Karl Kahane
John Robertson

Karl Kahane

SIG (Pte - Cpl)
attached L Det SAS June 1942
1 SAS (D Squadron) 1942-43
SBS (S Det) 1943-44
Town Clerk,Austria prewar
awarded EKII (Iron Cross) in WW1
later 1328 Wing RAF Regiment
My father!
Born: Aug. 1900 - Passed away: June 1974
Was one of the founders of the Paratroopers Unit in the IDF, in which he served from 1948 till 1958.

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John Robertson
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Colonel Paddy
Born of the Desert: With the S.A.S. in North Africa
An Active Service: The Story of a Soldier's Life in the Grenadier Guards, SAS and SBS 1935-1958
A British Achilles: The Story of George, 2nd Earl Jellicoe KBE DSO MC FRS 20th Century Soldier, Politician, Statesman

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