F. Rumbles
Hi John,
I have tried sending you a message but your mail box is full. My name is Stewart Rumbles and Francis Grant rumbles is my uncle. Could you please let me know how to get a copy of this photo of him and the one of the team in front of the Lancaster? Thanks in advance Stewart Rumbles
Hello Stewart,

I saw the photographs of all 133 men who took part in The Dambusters Raid in today's 'Daily Telegraph' and had quite a shock when I saw the name Grant Rumbles. I believe that my late husband David Denholm knew the Rumbles family in 1939. David was evacuated, for a short time. to Annan in Dumfriesshire. Was your grandfather by any chance a farmer, perhaps at Cummertrees?

I did some Internet research and was sad to read that your uncle Grant Rumbles died in 1982 at such a young a
Hi, Grant's father, Francis Snr, was a Headmaster, and I think may have been at Breconbeds school, Kirtlebridge between 1930-55, just up the road from where I was born; my late mother and uncle were taught by him, and my Uncle was in the same class as Grant's younger brother Ian. Try searching Facebook for Breconbeds School, I have some photos of Frances Snr and classes from1930s.

Hi Shiela,
My Grand Father was in fact the head master at the school. My father was Ian and my uncle was Grant and he was part of the Dambusters squadron. Both my uncle Grant and my father Ian died at an early age. My father Ian would have been 90 yeaterday.
Best Regards Stewart Rumbles

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