FORCE RECON Allord, Gary C.

John Robertson

Staff member
Gary C.
  • UNIT
1 Recon Bn (E Company) (1 MarDiv)
  • RANK
First Lieutenant
Silver Star
South Vietnam 1970
from Madison, Wisconsin
son of Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Allord, 2835 Mapel Hill Drive, Wausau
attended Madison public schools
1965 graduated West High School
attended University of Wisconsin
also awarded Cross of Gallantry (South Vietnam)


Silver Star : The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to First Lieutenant Gary C. Allord (MCSN: 0-107842), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Platoon Commander with Company E, First Reconnaissance Battalion, FIRST Marine Division, in connection with military operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. On 28 March 1970, while conducting a patrol in a mountainous and heavily jungled area southwest of DaNang, a reconnaissance team from Company E discovered a large North Vietnamese Army base camp. Aware of the vital and detailed information that could be obtained from a prisoner but also realizing that a group of Marines would be more likely to be detected than a single person, First Lieutenant Allord quickly deployed his men into well-concealed emplacements. Advancing alone toward the hostile position, he skillfully evaded several sentries and successfully penetrated fifty meters inside the base amp before approaching an enemy soldier and demanding his surrender. When the soldier refused, First Lieutenant Allord engaged him in vigorous hand-to-hand combat and killed the man to prevent him from alerting his companions. As he withdrew from the base camp, First Lieutenant Allord was observed by one of the enemy who sounded an alarm and led a large force in pursuit. Approaching his team's location, he shouted maneuver instructions to his men then, fully aware of the possible consequences of his action, he boldly turned in full view of the hostile soldiers and, heedless of the rounds impacting all around him, hurled grenades, killing five of the men and stalling the momentum of the pursuit sufficiently to enable his men to deploy up a steep embankment. When the enemy resumed the chase, he again fearlessly faced the soldiers and killed two additional men. The vigor of his attack caused the hostile element to fall into a disorganized retreat, allowing First Lieutenant Allord to rejoin his team and establish a night defensive position and, subsequently, to apprehend a North Vietnamese Army Sergeant. His heroic and determined actions inspired all who observed him and contributed significantly to the success of his team's mission without sustaining a single Marine casualty. By his courage, superb leadership, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of grave personal danger, First Lieutenant Allord upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.

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Force Recon Diary, 1969
By B. H. Norton, Bruce H. Norton
Inside Force Recon: Recon Marines in Vietnam
By Michael Lee Lanning & Ray William Stubbe