Lt David Stirling


New Member
I understand from Alan Hoe's Biog of David Stirling that the great man, who was not exactly a conformist, was the subject of a board of inquiry by senior officers who were a more than a little p.o'd by his 'lifestyle', and who believed (completely wrongly, of course) that he was a malingerer who was trying to wangle himself a ticket home.
Does anybody know of any way to find out what the results of that inquiry were?

I am writing something that would involve that meeting but the last thing I would want to do is fabricate anything too far removed from the truth.
I'm not sure that an inquiry ever happened.

"Word of his shenanigans reached the ears of his superiors. They were not impressed. A Board of Officers was commissioned to examine whether Stirling was guilty of malingering.
Stiring was saved from any possible censure by a meeting in the officers' mess with Lieutenant Jock Lewes."
Quote from Stirling's Men by Gavin Mortimer

Stirling talked his way onto the experiment that Lewes was conducting with parachutes (which resulted in his spell in hospital). So presumably his superiors just let it go.

Hope that helps a little.
Hi Faith - helps a lot, actually, especially as I have Gavin Mortimer's book in front of me! trouble is, I have so many books that I am getting a bit of information overload at present, so hearing it like that is much better for me.

Cheers me dear