PARAS Ashby, Frederick Turrall

John Robertson

Staff member
Frederick Turrall
  • UNIT
6 Bn
  • RANK
Military Cross
Italy 1943-44
son of C.R. and Mrs Ashby,Apethorpe Lodge,Peterborough,Cambridgeshire
educated Stamford School,Lincolnshire (8 years)
graduated London University (B.A.)
attended Leeds University (1 year)
Army in WW2
died 8.2.1998


Military Cross : On 1 Jun. 1944 Lieut. ASHBY was a member of a parachute Force dropped near AVEZZANO behind the enemy lines with orders to operate on the road SORA-AVEZZANO, and force the enemy to withdraw with such speed as to be unable to implement their demolition plan. The enemy reacted quickly and attacked the party on 2 Jun.44. Lieut. ASHBY however, managed to disengage and succeeded in mining the road that night.

On the night of 3 Jun. 44. he again reached the road and attacked a German convoy, two vehicles and passengers being destroyed.

The area was by now full of Germans, and Lieut. ASHBY found that he was unable to reach the supplies dropped to him. The advance of the Allied relieving troops had moreover stopped, and he had no wireless. Lieut. ASHBY kept his party together, and continued to operate until picking up a leaflet dropped by Allied Aircraft ordering him to return, on 7 Jun.44.

This officer is a most determined and courageous fighter, and will not be deterred from his objective. He returned with his complete party except for one man killed, and three captured.


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By Steve Brown
A Winter in Belfast
By David Ellis
Frederick Turrall Ashby

The Military Cross has been awarded to Lieut. Frederick T. Ashby, Army Air Corps, son of Mr.and Mrs. C.R. Ashby of Apethorpe Lodge. Lieut Ashby was at Stamford School for eight years, being head prefect when he left to enter London University, where he gained his B.A. degree. He subsequently spent a year at Leeds University, which he left to enter the Army. The citation reads: On 1 June, Lieut. Ashby was a member of a parachute force dropped near Avezzano behind enemy lines, with orders to operate on the road Sora-Avenzzano and force the enemy to withdraw with such speed as to be unable to implement their demolition plans. The enemy re-acted quickly and attacked the party on 2 June, but Lieut. Ashby managed to disengage and succeeded in mining the road that night. By the night 2 June. Ashby again reached the road and attacked the German convoy, two vehicles and passengers being destroyed. The area was now full of Germans and Lieut. Ashby found that he was unable to reach supplies dropped to him. The advance of the Allied relieving troops had, moreover, stopped and he had no wireless. Lieut. Ashby kept his party together and continued to operate until picking up a leaflet dropped by Allied aircraft ordering him to return on 7 June. Lieut. Ashby showed himself to be a most determined and courageous fighter not to be deterred from his objective. He returned with his complete party except for one man killed and three captured.