Michael Hugh (Mike)
3 Para (B Company)
Military Cross, Mention in Despatches
Northern Ireland 1st February- 30th April 1981 (MiD) Falklands 1982 (MC)
from Beaconsfield
born 1.3.1947 Acomb, York
educated Penwortham County Secondary School, Preston, Lancashire
farm labourer
steel erector
Army 1965
17th Training Regiment 1965
passed commando training 1966
29th Commando Regiment, Royal Artillery
22 SAS 1968-72 (Brunei, Malaysia, Cyprus and Middle East) (Tpr - Cpl)
RMC Sandhurst
commissioned 1973
2 Bn Parachute Regiment (Mortar Platoon + Intelligence Officer)
Staff Officer
3 Bn Parachute Regiment (B Company)
Sultan of Oman's Parachute Regiment (2IC) 1985
award M.B.E. 1986 (for Oman)
Lieutenant Colonel 1989
15th (Scottish Volunteers) Parachute Bn
British Military Mission, Saudi Arabia
SO1 Training, Abu Dhabi
Defence Attache, Rabat, Morocco
retired 2002
resided Bromham, Wiltshire
commercial director, the Stirling Group
married Glynis Butt 1968 (2 children)
married Marie Louise Sfeir 1989 (died)
married Jane Wise 1991 (2 step daughters)
died 20.7.2006
London Gazeete 48756, 5th October 1981, Page 12636 (MiD)
London Gazette 49134, 8th October 1982, Page 12845 (MC)
Military Cross : Major Argue commanded B Company 3rd Battalion The Parachute Regiment throughout the campaign. His leadership, example and skill as a commander were well tested throughout a long, exhausting advance across East Falkland, towards the Brigade Key Objectives. On the night 11th/12th June, his Company had the task of capturing the rocky, fortress-like summit of Mount Longdon, a narrow objective, over 1000 metres in depth. After a swift approach march including several awkward water obstacles, his company approached its objective across very open ground and through moorland known to be mined. They continued to close silently on the mountain top, by now harrassed with fixed line machine gun and indirect fire from the enemy and a foothold was gained into the rocks. For the next ten hours, until first light, the company fought grimly forward, closing with each enemy bunker in turn, and needing all their resources of weaponry, minor tactics and sheer courage to overcome a most determined opponent, dug into the rocks in battalion strength along the Mountain top. Snipers continually impeded attempts at flanking movements, whilst heavy machine gun and 120 mm mortar fire was accurate and sustained. The Company took considerable losses in killed and wounded as it moved forward, but steadily advanced Eastwards along the objective. Major Argue was up with his leading Platoon at all times; inspiring his soldiers by his own courage and example. He was able to report clearly and regularly on a most confused situation, and this greatly helped in the accurate engagement of the enemy with support weapons, artillery, mortar and Naval gunfire.
His courage, leadership and example were an inspiration to his soldiers, whose performance that night outclassed all others.
His courage, leadership and example were an inspiration to his soldiers, whose performance that night outclassed all others.
• https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/48756/supplement/12636 (MiD)• https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/49134/supplement/12845 (MC)
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