Peter Weaver
John Robertson

Peter Weaver

Philip Humphrey Peter Weaver
born 12.3.1912 Kalimpong,West Bengal,India
resided Bournemouth,Hampshire
son of Humphrey Weaver,Captain,Indian Army (KIA 7.2.1916 in
educated King's School,Bruton
employed by Robinsons of Bristol (paper manufacturer)
Royal Tank Corps 1933-34 (ranks)
owner,cigarette and sweet shop,Bournemouth 1934
owner drycleaners and fruit-machine businesses
boxing promoter
England Hockey Captain
Hampshire cricketer 1938
Royal Engineers (TA) 1937
162 Officer Cadet Training Unit
commissioned in Dorset Regiment
Auxiliary Units
1 SAS (B Squadron) 1943-45 (Lieutenant)
served in Crete postwar
Sudan Defence Force
Royal Berkshire Regiment (served Erirea and Egypt)
British Military Mission in Greece
retired from Army
chicken farmer in Essex
moved to Swanage
married twice (4 daughters - 2 from each marriage)
died 28.6.1991 Poole,Dorset

photo courtesy of Joanna Weaver (daughter)
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