RSR Newton, Guy Geoffrey Frederick

John Robertson

Staff member
Guy Geoffrey Frederick
  • UNIT
  • RANK
Military Cross
Italy 1945
Parent Unit Royal Horse Artillery
born 1919, St Ives, Cambridgeshire, UK
attended Oundle School, Northamptonshire
attended Trinity Hall, Cambridge
died 01.01.1969, Aged 49


Military Cross : Ref Map ITALY 1:25,000, Sheet 88.1.NE FOSSA MARINA

During Op IMPACT ROYAL on 13 Apr 45, 9 Commando with in support No. 4 Sec 12 Tp 'E' Bty R.S.R. comd by Lt. NEWTON carried out a very successful amphibious Op on SW shore of Lake COMMACHIO. This Op last until 17 Apr 45. The intention was to advance to the canal FOSSIA MARINA and capture bridges intact before demolition by the enemy. Lt NEWTON's section was to land from Fantails (LVT Mk IV) at a farm situated on one of the many Argines formed by the enemy flooding the shores of Lake COMMACHIO and give support to the Commando in its attack.

The alternative plan having to be adopted owing to the impossibility of the Fantails to cross the Argine at Canaletta di Bande, Lt NEWTON and his Section landed with the Commando at 'RICE', having been shelled by the enemy on the way in.

On 13 Apr 45 Lt NEWTON carried out some very important shoots on enemy targets in front of the Commando preparatory to a projected Commando attack on night 13/14 Apr 45. This Op was under constant enemy mortar and shell fire but notwithstanding this he shot his guns with great effectiveness.

9 Commando had to attack 3 strongly held enemy localities South of FOSSA MARINA on night 15/16 Apr 45 and Lt NEWTON was ordered to support the attack, which he did with great accuracy and effectiveness, knocking out an A/tk gun.

In the early hours of 15 Apr 45 Lt NEWTON was ordered to move his O.P. well fwd to within 300 yards of the enemy and to engage any opportunity targets and register certain targets for the Commando's 2nd attempt to rush the bridge on night 15/16 Apr 45.

At 2000 hrs, when taking up his O.P., Lt NEWTON captured 2 enemy prisoners from a house that he had chosen to use as his O.P. Soon after this an enemy patrol came over the bridge and was immediately engaged by Lt NEWTON's Section, the only arty that was able to get into action quickly enough to engage the enemy. His fire was so effective and accurate that is broke up the strong enemy patrol that otherwise could have been a great embarrassment to the Commando Troops organising themselves for a night attack.

No movement was possible, as this brought down immediate D.F. fire and enemy Spandau fire from across the canal. Notwithstanding this, Lt NEWTON carried out some very accurate and effective shoots on enemy posns on the North of FOSSA MARINA, silencing Spandau posns and neutralising enemy strongpoints.

During the whole of this Operation, when plans changed with alarming rapidity and we were subjected to constant enemy shell, mortar and machine gun fire, Lt NEWTON organised his Section and shot his guns with such skill and effectiveness that he was instrumental to a large degree for the success of the Commando's Operation.

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