Robert Mark
John Robertson

Robert Mark

born 13.3.1917 Chorlton,Manchester
educated William Hulme's Grammar School,Manchester
trainee salesman,James Templeton & Co of Glasgow (carpet manufacturers;Manchester 1935
Manchester Police (Constable) 1937
Army August 1942
graduated 101 (Sandhurst) OCTU
108th Tank Brigade,R.A.C.
L Squadron GHQLR,R.A.C. 1944-45 (Lt - Captain)
Control Commission,Germany June 1945-January 1947
rejoined the police postwar
Chief Constable of Leicester City 1956
Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police,London 1960s
Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police 17.4.1972- March 1977
author "In the Office of Constable" (1978)
awards G.B.E. (1976;Q.P.M.
Director of Control Risks and of the Phoenix Assurance Company
married Kathleen Leahy 1941 (died 1997) (2 children)
died 30.9.2010
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