avro lancaster mk iii (ed825)

On December 10th 1943 at 20.35 hours she took off from RAF Tempsford, bound for Doullens in France, on a supply drop for the French Resistance that would probably have seemed an ‘easy’ trip. Unlike a normal bombing raid to the heart of Germany, fighters and Flak were not predicted, especially flying at low level, and the trip was expected to be relatively short. Crossing the French coast around 21.30 hours they turned south for Doullens.

It is rumoured that a French ‘Double Agent’ informed the Germans of the supply drop and when the Lancaster arrived over the town of Doullens they were waiting. The bomber caught fire in the air and a few seconds later it crashed into a hillside, killing all on board.

The site was finally located and ‘Johnny’ was to accompany the team on the dig. Also invited to attend was the family of ED825’s pilot that night. Nephew, also Gordon Weeden, and his wife were flown from Ontario in Canada to take part.

Source : https://www.aviationarchaeology.co.uk/copy-of-spitfire-n3294-lincolnshire-1
  1. DAMBUSTERS Cummings, Robert

    SURNAME Cummings FORENAME Robert UNIT 617 Squadron,R.C.A.F. RANK Warrant Officer Second Class NUMBER R/141707 DATE OF DEATH 10th December 1943 AGE 20 GRAVESITE Calais Canadian War Cemetery,France 8.G.9 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION son of Thomas P. and Mary Cummings nephew of...
  2. DAMBUSTERS Robinson, Brook

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  3. DAMBUSTERS Walters, Edward Joseph

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  4. DAMBUSTERS Howell, Robert Geoffrey

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  5. DAMBUSTERS Jones, Ralph Neville

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  6. DAMBUSTERS Richardson, Arthur William

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  7. DAMBUSTERS Weeden, Gordon Herbert

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