Source : National Archives ADM 202/87
Note i have added 'Roll of Honour' and 'Awards' to each year of the diary.
Please let me know if any typing errors or errors to the text found.
Officer Commanding, Lt.Col.J.P.Phillipps.
Capt. J.C.Manners commanded on 18 Feb.
Major.R.D.Houghton commanded on the 19 Feb & 24 Feb respectively.
Note i have added 'Roll of Honour' and 'Awards' to each year of the diary.
Please let me know if any typing errors or errors to the text found.
London | 4 Feb 42 | a.m. | Capt.P.W.C.Hellings. D.S.C., detached from 3 R.M. for duty at R.M. Office, informs Capt(A/Major) J.P.Phillipps serving at Staff College Camberlay or requirements for R.M. Commando War Establishments | |
London | 7 Feb 42 | -- | Major J.P.Phillipps visits R.M.Office and Office of Commodore Combined Operation.(Lord Louis Mountbatten) to discuss staff requirements and R.M. Commando War Establishments. | See Appendix A. |
London | 12 Feb 42 | -- | Major J.P.Phillipps attached to R.M.Office for duty from Staff College Camberley. Signal made to Home Fleet and formations and units serving in U.K. | |
Deal | 14 Feb 42 | 1745 | Major J.P.Phillipps, Capt(A/Major)R.D.Houghton, Capt J.C.Manners, Capt.Hellings, D.S.C., Lieut.A.D.Comyn and 100 O.R.'s (approx) arrive to start formation of Unit. Draft of G.1098 equipment table given to Major J.P.Phillipps. | Major.R.D.Houghton from 15(M.G) Bn,R.M.; Capt J.C.Manners from Chatham Div. Lieut.A.D.Comyn from R.M.M.S. Thurlestone |
Deal | 15 Feb 42 | 0900 | N.C.O.'s and men detailed to sub units. Lieut. D.E.M.B.Tod and Lieut.H.O.Huntington-Whiteley report for duty. Further drafts arrive 72 O.R.'s from 101 R.M.Bde. Beach Engineers Bn. R.M.T.T.Depot | Lieut.D.E.M.B.Tod from Portsmouth Division. Lieut.H.O.Huntington-Whiteley from Chatham Division. |
Deal | 16 Feb 42 | 0815 | Training starts. Further drafts (25 O.R.'s) arrive from R.M.Sisge Regt. Plymouth Division and 18(Mob)Bn. Lieut.M.J.Ephraums reports for duty. | Lieut.M.J.Ephraums from H.M.S. Cumberland. |
Deal | 17 Feb 42 | a.m. | 40 O.R.'s returned to units at own request. Most men were under impression (a) The unit would be formed for short time only or (b) There was extra pay when serving with R.M. Commando | Few of men returned, if any, worthy of retention. |
1700 | Draft arrives from Portsmouth Division 11 O.R.'s. Draft from 12 R.M. and Sussex Bty, 2 C.A.Regt. 28 O.R.'s arrives. Lieut.N.E.S.Maude reports for duty. | Lieut.N.E.S.Maude from Holding Bn. Deal. | ||
Deal | 18 Feb 42 | 0800 | Major.Phillipps and Major.Houghton visit R.M.Office to discuss formation of Signal Pl. and other administrative details. Arrangements are made for R.M.Commando to remain a Deal until 23 March 42. | |
1800 | Ty Lieut.(A/Ty Capt) R.K.Deveraux reports for duty. | Capt.R.K.Deveraux from 104 (Trg) Bde. 20 Bn R.M. | ||
2100 | Major.Houghton returns. | |||
Deal | 19 Feb 42 | a.m. | Draft G.1098 returned ammended to O.S.I.a for publication. | |
p.m. | Major.Phillipps returns from London | |||
2100 | Trg conference, arrangements made for Demolitions course at H.M.S. Pembroke. | |||
Deal | 20 Feb 42 | p.m. | 2nd/Lieu.I.C.McKellar and 10 O.R.'s. 8 Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders report for duty. Draft arrives from 102 Bde 38 O.R.'s.. Lieut.H.W.F.Grant-Dalton reports for duty. | S A & S.H. from 102 R.M. Bde. Lieut.H.W.F.Grant-Dalton from Portsmouth Division. |
Deal | 21 Feb 42 | 1100 | Owing to many units not having given leave recently permission is sought and granted from R.M.Office for R.M.Commando to have one weeks leave in early March. 30 O.R.'s returned to Unit, they being no longer volunteers. | |
Deal | 22 Feb 42 | 0900 | R.M.Commando paraded for Forced march. | Route march carried out at a rapid rate. 128-130-paces/min. Route; DEAL-SHOLDEN-GT MONGEHAM-WALMER-DEAL. |
p.m. | Lieut.D.L.Barclay reports for duty. | Lieut.D.L.Barclay from H.M.S. Norfolk | ||
After one week chief difficulties appear to be mainly Administrative. They are due to (a) Lack of trained Administrative N.C.O.'s. (b) The fact that troops had arrived even before the nucleus of the staff. These factors caused a lag which was not caught up until the end of the first week. | ||||
Deal | 23 Feb 42 | 0900 | Close Sp.Pl. to instruction by 5 DORSETS. Loan of one 3" Mortar for training. Range programme agreed on with I. of S.A. Deal. | |
1700 | Lt.Colonel.Phillipps visits 130(Inf)Bde to arrange for Field Firing Range. | |||
Deal | 24 Feb 42 | 0800 | Lt.Colonel.Phillipps visits R.M.Office to discuss methods of obtaining G.1098 equipment. Further increase of allocations from units to R.M.Commando. Ty/Lieut.E.W.Ecrepont reports for duty. Lieut.J.E.Stiebel reports for duty. | 104(Trg)Bde. 60. O.R's. 12 R.M. Bn. 20. O.R's 103 Bde. 20. O.R's Ty/Lieut.E.W.Ecrepont from 9.R.M. Bn. Lieit.J.E.Stiebel from H.M.S. Nelson. |
Deal | 25 Feb 42 | 0800 | Range courses begin. A Coy and Mortar Pl. Trg ammunition arrives from S.A.S.O. Chatham. | |
p.m. | Ty/Lieut.J.W.E.Bradley reports for duty. | Ty/Lieut.J.W.E.Bradley from 15(M.G.) Bn. R.M. | ||
Deal | 26 Feb 42 | 0900 | Lt.Colonel.Phillipps, Major.Houghton, and the Adjutant recce field firing range on SANDWICH flats. A Coy completes range course. Close Sp. Pl. fire 3" Mortar. | |
Deal | 27 Feb 42 | a.m. | Draft 20 O.R's arrive from 103 Bde. Draft 26 O.R's from R.M. Signal School comprising complete Signal Pl/ arrive. Pl. formed and trained for 5 days at R.M. Signal School. | |
Deal | 28 Feb 42 | a.m. | 9 O.R's arrive from Chatham Division, these replace men returned earlier at own request. Lt.Colonel.Phillipps and 7 officers to view field firing range and makes final arrangements. X Coy complete range course. |
Capt. J.C.Manners commanded on 18 Feb.
Major.R.D.Houghton commanded on the 19 Feb & 24 Feb respectively.