- Other Entry
Robert Dyer (Titch)
A Commando
Military Cross
Dieppe 1942
born 7.3.1912
father John Mayo Houghton (1870-1947)
mother Lucy Evelyn (nee Trotman) Houghton (1872-1969)
educated Haileybury School
commissioned R.M. 1930
HMS Malaya
15 M.G. Bn RM
1 Bn RM 1939-41
Holding Operational Commando
A Commando January 1942
POW 19.8.1942 Dieppe
award M.C.
45 Commando (C.O.) 1945
graduated Army Staff College, Camberley 1946
40 Commando (C.O.) 1946-48
awarded O.B.E. 1949
Intelligence Officer to C-in-C South Atlantic
Commando School (C.O.)
C.O. RM Reserves
C.O. 3 Commando Brigade (Colonel) 1957
Major General 1961
Chief of Amphibious Warfare
Major General Royal Marines, Portsmouth
retired 1964
awarded C.B. 1964
Colonel Commandant of the Royal Marines 1973-76
Deputy Lieutenant of East Sussex 1977
married Dorothy Uladh (nee Lyons) 1940 (1912-1995) (3 children)
died 17.1.2011 (Aged 98)
funeral in Laughton, Lewes, Sussex
All Saints Churchyard, Laughton, East Sussex, UK
London Gazette 38508, 7th January 1949, Page 189 (OBE)
Military Cross : On the 19th August 1942 Major Houghton who was 2 i/c Command 40 (RM) Commando during operation 'Jubilee' was ordered to land party from an LCA onto the main beach at Dieppe. On the run in, the LCA in which he was travelling, came under heavy enemy fire, but in spite of this proceeded towards the beach He eventually grounded about 100 yards out. Major Houghton, with complete disregard for his personal safety, was the first to attempt to land. He found the water too deep to achieve a landing, so under heavy fire he re-embarked and gave orders for the LCA to be beached on another position of its shore. This second attempt was successful and on landing Major Houghton immediately organised his party and engaged the enemy with all weapons at his disposal. In spite of overwhelming enemy fire, he only gave up when all other troops in the vicinity had surrendered. After capture, Major Houghton behaved in a manner which exemplified the highest traditions of the Royal Marine Corps. He maintained a high standard of discipline while acting as a company commander in OKay VIIB and by his personal example, stimulated the morale of all troops with whom he came in contact. He was always ready to give every assistance to potential escapees and it was only as a result of medical advice that he did not himself partake in any attempts to escape. By his devotion to duty, personal example, courage and untiring efforts he rendered to his country and corps a service which can seldom have been surpassed.
Recommended for DSO, awarded MC.
Recommended for DSO, awarded MC.
https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/38508/supplement/189 (OBE)https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D7375998 (MC)
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/64465524/robert-dyer-houghtonNATIONAL ARCHIVES:
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