1st SAS reunion 1946
John Robertson

1st SAS reunion 1946

Centre wearing uniform is SSM John Alcock (see Awards)

photo source Jack Paley,Canada via Graham Alcock
Jack Alcock, ex 2 SAS, is located on the central vertical axis with a crease through his face in the top third of the image. He was serving in the parachute regiment at this time.
When I posted this image and said it is the first SAS reunion after the war I meant to say it was the first SAS reunion for 1st and 2cnd SAS-not exclusively for 1st SAS. Thank you.
I have a slightly larger version of this picture in which you can see my father Sgt Joseph Henry "Tim" Robinson of 2 SAS. I know it was taken in the Connaught Rooms in London but would be grateful if anyone knew the date.

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John Robertson
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Anders Lassen, V.C., M.C., of the S.A.S.
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