croix de guerre (fr)

The Croix de Guerre (French: Cross of War) is a military decoration of France. It was first created in 1915 and consists of a square-cross medal on two crossed swords, hanging from a ribbon with various degree pins. The decoration was awarded during World War I, again in World War II, and in other conflicts. The Croix de Guerre was also commonly bestowed on foreign military forces allied to France.

The Croix de Guerre may be awarded either as an individual award or as a unit award to those soldiers who distinguish themselves by acts of heroism involving combat with the enemy. The medal is awarded to those who have been "mentioned in dispatches", meaning a heroic deed or deeds were performed meriting a citation from an individual's headquarters unit. The unit award of the Croix de Guerre with palm was issued to military units whose members performed heroic deeds in combat and were subsequently recognized by headquarters.
  1. ARMY CDOS Keyes, Geoffrey Charles Tasker

    SURNAME Keyes FORENAME Geoffrey Charles Tasker UNIT 11 Commando (C.O.) and Middle East Commando (3 Troop) RANK Lieutenant Colonel NUMBER 71081 AWARD Victoria Cross,Military Cross,Croix de Guerre (Fr) PLACE North Africa 1941 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION parent unit Royal Scots...
  2. RM CDOS Donnell, Patrick Marshall

    SURNAME Donnell FORENAME Patrick Marshall UNIT 47 Commando (HQ Troop - 2-in-Command) RANK Captain + Lieutenant Colonel NUMBER AWARD Distinguished Service Order,Croix de Guerre with vermilion star (Fr) PLACE N.W.Europe 1944-45 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
  3. RM CDOS Day, John E.

    SURNAMEDay FORENAMEJohn E. UNIT45 Commando (Adjutant + A Troop) RANKCaptain NUMBER AWARDCroix de Guerre (Fr) PLACEN.W.Europe 1944-45 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONWIA 12.6.1944 Normandy
  4. ARMY CDOS Artemieff, B.

    SURNAMEArtemieff FORENAMEB. UNIT10 Commando (4 Troop) RANKSergeant NUMBER AWARDCroix de Guerre (Bel) (x2) PLACEItaly 1944 Walcheren 1944 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONparent unit Belgian Forces
  5. SBS Ayton, Philip Atterbury

    SURNAME Ayton FORENAME Philip Atterbury UNIT No 2 SBS RANK Captain NUMBER 184637 AWARD Croix de Guerre (Fr) (posthumous) PLACE Channel Islands 1943 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION parent unit Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders born London resided London N DOW - see Roll of Honour
  6. COPP Booth, John Charles Macaulay

    SURNAME Booth FORENAME John (James) Charles Macaulay UNIT R.N.V.R. COPP 9 RANK Lieutenant NUMBER AWARD Mention in Despatches, Croix de Guerre PLACE Normandy (Op.Neptune) 1944 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION born 09.07.1921, London, UK father Charles Zachary Macaulay Booth mother Mary...
  7. PHANTOM Astor, John Jacob (the Hon.) (Jakie)

    SURNAME Astor FORENAME John Jacob (the Hon.) (Jakie) UNIT F Squadron GHQ Liaison Regiment, R.A.C. (attached SAS Brigade) RANK Major NUMBER 86211 AWARD Member of the Order of the British Empire, Legion dHonneur(Fr), Croix de Guerre(Fr) PLACE N.W. Europe 1944-45 ADDITIONAL...
  8. LRDG DuToit, H.P.

    SURNAME DuToit FORENAME H.P. UNIT LRDG S2 Patrol RANK Signalman NUMBER 2329339 AWARD Croix de Guerre(Fr) PLACE North Africa 1942 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION parent unit Royal Corps of Signals wounded 27.12.1942
  9. LRDG Henry, James Douglas (Wimpey)

    SURNAME Henry FORENAME James Douglas (Wimpey) UNIT LRDG S2 Patrol RANK Lieutenant NUMBER 316338 AWARD Croix de Guerre (Fr) PLACE North Africa 1943 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION KIA - see roll of Honour
  10. NCDUs Jenkins, William Maxwell

    SURNAME Jenkins FORENAME William Maxwell UNIT U.S.N.R. N.C.D.U. 43 RANK Lieutenant Junior Grade NUMBER AWARD Navy Cross, Croix de Guerre with palm (France) PLACE Normandy 1944 (Omaha Beach) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION from Everett, Washington born 19.4.1919 Sultan, Washington son...
  11. PPA Peniakoff, Vladimir (Popski)

    SURNAME Peniakoff FORENAME Vladimir (Popski) UNIT PPA HQ (CO) RANK Major NUMBER 159661 AWARD D.S.O.,M.C.,Croix de Guerre(Belgium) PLACE Italy 1944 (DSO) North Africa 1942 (MC) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION parent unit General List (formerly 2 Bn Libyan Arab Force and LRDG) born...