"B" COY NARRATIVE ON "D", "D1" 12 APR 45
We took off at approx 0730 hrs, 24 MAR 45. It was a beautiful day and had all promises of being just as good a jump.
Everyone was in good spirit, excepting Major C.E. Fuller, whom we left at the airfield after waving us all good-bye.
The trip was a 2½ hour plane ride which was uneventful excepting the odd container being jettisoned and altogether a grant experience.
We arrived over the DZ at approx 1000 hrs, 5 minutes early, and all sticks were good.
We only had one who didn't jump. - Pte. Church, L.G.
The DZ was one made halocaust!! Everyone running in all directions, but finally following the NCO's and Officers to the RV.
Plenty hot on the DZ., and quite a number in the coy failed to get to the RV:
Here they Are:
Lt J.J. Brunete
Lt J.L. Davies (cas)
Pte.Coulson, J.
Pte. Nickerson, R.A.
Pte. Dodge, F.E.
Pte. McCarthy, A. (Cas)
Pte. Cahute, N. (Cas)
Pte. McLaughlin
Cpl Veinot P.E. (Cas)
Pte. Carlton, R.H.
Pte. Marsden, L.A.
Pte. Robertson, D.K.
Pte. Elden, A.L.
Cpl. Flynn, C.D.
The Coy formed up in the RV with the usual confusion which is attached to a reorganization. Capt S.W. McGowan--OC had not shown up.
On the Brigadier's order, the Coy was moved to right about 200 yds, and proceeded to dig in.
Capt McGowan showed up, a large hole in his helmet and a slight wound, - and #4 pl proceeded to Bn objective. #5 and #6 Pls did not move off till Capt McGowan went back further, which put #4 P1 about 500 yds in front.
Coy moved through woods in orderly fashion, and each platoon went through with their individual tasks. #4 pl had assaulted and were consolidating when 5 & 6 got to the objective. #5 pl proceeded to cross rds and consolidated. #6 pl mopped up objective and consolidated cross rds. Coy HQ set up on objective.
Sgt Paige captured 98 prisoners with 6 men.
#4 pl shot up a column of Germans on rd and bridge. #5 pl sent out to cover track junc to coy's left about 1000 yds through wood. #6 pl moved over to ground formerly occupied by #5.
Everything looked rosy except the ration situation.
Cpl Flynn, 4 P1 was wounded while clearing out some woods. Pte. McPherson, who was formerly missing turned up with a huge bandage and a wicked wound. Ptes Campbell and Cameron also turned up. Coy spent night cold as is 25 Mar 45.
Pte. Kivinen later turned up on D5.
Day uneventful, with #4 pl relieving #5 in woods. All quiet till approx 2200 hrs where we had some mortars and shells in Coy area.
2IC "B" Coy,
1 Cdn Para Bn.
We took off at approx 0730 hrs, 24 MAR 45. It was a beautiful day and had all promises of being just as good a jump.
Everyone was in good spirit, excepting Major C.E. Fuller, whom we left at the airfield after waving us all good-bye.
The trip was a 2½ hour plane ride which was uneventful excepting the odd container being jettisoned and altogether a grant experience.
We arrived over the DZ at approx 1000 hrs, 5 minutes early, and all sticks were good.
We only had one who didn't jump. - Pte. Church, L.G.
The DZ was one made halocaust!! Everyone running in all directions, but finally following the NCO's and Officers to the RV.
Plenty hot on the DZ., and quite a number in the coy failed to get to the RV:
Here they Are:
Lt J.J. Brunete
Lt J.L. Davies (cas)
Pte.Coulson, J.
Pte. Nickerson, R.A.
Pte. Dodge, F.E.
Pte. McCarthy, A. (Cas)
Pte. Cahute, N. (Cas)
Pte. McLaughlin
Cpl Veinot P.E. (Cas)
Pte. Carlton, R.H.
Pte. Marsden, L.A.
Pte. Robertson, D.K.
Pte. Elden, A.L.
Cpl. Flynn, C.D.
The Coy formed up in the RV with the usual confusion which is attached to a reorganization. Capt S.W. McGowan--OC had not shown up.
On the Brigadier's order, the Coy was moved to right about 200 yds, and proceeded to dig in.
Capt McGowan showed up, a large hole in his helmet and a slight wound, - and #4 pl proceeded to Bn objective. #5 and #6 Pls did not move off till Capt McGowan went back further, which put #4 P1 about 500 yds in front.
Coy moved through woods in orderly fashion, and each platoon went through with their individual tasks. #4 pl had assaulted and were consolidating when 5 & 6 got to the objective. #5 pl proceeded to cross rds and consolidated. #6 pl mopped up objective and consolidated cross rds. Coy HQ set up on objective.
Sgt Paige captured 98 prisoners with 6 men.
#4 pl shot up a column of Germans on rd and bridge. #5 pl sent out to cover track junc to coy's left about 1000 yds through wood. #6 pl moved over to ground formerly occupied by #5.
Everything looked rosy except the ration situation.
Cpl Flynn, 4 P1 was wounded while clearing out some woods. Pte. McPherson, who was formerly missing turned up with a huge bandage and a wicked wound. Ptes Campbell and Cameron also turned up. Coy spent night cold as is 25 Mar 45.
Pte. Kivinen later turned up on D5.
Day uneventful, with #4 pl relieving #5 in woods. All quiet till approx 2200 hrs where we had some mortars and shells in Coy area.
2IC "B" Coy,
1 Cdn Para Bn.