PARAS 2 Farrar-Hockley, Charles Dair

Rogue Warrior
By Richard Marcinko
The Imperial War Museums' Book of War Behind Enemy Lines
By Julian Thompson, The Imperial War Museum

John Robertson

Staff member
Charles Dair
  • UNIT
2 Para (A Company)
  • RANK
Military Cross
Falklands 1982
from Aldershot
age 35
born 2.12.1946
RMA Sandhurst
commissioned 1967
3 Para
ADC to Commander,Land Forces (1 year)
Depot,Parachute Regiment (2 years)
2 Para 1972 (Air Adjutant + OC Patrols Company)
Staff College 1977
Brigade Major,Berlin Infantry Brigade 1978
2 Para (A Company) (Major)
served Falklands (M.C.)
Instructor,Staff College (1 year)
3 Para (C.O.) 1984
Staff,SHAPE 1986
GOC,19th Infantry Brigade (Brigadier)
Commander Infantry Training,Warminster
GOC 2nd Division (Major General)
Director General of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators 1999-2006
London Gazette 49134, 8th October 1982, Page 12846


Military Cross : Major Farrar-Hockley was in command of A Company, 2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment throughout the Falkland Islands campaign. In the battle for Port Darwin and Goose Green on 28th/29th May 1982, A Company was ordered to attack a number of subsidiary positions and then capture Darwin Hill overlooking Port Darwin. The Darwin Hill position proved to be far stronger then originally anticipated and constituted some twenty well sited strong points. The company's success in capturing this position, despite bitter fighting, very heavy small arms, mortar and artillery fire, owes much to Major Farrar-Hockley's planning and inspired leadership. His ability to read the enemy and successfully execute a plan with little fire support against a vastly numerically stronger enemy was of an extremely high order. Again during the Wireless Ridge battle on the night of 13th/14th June 1982 his outstanding qualities were to come to the fore when his company was hit by enemy artillery fire on the final assault. By personal example and leadership he maintained the momentum, keeping tactical control both within his company and with the company attacking on his right. Major Farrar-Hockley's conduct throughout the entire campaign has been outstanding and in the very best traditions of The Parachute Regiment.

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Charles Dair Farrar-Hockley

Came to 3 Para 1968 in Malta, borrowed my car and crashed it. Only minor damage, but had a hell of a job getting the £10 repair bill.