Dennis Baxter
Lance Corporal
Mention in Despatches
Dhofar 1976
parent unit King's Own Scottish Borderers
Mention in Despatches : Lcpl Anderson was a member of the British Army Training Team Oman (BATT). On 30 September 1975 he was a member of a team controlling Dhofari irregulars on a position in Western Dhofar. The position had for some days been under considerable enemy artillery and mortar fire. At 1340 hours the first round of an enemy mortar barrage landed amongst 3 SAS soldiers engaged in repairing their sangar from a previous bombardment.
Lcpl Anderson saw the 3 men fall and ran fully exposed for 70 metres from the safety of his own sangar to help them. Despite shrapnel and explosions all round him he applied immediate first aid and dragged the 3 men back to shelter. Seeing that one man was dead he continued to apply first aid to the other 2.
Throughout the bombardment he showed complete disregard for his own life and that he was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for his comrades. There is no doubt that by his bravery, his clear thinking, and his prompt and efficient medical aid he saved the lives of the 2 men.
Place : DHOFAR
Date of Action : 30 September 1975
How Employed : Troop Medical Orderly and .50 HMG Gunner
Lcpl Anderson saw the 3 men fall and ran fully exposed for 70 metres from the safety of his own sangar to help them. Despite shrapnel and explosions all round him he applied immediate first aid and dragged the 3 men back to shelter. Seeing that one man was dead he continued to apply first aid to the other 2.
Throughout the bombardment he showed complete disregard for his own life and that he was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for his comrades. There is no doubt that by his bravery, his clear thinking, and his prompt and efficient medical aid he saved the lives of the 2 men.
Place : DHOFAR
Date of Action : 30 September 1975
How Employed : Troop Medical Orderly and .50 HMG Gunner
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