- 22nd January
Military Cross - Ecrepont, Edward WilliamCapt Marshall was in command of two Troops who were ordered to go to Rotondo. During the night advance one Troop became separated. This officer carried on with his depleted force about two miles behind the enemy lines for 36 hours. During which time lines of communication were cut, four enemy strong posts were wiped out and important information as to the location of an ammunition dump and a tank forming up position was brought back. At one time Capt. Marshall's force was pinned to the ground by fire from tanks. The only line of withdrawal for his force was across a road into a gully. The road was covered by fire from the leading tank. Capt. Marshall himself worked his way round to the tank and armed only with a pistol jumped on to the tank and tried to attack the crew inside. This diversion was sufficient to cause the tank to withdraw, and thus leave the line of withdrawal open to Capt. Marshall's patrol. Throughout this operation Capt. Marshall displayed very great powers of leadership and initiative, and he was instrumental in that the force sustained very few casualties, although causing considerable disruption to the enemy.
Military Cross - O'Brien, John PatrickOn the 22nd Jan 44 after the crossing of the river GARIGLIANO, Capt. Ecrepont was in command of a force consisting of two troops, which had orders to seize and hold the essential feature to the NORTH of MOUNT CASTELLUCCIO. In the face of heavy opposition he gained his objective - and in spite of repeated counter attacks held the position for 36 hours until relieved. In the course of this operation 46 of the enemy were taken prisoner.
The successful capture of this most important feature was made possible by the skilful leadership and determination of Capt. Ecrepont. His complete disregard for his personal safety was a magnificent inspiration to the men under his command.
Military Medal - Gorman, James John22/1/44 Crossing of the GARIGLIANO.
This officer showed great leadership and courage throughout a night patrol in the ROTONDO area. He personally led a small party to form a road block in a position which was covered by enemy S.A. fire. Finding the fire too intense to proceed he placed his party in a position to cover his personal advance, and he himself went forward and silenced an M.G. post with grenades. The road block was then formed and no casualties were sustained.
Three days later, Capt. O'Brien was ordered to take a patrol of 10 in order to discover if enemy forces were forming up in a dry wadi South of CASTELFORTE. The patrol encountered some "S" mines and 7 were badly wounded including himself. After seeing that the wounded were withdrawn safely he himself made his way back to Commando H.Q. to make his report. The distance he travelled was about 2 miles and after making his report he collapsed.
This officer showed great courage, disregard for personal safety and displayed extreme devotion to duty.
Military Medal - Hawkins, Kenneth Scott22/1/44. Crossing of the GARIGLIANO
This N.C.O. was in command of a platoon which were the only Troops on the forward slopes of the DAMIANO feature. His position was being heavily mortared and covered by intense enemy S.A. fire. As it was impossible to move his platoon without sustaining many casualties he himself took two men round to a flank under heavy fire from the enemy, where, with bren gun and two T.S.M.G.'s he forced the enemy to withdraw from their position, causing some casualties. Through his extreme courage and decisive action, he no doubt saved his platoon from further casualties.
Military Medal - Johnson, George Albert Thomas William22/1/44 Crossing of the GARIGLIANO River.
On 22nd Jan 44, north of the River Garigliano, C.S.M. Hawkins led a small patrol consisting of himself and six men. On encountering a German patrol of greatly superior strength he outwitted, by skilful leadership, and succeeded in capturing 12 prisoners.
Later he led out a second patrol and this time returned with a further 18 prisoners. During the whole operation his courage, initiative and coolness were of the highest order and were a fine example and inspiration to the men under his command.
Military Medal - Malcolm, George22/1/44 Crossing of the GARIGLIANO River.
Whilst holding a position NORTH of the river GARIGLIANO on 22nd Jan 44 one man of Corporal Johnson's section was hit by machine gun fire and lay, in the open, badly wounded. Any attempt to reach the injured man was met with intense fire but Cpl. Johnson, completely disregarding his personal safety, went forward. Before he had completed the journey he fell severely wounded in the hip. Undeterred he continued to crawl forward until he reached the wounded man. He then moved him out of direct enemy fire, tended his wounds and remained with him until it was possible under cover of darkness for them both to be brought in.
His action undoubtedly saved the life of his comrade. His personal courage and devotion to duty was a great inspiration to all who saw him.
Military Medal - Patrick, NeilSgt Kinnear was acting in the capacity of Troop Sergeant Major during Operation 'IMPACT' 10-13 Apr 45, and became at once an outstanding figure on the battlefield. In the area of MENATE the Commando met stiff enemy opposition on a narrow front, with the additional hazards of deeply sown minefields. Heavy toll was taken of unit personnel. During this critical period, with morale badly shaken and the success of the operation in the balance, Sgt KINNEAR emerged as a leader of the highest qualities. Tirelessly applying himself to the welfare of his men he moved freely through his section positions, succouring the wounded and exhorting tired men to renewed effort. In so doing he was repeatedly exposed to enemy SA fire, but by demonstrating complete disregard for his own safety he so stimulated the Troop that it was able to resume the attack and capture the objective.
During the many operations carried out by 40 (RM) Cdo from SICILIY to ARGENTA, Sgt Kinnear has been conspicuous by his gallantry.
During an operation on the DALMATION Island of BRAC in June 1944, he was again acting as Troop Sergeant Major. When heavy casualties had been sustained he went out alone over open ground to evacuate many of them under fire. Again in the same action he evacuated two casualties from the middle of a Schu minefield, and later returned to the summit of a hill within easy range of the enemy positions to evacuate wounded left behind in the withdrawal, although he was forced to retire by accurate sniping.
Within his troop and within the unit, Sgt KINNEAR has been a tower of strength. With always a helping hand for the weak, a word of encouragement to the faint hearted and above all, by his own shining example he has upheld the highest traditions of his Corps and of the British SNCO.
22/1/44. Crossing of the GARIGLIANO.
This Corporal accompanied the patrol to ROTONDO. The force was pinned to the ground by enemy small arms fire and was also being engaged by tanks. Despite this, Cpl. Patrick worked his way forward to the road and threw a 77 grenade under an armoured car which was set on fire. He then withdrew his section into a gulley under cover. Later whilst on a night patrol "S" mines were encountered and 7 men were wounded including the officer in command. Cpl. Patrick being the only N.C.O. left, was entirely responsible for organising the evacuation of the wounded despite a German patrol passing within ten yards of him. He himself carried many of the wounded back to safety. Throughout the operation Cpl. Patrick showed extreme courage and was responsible for the saving of many lives.
- op.Flounced (2nd - 4th June)
Military Cross - Wakeling, James DennisLt Beadle, 40 RM Commando, took part in the night attack on Sat 3rd June 1944 on Hill 633, Island of Brac, Adriatic, by 40 and 43 RM Commandos. In this attack his troop captured the hill top almost by themselves, but suffered very heavy casualties. The troop leader was killed, then the 2nd in command.
Lt Beadle, the last remaining officer, took command and pressed forward until the summit was taken. Here he consolidated his position and was violently counter-attacked by the enemy. However he refused to withdraw and finally the hill was retaken by the Germans. Lt Beadle was wounded and fell into the enemy's hands. There is no doubt that but for this young officer's gallant leadership the hill top would probably never have been taken, and but for his stubborn defence and truculent fighting spirit its recapture by a numerically much superior enemy was greatly delayed.
Military Medal - Kinnear, Ernest Athur3/4 June 1944 BRAC.
This Officer was the Troop Commander of the leading Troop in the assault on Pt. 622. During a long approach to the objective under continual fire he kept his Troop well under control and never ceased to encourage them on. He formed his Troop up in most difficult circumstances and pressed home his attack through wire and mines under particularly heavy fire. His Troop successfully reached their objective killing numbers of the enemy and taking prisoners. He then reorganised his Troop under heavy mortar fire and beat off a counter attack. Only when he found himself surrounded by Germans, out of touch with Headquarters, and running short of ammunition did he order his Troop to withdraw. This he succeeded in doing with remarkably small losses. His example and high standard of leadership were largely responsible for the success of his T....
Sgt Kinnear was acting in the capacity of Troop Sergeant Major during Operation 'IMPACT' 10-13 Apr 45, and became at once an outstanding figure on the battlefield. In the area of MENATE the Commando met stiff enemy opposition on a narrow front, with the additional hazards of deeply sown minefields. Heavy toll was taken of unit personnel. During this critical period, with morale badly shaken and the success of the operation in the balance, Sgt KINNEAR emerged as a leader of the highest qualities. Tirelessly applying himself to the welfare of his men he moved freely through his section positions, succouring the wounded and exhorting tired men to renewed effort. In so doing he was repeatedly exposed to enemy SA fire, but by demonstrating complete disregard for his own safety he so stimulated the Troop that it was able to resume the attack and capture the objective.
During the many operations carried out by 40 (RM) Cdo from SICILIY to ARGENTA, Sgt Kinnear has been conspicuous by his gallantry.
During an operation on the DALMATION Island of BRAC in June 1944, he was again acting as Troop Sergeant Major. When heavy casualties had been sustained he went out alone over open ground to evacuate many of them under fire. Again in the same action he evacuated two casualties from the middle of a Schu minefield, and later returned to the summit of a hill within easy range of the enemy positions to evacuate wounded left behind in the withdrawal, although he was forced to retire by accurate sniping.
Within his troop and within the unit, Sgt KINNEAR has been a tower of strength. With always a helping hand for the weak, a word of encouragement to the faint hearted and above all, by his own shining example he has upheld the highest traditions of his Corps and of the British SNCO.
- 24th September to 17th October
Capture of SARANDE, 24 Sep to 17 Oct 44
Lt-Col SANKEY commands 40(RM) Commando. He took this unit over 3 months ago when his predecessor had been killed in action and a number of casualties had occurred in an unsuccessful night attack in the Dalmatian Islands. The morale of the Cdo was below standard and Lt-Col SANKEY's task was to restore discipline and confidence. On 24 Sep Lt-Col SANKEY landed with his Commando in Albania as a component of 'HOUNDFORCE' which had orders to attack and capture the port of SARANDE. Owing to torrential rain which fell almost incessantly for a fortnight, and lack of adequate shelter and means of distributing rations, the hardships endured by the men were considerable. During the whole of this period, however, Lt-Col SANKEY, by his initiative and energy, not only kept the enemy closely under observation, establishing undetected positions within 300 yds of the enemy front line, but also called for, and obtained, superhuman efforts on the part of the troops themselves, so that his forward troops in the front line positions and on a mountain 2,000 ft high, could be rationed and supplied. After nearly three weeks it was possible to initiate the attack on SARANDE and 40 Commando were assigned the task of capturing the heavily wired and mined strongpoints flanking the town as well as the direct attack on the town itself from the WEST. The route up which the Commando was to advance passed through 3 minefields and 4 barbed wire fences, The attack commenced at 04.00 hrs on 9 Oct and by dawn the strongpoint had been captured: but the Commando was held up on the WEST outskirts of the town by MG fire from the windows and doors of houses in SARANDE, and from the hillside above the town. Between 0900 and 1500 hrs Lt-Col SANKEY made numerous visits to exposed positions in the forefront of the battle to ascertain exactly, the location of the enemy defences and to initiate a series of local attacks designed to overcome the various points of resistance in the enemy's system of defences, leading at least three of these himself. At the same time he skilfully utilised the fire of the troop of 75mm guns and the 4.2" mortars which were under his command, to assist his troops to get forward. Although 2 of the troop leaders had been killed and a third gravely wounded Lt-Col SANKEY inspired his whole Commando with a determination to close with and defeat the enemy and in the final assault on the town at1945 hrs Lt-Col SANKEY himself led his unit forward. The town was captured three-quarters of an hour later and the German garrison commander surrendered to Lt Col SANKEY. During the whole period of the battle the Colonel showed complete disregard for personal safety while displaying leadership and determination of the highest order: and the fighting qualities which his unit displayed after the severe conditions of the first three weeks were entirely due to his personal inspiration and energy.
- Seizure of Island of Solta
Military Medal - Palmer, Ernest Edward
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