War Diaries

War Diaries
Craig Robertson
1 min read
Source : National Archives WO 169/11083 DATE SUMMARY OF EVENTS AND INFORMATION No I Demolition Sqdr. M.E. war establishment 866/I/5 officers and 18 other ranks. This Unit was formed w.e.f. 10th December 1942. Officers: Major Peniakoff V. M.C. (General List) Commanding Officer. Captain...
Craig Robertson
6 min read
Source WO. 169/11083 Note August, September, October & November 1943 not in the National Archive file. For July 1943 it is hand written and some i cannot make out, so if anyone can manage to read/make out the 3 entries then please add.
Craig Robertson
28 min read
Source : National Archive WO 170/3962B Note i did not include the 'Hour' or 'Reference to Appendices' column on some months as not used. Also 'Roll of Honour' and 'Awards' pages not included in the original diary. I added them as summary for year and refernce.
Craig Robertson
20 min read
Source : National Archives WO170/7362 Note i did not include the 'Hour' or 'Reference to Appendices' column on some months as not used. Also 'Roll of Honour' and 'Awards' pages not included in the original diary. I added them as summary for year and refernce.