Roderick Muir Bamford (Rory)
A Squadron (3 Troop) + D Squadron (16 Troop) + 23 SAS (Commanding Officer)
Captain + Lieutenant Colonel
Military Cross, Order of the British Empire, Mention in Despatches
Malaya 1958 (MiD) Oman 1959 (MC) 1977 (OBE)
parent unit Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment (Sherwood Foresters)
born 27.2.1932 Scotland
educated Cheltenham College
graduated RMA Sandhurst
Sherwood Foresters 1952
Intelligence Corps
Assistant Military Attache, Djakarta 1963 (Major)
C.O. 23 SAS 1970s (award OBE)
deputy commander of a military district, England (Brigadier)
accomplished piper
married Susette Aitchison March 1979 (2 sons)
died 17.10.2008
Military Cross : 25th November - 28th December, 1958. Captain Walker was faced with the problem of establishing himself, and the two troops under his command, on the top of a feature rising nearly vertically to just short of 8,000 feet above the plain below. He immediately pushed his way to the top, secured a firm base and succeeded in holding it against determined enemy pressure. The administrative problems in maintaining a base which grew rapidly to nearly 100 strong were stupendous, but by excellent use of his initiative, his personal example and imagination these problems were gradually overcome and strong offensive action undertaken whenever sufficient ammunition and water was available.
The climatic conditions were extremely bad and added to his problems. Heavy rain, snow and temperatures down to 10° F by night were all encountered and overcome.
The administrative build up for offensive operations took some time and during this period extensive reconnaissances were carried out personally by Captain Walker and his troops by night in the no mans land between the FDLs for 6 days and nights. He eventually appreciated that he had insufficient strength to capture the whole position and he decided to carry out a major raid against a very strongly held rebel stronghold. During the raid this officer's calm control and personal bravery encouraged his troops over most formidable natural obstacles which required ropes to climb down and up steep wadis within 50 yards of the rebel positions. He personally accounted for one rebel with a hand grenade after being fired at several times and missed at very close range. Information received from rebel sources later stated that seven had been killed during this raid.
The climatic conditions were extremely bad and added to his problems. Heavy rain, snow and temperatures down to 10° F by night were all encountered and overcome.
The administrative build up for offensive operations took some time and during this period extensive reconnaissances were carried out personally by Captain Walker and his troops by night in the no mans land between the FDLs for 6 days and nights. He eventually appreciated that he had insufficient strength to capture the whole position and he decided to carry out a major raid against a very strongly held rebel stronghold. During the raid this officer's calm control and personal bravery encouraged his troops over most formidable natural obstacles which required ropes to climb down and up steep wadis within 50 yards of the rebel positions. He personally accounted for one rebel with a hand grenade after being fired at several times and missed at very close range. Information received from rebel sources later stated that seven had been killed during this raid.
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/255382937/roderick-muir_bamford-walkerNATIONAL ARCHIVES:
https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D7633568 (OBE)https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D7399695 (MC)
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