2 SAS (3 Squadron) group
John Robertson

2 SAS (3 Squadron) group

Op.Galia,Italy 1945 (No 4 stick)
left to right
Pct Bill Whittaker,Pct Dennis,Lt Gibbon,L/Cpl Larley,L/Cpl Danny Ford

photo source Chris Rooney
This is No. 4 stick, with left to right: Pct Bill Whittaker, Pct Dennie, Lt Gibbon, L/Cpl Larley, and L/Cpl Danny Ford.

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John Robertson
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Born of the Desert: With the S.A.S. in North Africa
Colonel Paddy
An Active Service: The Story of a Soldier's Life in the Grenadier Guards, SAS and SBS 1935-1958
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