Distinguished Service Order : Capture of SARANDE, 24 Sep to 17 Oct 44
Lt-Col SANKEY commands 40(RM) Commando. He took this unit over 3 months ago when his predecessor had been killed in action and a number of casualties had occurred in an unsuccessful night attack in the Dalmatian Islands. The morale of the Cdo was below standard and Lt-Col SANKEY's task was to restore discipline and confidence. On 24 Sep Lt-Col SANKEY landed with his Commando in Albania as a component of 'HOUNDFORCE' which had orders to attack and capture the port of SARANDE. Owing to torrential rain which fell almost incessantly for a fortnight, and lack of adequate shelter and means of distributing rations, the hardships endured by the men were considerable. During the whole of this period, however, Lt-Col SANKEY, by his initiative and energy, not only kept the enemy closely under observation, establishing undetected positions within 300 yds of the enemy front line, but also called for, and obtained, superhuman efforts on the part of the troops themselves, so that his forward troops in the front line positions and on a mountain 2,000 ft high, could be rationed and supplied. After nearly three weeks it was possible to initiate the attack on SARANDE and 40 Commando were assigned the task of capturing the heavily wired and mined strongpoints flanking the town as well as the direct attack on the town itself from the WEST. The route up which the Commando was to advance passed through 3 minefields and 4 barbed wire fences, The attack commenced at 04.00 hrs on 9 Oct and by dawn the strongpoint had been captured: but the Commando was held up on the WEST outskirts of the town by MG fire from the windows and doors of houses in SARANDE, and from the hillside above the town. Between 0900 and 1500 hrs Lt-Col SANKEY made numerous visits to exposed positions in the forefront of the battle to ascertain exactly, the location of the enemy defences and to initiate a series of local attacks designed to overcome the various points of resistance in the enemy's system of defences, leading at least three of these himself. At the same time he skilfully utilised the fire of the troop of 75mm guns and the 4.2" mortars which were under his command, to assist his troops to get forward. Although 2 of the troop leaders had been killed and a third gravely wounded Lt-Col SANKEY inspired his whole Commando with a determination to close with and defeat the enemy and in the final assault on the town at1945 hrs Lt-Col SANKEY himself led his unit forward. The town was captured three-quarters of an hour later and the German garrison commander surrendered to Lt Col SANKEY. During the whole period of the battle the Colonel showed complete disregard for personal safety while displaying leadership and determination of the highest order: and the fighting qualities which his unit displayed after the severe conditions of the first three weeks were entirely due to his personal inspiration and energy.
Lt-Col SANKEY commands 40(RM) Commando. He took this unit over 3 months ago when his predecessor had been killed in action and a number of casualties had occurred in an unsuccessful night attack in the Dalmatian Islands. The morale of the Cdo was below standard and Lt-Col SANKEY's task was to restore discipline and confidence. On 24 Sep Lt-Col SANKEY landed with his Commando in Albania as a component of 'HOUNDFORCE' which had orders to attack and capture the port of SARANDE. Owing to torrential rain which fell almost incessantly for a fortnight, and lack of adequate shelter and means of distributing rations, the hardships endured by the men were considerable. During the whole of this period, however, Lt-Col SANKEY, by his initiative and energy, not only kept the enemy closely under observation, establishing undetected positions within 300 yds of the enemy front line, but also called for, and obtained, superhuman efforts on the part of the troops themselves, so that his forward troops in the front line positions and on a mountain 2,000 ft high, could be rationed and supplied. After nearly three weeks it was possible to initiate the attack on SARANDE and 40 Commando were assigned the task of capturing the heavily wired and mined strongpoints flanking the town as well as the direct attack on the town itself from the WEST. The route up which the Commando was to advance passed through 3 minefields and 4 barbed wire fences, The attack commenced at 04.00 hrs on 9 Oct and by dawn the strongpoint had been captured: but the Commando was held up on the WEST outskirts of the town by MG fire from the windows and doors of houses in SARANDE, and from the hillside above the town. Between 0900 and 1500 hrs Lt-Col SANKEY made numerous visits to exposed positions in the forefront of the battle to ascertain exactly, the location of the enemy defences and to initiate a series of local attacks designed to overcome the various points of resistance in the enemy's system of defences, leading at least three of these himself. At the same time he skilfully utilised the fire of the troop of 75mm guns and the 4.2" mortars which were under his command, to assist his troops to get forward. Although 2 of the troop leaders had been killed and a third gravely wounded Lt-Col SANKEY inspired his whole Commando with a determination to close with and defeat the enemy and in the final assault on the town at1945 hrs Lt-Col SANKEY himself led his unit forward. The town was captured three-quarters of an hour later and the German garrison commander surrendered to Lt Col SANKEY. During the whole period of the battle the Colonel showed complete disregard for personal safety while displaying leadership and determination of the highest order: and the fighting qualities which his unit displayed after the severe conditions of the first three weeks were entirely due to his personal inspiration and energy.
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