22 SAS Condie, William Thomson (Jock)

John Robertson

Staff member
William Thomson (Jock)
  • UNIT
HQ (Adjutant)
  • RANK
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Dhofar 1973
Lance Corporal - Corporal A Squadron (1 Troop) 1960s
recommended for BEM, awarded DCM


Distinguished Conduct Medal : Ssgt CONDIE was second-on-command of the troop of the British Army Training Team tasked to raise the Firqat Salahadin (FSD), from 28 December 1970 till 28 March 1971. During this time he was heavily involved as the main Arabic speaker in training the group of ex hard-core SFPs. At the end of this period he accompanied the FSD in the capture of the town of Sudh from the Communists and on their first twelve day operation on the Dhofar Jebel. Under frequent mortar and machine gun fire he showed coolness and leadership of the highest order.

On 29 March, 1971, Ssgt CONDIE took over command of his troop and the FSD, now over 100 strong. He led them in another difficult operation searching for a Communist band in the Sudh area.

Having returned from Sudh, within a few days he led a party of FSD in a joint operation with the Muscat Regiment in the central Wadi Nahiz area. The FSD played a major part in the success of this operation.

Finally Ssgt CONDIE led his troop and the FSD on their hardest task yet, in a joint operation with SAF onto Jebel Aram. After a nine hour night approach march which successfully outflanked the enemy picquets, his troop and the FSD came under intense fire from close range at dawn. In the ensuing fire fight he controlled his force with efficiency and coolness, killing at least one and badly wounding another.

Having driven the enemy off, his troop and the FSD moved onto another feature where again they came under fire from close quarters. Again he quickly and efficiently silenced the enemy, killing one. That night Ssgy CONDIE led the FSD on a night ambush. The patrol had a head-on contact with forty enemy at close range, and were then engaged by a further group of twenty for the left flank. The battle lasted thirty minutes with ranges of less than 100 yards throughout. CONDIE successfully extricated the FSD through his troop, from a delicate position. Only one man of the FSD was killed and heavy casualties were inflicted on the main enemy group. A reconnaissance patrol to the area next morning, which again CONDIE controlled, revealed many heavy bloodstains and evidence of bodies having been dragged away. Sources since talk of fifteen casualties.

After three days the FSD finally led the SAF down the jebel in a fast and controlled daylight withdrawal which broke contact cleanly with the enemy.

Throughout this operation Ssgt CONDIE's coolness, determination and disregard for personal safety acted as an example for British and Arab troops alike. His tactical skill and sound judgement enabled him to control both his irregulars and his troop, nearly a company strong on occasions, in a series of difficult and dangerous situations which caused heavy casualties to the enemy and the minimum to our own troops. His calm voice over the radio in the heat of action rallied and steadied his men.

The Firqat Salahadin is well known all over the Middle East. It is alos known to be particularly feared by the Communists on the jebel. The success of the FSD is very largely due to the excellent instruction, leadership, bravery and personal example of this outstanding NCO.

Date of Action : 28 DECEMBER 1970 - 16 MAY 1971


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