RAIDERS Walt, Lewis William

John Robertson

Staff member
Lewis William
  • UNIT
1 Raider Bn (Company A)
  • RANK
Lieutenant Colonel
Silver Star, Navy Cross (twice)
Tulagi 1942 (SS), Cape Gloucester 1944 (NC), Peleliu Island 1944 (NC)
born 16.02.1913, Waubaunsee, Kansas, USA
father Albert Miller Walt (1870-1941)
mother Estella May (nee Shields) Walt (1878-1930)
1936 graduated Colorado State University
06.07.1936 appointed as Marine second lieutenant
04.1937 assigned to 6th Marine Regiment, San Diego, California (machine gun platoon leader)
10.1939 promoted to 1st Lieutenant
12.1941 promoted to Captain
1944 married wife Nancy Mary (nee Sheehan) Walt (1917-2000) (divorced)
2 sons (Lewis W. Walt Jr. (1945-1998) & Lawrence C. Walt), 1 daughter (Mary K. Martin)
1971 married wife June Burkett (nee Jacobsen) Walt
01.02.1971 retired Marine Corps, final rank General
resided Fort Collins, Colorado
died 26.03.1989 (Aged 76), Gulfport, Mississippi, USA
buried Quantico National Cemetery, Quantico, Virginia, USA. Section 17, Site 51B
Lewis Walt enlisted in the Colorado National Guard at the age of 17 and was commissioned an Army second lieutenant in the Field Artillery Reserve. He resigned his commission upon graduation from Colorado State University in 1936 for appointment as a Marine Corps second lieutenant. From January 1, 1968 to January 29, 1971 he served as the 12th Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps and, upon achieving four-star rank, became the first Assistant Commandant to receive four stars. He retired in 1971 as a United States Marine Corps General.


Navy Cross : The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Lieutenant Colonel Lewis William Walt (MCSN: 0-5436), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism while attached to the Third Battalion, Fifth Marines (Reinforced), FIRST Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces in the Borgen Bay Area, Cape Gloucester, New Britain, on 10 January 1944. When all six members of a 37-mm. gun crew were killed or wounded while moving the weapon up the steep slope of a ridge to provide support for advanced assault units pinned down by heavy enemy fire, Lieutenant Colonel Walt unhesitatingly rushed forward alone and, completely disregarding his own personal safety, began to push the gun up the hill. Inspired by his initiative and valor, several other men came to his assistance and laboriously worked their way up the slope in the face of terrific hostile fire until the gun was in position to enfilade the enemy lines. Courageously leading his men against five counterattacks made by the Japanese during the night in an effort to regain control of one end of the ridge, Lieutenant Colonel Walt enabled his forces to repulse the attacks with great losses to the enemy and, resuming the battle the next morning, skillfully directed the battalion in the capture of the entire ridge. By his brilliant leadership and expert tactical knowledge, Lieutenant Colonel Walt contributed materially to the success of our forces in this area and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Navy Cross (Gold Star) : The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting a Gold Star in lieu of a Second Award of the Navy Cross to Lieutenant Colonel Lewis William Walt (MCSN: 0-5436), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism as Executive Officer of the Fifth Marines, FIRST Marine Division, during operations against enemy Japanese forces on Peleliu, Palau Islands, from 15 to 30 September 1944. When the Commanding Officer of the Third Battalion was wounded and the Executive Officer killed during an engagement with the enemy in thick jungle on the evening of 15 September, Lieutenant Colonel Walt assumed command of the Battalion and, by his aggressive and tireless leadership in the face of hostile small-arms, mortar and artillery fire, reorganized the Battalion and enabled it to repulse a heavy Japanese counterattack during the night and push forward to its objective the following morning. On the morning of 20 September, as Regimental Executive Officer, he made his way to the northern tip of the island to direct the installation of a gun and, although under heavy sniper and machine-gun fire, remained at the gun and supervised the firing on a cave until this strong point was neutralized. His courage and inspiring leadership throughout were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Distinguished Service Medal : Lieutenant General Lewis William Walt (MCSN: 0-5436), United States Marine Corps, was awarded the Navy Distinguished Service Medal for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in a position of great responsibility to the Government of the United States as Commanding General, III Marine Amphibious Force and THIRD Marine Division in the Republic of Vietnam from 1965 to 1966. His singularly distinctive accomplishments and his dedicated contributions in the service of his country reflect the highest credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.

Distinguished Service Medal (Gold Star) : General Lewis William Walt (MCSN: 0-5436), United States Marine Corps, was awarded a Gold Star in lieu of a Second Award of the Navy Distinguished Service Medal for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in a position of great responsibility to the Government of the United States as Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps from 1 January 1968 to 29 January 1971. His singularly distinctive accomplishments and his dedicated contributions in the service of his country reflect the highest credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.

Silver Star : The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Captain Lewis William Walt (MCSN: 0-5436), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity while commanding an assault company of the First Marine Raider Battalion during action against enemy Japanese forces on Tulagi, Solomon Islands, 7 August 1942. Exercising keen judgment and distinctive leadership, Captain Walt, with complete disregard for his own safety, directed the attack by his company on a strongly entrenched and cleverly concealed Japanese force, ultimately compelling the enemy to retire. In the same action, observing that several men of his assault force were seriously wounded by hostile fire, Captain Walk, although he, himself, was exposed to intense machine gun and sniper fire, rushed forward and personally dragged two of his men to cover, thereby saving their lives. His inspiring heroism was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Legion Of Merit : Colonel Lewis William Walt (MCSN: 0-5436), United States Marine Corps, was awarded the Legion of Merit with Combat "V" for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States while serving consecutively as Commanding Officer, Fifth Marines, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3, and Chief of Staff, FIRST Marine Division (Rein.), in Korea during the period from 10 December 1952 through 12 April 1953.


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