2 SAS group,Italy 1944
John Robertson

2 SAS group,Italy 1944

My name is Robert MacDonald, son of Captain Robert "Buck" MacDonald of 3 Sqn 2 SAS. This photos is from Operation Canuck, April 1945. I was in Alba Italy on April 25th, 2011 for Liberation Day. I was accompanied by Operation "Canuck" member Jack Paley. The Canuck base camp was in the village of Castino seen in the background of this photo. Jack identified the chap in the centre of the photo as "Mauser" adding that he had been wounded by shrapnel in the attack on Alba.
Thanks to William Oakes for supplying all three names. left to right: -

Chick Fowler. Jack Mouser. and Ted Gargan (Scrog)
Did you know that a short piece of video exists (this photo is a frame from it) I spotted it on a tv program about SAS Operation Tombola (they have obviously used some archive footage from other operations in the making of the program) I have it on DVD if you are interested.
Our family would beg to differ (with respect of course) with William Oakes' provision of names. The gentleman on the right-hand side of this picture is a certain Robert Brown. We would be very much obliged if someone is able to verify this information one way or the other. Also, details on the vintage footage would be very much appreciated.
I Would also like to agree with jason Michael mcann the man on the Right hand side is 100% Robert Brown from Kilmarnock Ayrshire who is my children's great great uncle , I Seen this photo many years ago And also had the pleasure of meeting Robert personally
Sorry Jason, I havent been on the site for a while, TV program called SAS Operation Tombola, I have it on DVD, I can't figure out how to contact or message members on this site but I have a copy if you would like it?
I am more than happy to accept the correction in identity of the soldier to the far right. In fact, having re-read the comments I recall meeting in 1997 at Sorn Cemetery and later in Kilmarnock Dean Castle, the provost's 'aide-de-camp' who identified the man as his father although I did not catch his name. The Provost of East Ayrshire was hosting an event for 4 French Maquisards who had come to Sorn to honour my parents' grave a few months after my father had passed away. Many thanks, William Oa
Yes, on the right is my Great Grandfather Robert Brown. We had this picture but lost it I am ever so grateful to find it here.
Do you know who were the SAS that were in Cuneo with Cpt. MacDonald.
Is there any survivor of the group,is there a relative here WELL informed about the SAS in Cuneo?

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