently completed a book about my dads service with the malayan Scouts. To illustrate the book I need contemporary photographs of Malayan Scouts their officers and also communist insurgents and their leaders. If anyone has photos preferably from 1951 can they get in touch with me. All images will be acknowledged in the book and credited to their source.


Joe Durkin.
Hello Joe
May I ask for your contact details please?
I’d love to get in touch.
Loved your book.
a friend of mine who is still alive is mentioned several times.
Dear All

I have recently completed a book about my dads service with the malayan Scouts. To illustrate the book I need contemporary photographs of Malayan Scouts their officers and also communist insurgents and their leaders. If anyone has photos preferably from 1951 can they get in touch with me. All images will be acknowledged in the book and credited to their source.


Joe Durkin.
Hi Joe
My father Douglas Langston served in Malaya in 1951-53, he was a sergeant I think in the SAS. I have some photos of him but not in the jungle, it would be great to see photos you are sent if this is possible in case he is in any.
Hello there, my Grandad Terrence Baker served with the Malayan Scouts and whilst he shared very little information with us, I do know that he was injured in a grenede attack that took the life of his friend ‘Johnny’ and resulted in my Grandad spending time in hospital before being discharged on medical grounds. Sadly he passed away in March 2012. I just wondered if by any chance his name had appeared in your research? Kind regards, Vicqui Viney
Dear All

I have recently completed a book about my dads service with the malayan Scouts. To illustrate the book I need contemporary photographs of Malayan Scouts their officers and also communist insurgents and their leaders. If anyone has photos preferably from 1951 can they get in touch with me. All images will be acknowledged in the book and credited to their source.


Joe Durkin.
So my grandad served in thw SAS and I have his records but I'm struggling to find anything about him I know it says Tpr SAS malayan scouts and would of been 1952 if anyone has any info his name was Dennis liggins
Dear All

I have recently completed a book about my dads service with the malayan Scouts. To illustrate the book I need contemporary photographs of Malayan Scouts their officers and also communist insurgents and their leaders. If anyone has photos preferably from 1951 can they get in touch with me. All images will be acknowledged in the book and credited to their source.


Joe Durkin.
So my grandad served in thw SAS and I have his records but I'm struggling to find anything about him I know it says Tpr SAS malayan scouts and would of been 1952 if anyone has any info his name was Dennis liggins
i was just doing a bit of research for a friend of mine about his father frank william chatfield malayan scout 22sas he has quite a few photos with some names on the back
we understand that he operated under johnny cooper and was in the troop that spent 122 days in the jungle which he also has a original copy of the sunday pictorial feb 7 1954
describing the operation
some of the names are as follows pete myles,dave waddingham,lofty phillips,tich gould,charley white,cpl fielding,townie honest dia we know that he lost a lot of his friends in a ambush but not to much more before he died he visited the graves of cpl k bancroft 26 nov 53,ltnt fotheringham 18 dec 53 trooper f w wilkins 26 nov 53, a e howell 1st june 54, i wonder if you have any more info please contact me on

So my grandad served in thw SAS and I have his records but I'm struggling to find anything about him I know it says Tpr SAS malayan scouts and would of been 1952 if anyone has any info his name was Dennis liggins