born 20.2.1920 Hampstead,London
son of John and Margaret May (nee Newman) Randall
father served as Captain KRRC in WW1
educated Arnold House School
educated St Lawrence College,Ramsgate
office boy,Shell Mex House
83 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery,R.A. January 1940 (Gunner Sgt)
124 OCTU,Llandrindod Wells,Wales 1940
commissioned 2Lt R.A. 1941
GHQ Liaison Regiment (G Group G Squadron) 6.6.1941 (2Lt Lt)
GHQ Liaison Regiment (F Squadron) 14.1.1944
1 SAS (HQ Squadron - Signals Officer) 19.3.1944 - 1.10.1945 (Lt)
Mention in Despatches (France 1944)
business consultant postwar
married Jane (2 children)
autobiography with M.J. Throw :- The Last Gentleman of the SAS (2014)