Frank Mulvey
John Robertson

Frank Mulvey

2nd right with his cousins
Francis William Kindlan Mulvey
born 8.5.1925 Dublin
2 SAS (3 Squadron) 1944-45
Private (5892465)
Op.Galia 1944-45
Op.Tombola March 1945
WIA March 1945 Italy
returned to London postwar
married Katherine Joan Carter 1961 (4 daughters,1 son)
moved to Hastings,East Sussex
died 1982
Hastings Crematorium

photo source Tara Mulvey (daughter)
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An Active Service: The Story of a Soldier's Life in the Grenadier Guards, SAS and SBS 1935-1958
Born of the Desert: With the S.A.S. in North Africa
Anders Lassen, V.C., M.C., of the S.A.S.
A British Achilles: The Story of George, 2nd Earl Jellicoe KBE DSO MC FRS 20th Century Soldier, Politician, Statesman

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