GREEN BERETS Buelow, Nathan J.

John Robertson

Staff member
Nathan J.
  • UNIT
10 SF Group (Det A-065,Company C,2 Bn)
  • RANK
Chief Warrant Officer Second Class
Silver Star
Iraq 2006
from Dubuque ,Iowa
born Dubuque, Iowa
entered service 1992
SF 1998
Warrant Officer 2004
former Det A-042
previous awards Bronze Star, M.S.M., A.C.M. (x3)
awarded General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Award 2006
married Erica Hall of Bradenton, Florida


Silver Star : The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918 (amended by an act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Chief Warrant Officer Two (CW2) Nathan J. Buelow, United States Army, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against enemy forces of the United States as Assistant Detachment Commander assigned to Operational Detachment Alpha 065 (ODA-065), Company C, 2d Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne), at Baghdad, Iraq, on 9 July 2006, during combat operations in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. Chief Warrant Officer Two Buelow's valorous actions in close combat saved the lives of United States and Iraqi Special Forces Soldiers, inflicted severe damage on the attacking enemy forces, and led to overwhelming victory by the Detachment. Chief Warrant Officer Two Buelow's performance is in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflects great credit upon himself, the Special Operations Command Central, and the United States Army.

Chief Warrant Officer Two Nathan J. Buelow heroically distinguished himself through conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against enemy forces of the United States as Assistant Detachment Commander assigned to Operational Detachment Alpha 065 (ODA-065), Company C, 2d Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne), at Baghdad, Iraq, on 9 July 2006. During Operation CAELUM in the heart of the As-Shulla neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq, Chief Warrant Officer Two Buelow displayed unparalleled poise and confidence under intense direct small arms and rocket propelled grenade (RPG) fire from a maneuvering enemy. As the assault force leader on this raid, he led three Special Forces officers, nine Special Forces NCOs, and 44 senior Iraqi Special Operations Forces (ISOF) officers and NCOs (Commandos) into three buildings which were tenaciously defended by numerous insurgents. Upon entering the objective area, the entire convoy came under severe enemy fire from all directions. Without hesitation, Chief Warrant Officer Two Buelow took critical initiative and directed his assault force to establish a foothold in a heavily fortified building which they then secured in a matter of minutes. At one point during the movement to the next enemy stronghold, three combatants armed with AK-47s assaulted the western side of the friendly occupied objective. With weapons raised, the insurgents advanced toward Chief Warrant Officer Two Buelow's Communications NCO and acquired the SF Soldier in their sights. With complete disregard of his own life and safety, Chief Warrant Officer Two Buelow assaulted toward the advancing enemy and engaged them, killing the first man and wounding a second insurgent. The battle reached its climax as numerous enemy foot soldiers unleashed nearly overwhelming firepower against the perimeter security elements. Fearlessly exposing himself to enemy fire, Chief Warrant Officer Two Buelow personally directed the mounted .50 caliber machine gunners to volley their fire in order to maintain fire superiority and kill or neutralize dozens of insurgents thus insuring that the friendly perimeter remained intact. After coordinating his movement and fires with the Ground Force Commander, Chief Warrant Officer Two Buelow then organized additional commandos and led a charge into the final structure in pursuit of numerous wounded enemy. In a brief but violent assault, Chief Warrant Officer Two Buelow and his men secured the house, captured the remaining insurgents, and exploited the objective for intelligence. While withdrawing from the objective area, the convoy was caught in a well-coordinated ambush in which the enemy fired numerous RPGs, and AK-47s. In what amounted to a 360 degree ambush, the insurgents unleashed an arsenal of munitions with unmatched ferocity, establishing interlocking fields of fire. Maintaining absolute composure, Chief Warrant Officer Two Buelow maneuvered the entire convoy out of harm's way and then oversaw the evacuation of an ISOF Soldier who has just lost his leg and fingers from a direct RPG hit. Chief Warrant Officer Two Buelow's competence, professionalism, and courage under intense, direct small arms fire were critical to the successful prosecution of the target and preservation of the coalition force. His heroic acts saved the life of a brother-in-arms and brought the men of his detachment home safely. His heroic actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of gallantry and intrepidity, and reflect great credit upon himself, the Special Operations Command Central, and the United States Army.

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