Dewi Meurig
Royal Marines
Sergeant (Acting Troop Sergeant Major) (DCM), Second Lieutenant (BEM)
formerly PL/X 4501 RSM (DCM)
Distinguished Conduct Medal, British Empire Medal
Malaya, 1951 (DCM) 1960 (BEM)
London Gazette 42231, 27th December 1960, Page 8913
Distinguished Conduct Medal : On 5th October, 1951, Troop Sergeant-Major Morgan was leading a small patrol through the jungle in Perak, Malaya, when the patrol ran into an enemy ambush. One Marine was killed and Troop Sergeant-Major Morgan was wounded in the neck, shoulder and arm. The patrol dived for cover and returned the bandits' fire, but one marine was pinned down to the ground in a forward position. Troop Sergeant-Major Morgan stepped into the open and threw a grenade with his unwounded arm. It failed to explode, but, still in full view of the enemy, he threw another which momentarily stopped the enemy fire and enabled the marine to rejoin the patrol.
All this time heavy fire was being brought to bear on the patrol's position at ranges varying from ten to fifty yards. In spite of his wounds, Troop Sergeant-Major Morgan remained completely calm and organised the patrol's withdrawal under fire. Once clear of the position he turned over command of the patrol to the Corporal, but refused to take morphia in case it should cloud his mind.
About three minutes later the bandits came up on both flanks and again opened heavy fire on the patrol from about twenty-five yards distance. Once more the patrol dived for cover and again Troop Sergeant-Major Morgan gave the orders for withdrawing by fire and movement. During this part of the engagement he fired the last five rounds from his repeater shot gun, killing a bandit at ten yards, while other members of the patrol were withdrawing. Once clear of the position he again turned over command to the Corporal as his own movements were becoming very slow, and throughout the three hours march back to base he encouraged the patrol by his splendid example of courage and fortitude.
All this time heavy fire was being brought to bear on the patrol's position at ranges varying from ten to fifty yards. In spite of his wounds, Troop Sergeant-Major Morgan remained completely calm and organised the patrol's withdrawal under fire. Once clear of the position he turned over command of the patrol to the Corporal, but refused to take morphia in case it should cloud his mind.
About three minutes later the bandits came up on both flanks and again opened heavy fire on the patrol from about twenty-five yards distance. Once more the patrol dived for cover and again Troop Sergeant-Major Morgan gave the orders for withdrawing by fire and movement. During this part of the engagement he fired the last five rounds from his repeater shot gun, killing a bandit at ten yards, while other members of the patrol were withdrawing. Once clear of the position he again turned over command to the Corporal as his own movements were becoming very slow, and throughout the three hours march back to base he encouraged the patrol by his splendid example of courage and fortitude.
https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/39438/page/262 (DCM)https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/42231/supplement/8913 (BEM)
https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D7621994 (DCM)