Whereabouts of Special Boat Service records


New Member
I'm hoping someone will be able to help. My uncle was a member of the Special Boat Services operating in and around the Greek Islands. He went on a mission called the Alimnia mission in 1944 and the group were captured and subsequently executed under Hitler's Sonderbehanflung orders (special treatment i.e. execution). My grandparents were never told what happened to him other than he was presumed died as POW. In 1986 the proverbial hit the fan when Kurt Waldheim, then President of Austria and former Secretary General of the UN was accused of being implicated in the deaths of 6 servicemen in 1944, one of whom turned out to be my uncle George. Margaret Thatcher ordered an enquiry which I have a copy of. Bit of a shock for my family to say the least, especially for my mum, his younger sister.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I have received a copy of my uncle's service records and they are fine until the summer of 1942, listing his postings until he escaped from Tobruk and won the MM. From the summer of 1942 until April of 1944 when he was presumed dead there are no entries which is presumably because he was recruited into the SBS (he was in the Sherwood Foresters). Where will his SBS records likely to be if they still exist? I have a full account of that last mission with the SBS from the MOD report and all the German documentation during his capture, but I'd really like to know what he was involved in during the earlier part of his SBS career.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
Try the index of the newly released book "The SBS During World War Two - An Illustrated History" by Gavin Mortimer? Or ask someone who has read it. No promises but it is worth a try.