22 SAS 22 SAS in Malaya and Oman

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By Anthony Deane-Drummond
Rogue Warrior: the Real Team
By Richard Marcinko

John Robertson

Staff member
Posted on behalf of Pete McWilliams

I know it's a long shot but I'm wondering whether there are still any SAS Vets around from the Malayan campaign in the 1950's. My late grandfather served in B Squadron 22 SAS in Malaya and actually participated in Operation Sword in January 1954, luckily we wasn't killed but he was badly injured during his insertion. His name was Cpl. Pete McWilliams, his parent unit was the Royal Ulster Rifles. His comrades referred to him as 'Mac'.

He also participated in the Oman campaign in the 1960's. and he is photographed which a bunch of soldiers in Ken Connor's book Ghost Force.

I met him once many years ago but he was and still remains an enigma, I do know that he was mentioned in dispatches while serving in Malaya but the MOD are being very tight lipped about what he did to get the M.I.D.

It would be great if there are still Vets out there that may remember Mac, any leads would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,
