D. Leigh (grave)
John Robertson

D. Leigh (grave)

Alex Robertson (former Lt 2SAS - C Squadron)
Michael Bligh (David Leigh's nephew)
his widow Ethel's ashes were buried with David
photo source William Oakes
Roll Of Honour
Roll of honour entry
Alex was with David Leigh when he was mortally wounded during an ambush by retreating members of the Afrika Corps in the nearby village of Villaines-les-Prevotes. Alex took him by jeep to Epoisses to see a Maquis doctor in the Berthaut household but sadly David died shortly thereafter.
I attended and paid my respects to David's grave and have also been to Villaines-les-Prevotes and paid my respects to two SAS graves there (1 SAS and 1 Jedburg/Signals attached to SAS) . All had been previously attended by the SAS Association and had a wreath. I met an actual eye witness (who was a boy at the time now and elderly man) to the incident where David was wounded and there were still bullet holes in a metal gate where the incident took place. RIP

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