"A" Coy
All sticks of this Coy landed on the DZ with very few exceptions who landed in the very near vicinity in all cases to the EAST of the DZ.
The Coy formed up in the RV which was unoccupied; the first person arriving being Lt G.A. Meen, O.C. No. 2 P1. Approx 30 minutes after the drop we were organized in our RV, our strength being about 70% of normal and we set out for our objective. We encountered seven enemy soldiers on our route to the objective but they were dealt with immediately and did not hold us up at all. Our pace was a fast walk.
We carried on through our objective encountering practically no enemy resistance. About forty prisoners were collected. At this time a pl from B Coy were in the NORTHERN end of this objective. We reported our objective cleared at about 1130 hrs, 1.e. an hour and a half after the drop and took up our coy position, the SOUTHERN end of the village. During this time the remainder of our Coy were reporting in. On a final count we found we had lost 13 in casualties.
There was little or no enemy activity until approx 1430 hrs when about seventy five enemy troops advanced toward our position from the WEST. When they came close enough to be identified we opened fire took sixty four prisoners and left numerous dead and wounded on the field.
About 1530 hrs we sent a patrol of twelve approx to the next village WEST of our position. We used six prisoners as a shield, the village proved to be empty, but we were engaged by mortar from the woods on our left. This force was about ten in strength and we eliminated them with bren fire.
At 1800 hrs a standing patrol, 1 pl strong was sent to area of tooth shaped wood on SOUTHERN edge of the DZ. This patrol remained there until 0600 hrs, 25 MAR 45 when they were relieved by another pl. During the night, there was some mortaring and 20 mm fire on this patrol - four prisoners were captured,
Also at about 1400 hrs, 24 MAR 45 a fighting patrol was sent through the woods NORTH of our area to locate an SP gun reputed to be firing at the 8th Bn. The gun was not located but a German patrol was encountered. We killed 1 enemy, captured one and had no casualties ourselves. This patrol returned approximately 1700 hrs.
On the following day, D 1, 25 MAR 45 a patrol was sent from the standing patrol in the tooth shaped wood across the DZ to check on a group of buildings. Several Germans were killed, we had no casualties.
On the same day D 1 another patrol was sent out from the tooth shaped wood to check a route to the NORTH EAST to be used by the 15th Div. The area was found to be clear of enemy.
All sticks of this Coy landed on the DZ with very few exceptions who landed in the very near vicinity in all cases to the EAST of the DZ.
The Coy formed up in the RV which was unoccupied; the first person arriving being Lt G.A. Meen, O.C. No. 2 P1. Approx 30 minutes after the drop we were organized in our RV, our strength being about 70% of normal and we set out for our objective. We encountered seven enemy soldiers on our route to the objective but they were dealt with immediately and did not hold us up at all. Our pace was a fast walk.
We carried on through our objective encountering practically no enemy resistance. About forty prisoners were collected. At this time a pl from B Coy were in the NORTHERN end of this objective. We reported our objective cleared at about 1130 hrs, 1.e. an hour and a half after the drop and took up our coy position, the SOUTHERN end of the village. During this time the remainder of our Coy were reporting in. On a final count we found we had lost 13 in casualties.
There was little or no enemy activity until approx 1430 hrs when about seventy five enemy troops advanced toward our position from the WEST. When they came close enough to be identified we opened fire took sixty four prisoners and left numerous dead and wounded on the field.
About 1530 hrs we sent a patrol of twelve approx to the next village WEST of our position. We used six prisoners as a shield, the village proved to be empty, but we were engaged by mortar from the woods on our left. This force was about ten in strength and we eliminated them with bren fire.
At 1800 hrs a standing patrol, 1 pl strong was sent to area of tooth shaped wood on SOUTHERN edge of the DZ. This patrol remained there until 0600 hrs, 25 MAR 45 when they were relieved by another pl. During the night, there was some mortaring and 20 mm fire on this patrol - four prisoners were captured,
Also at about 1400 hrs, 24 MAR 45 a fighting patrol was sent through the woods NORTH of our area to locate an SP gun reputed to be firing at the 8th Bn. The gun was not located but a German patrol was encountered. We killed 1 enemy, captured one and had no casualties ourselves. This patrol returned approximately 1700 hrs.
On the following day, D 1, 25 MAR 45 a patrol was sent from the standing patrol in the tooth shaped wood across the DZ to check on a group of buildings. Several Germans were killed, we had no casualties.
On the same day D 1 another patrol was sent out from the tooth shaped wood to check a route to the NORTH EAST to be used by the 15th Div. The area was found to be clear of enemy.