Source : National Archives ADM 202/87
Note i have added 'Roll of Honour' and 'Awards' to each year of the diary, the awards section is not fully completed.
Please let me know if any typing errors or errors to the text found.
Note i have added 'Roll of Honour' and 'Awards' to each year of the diary, the awards section is not fully completed.
Please let me know if any typing errors or errors to the text found.
Source : National Archives ADM 202/87
Commanding Officer. Lt. Col. J.C. Manners, R.M.
Major. P.W.C. Hellings commands from 14/1/43 to a.m. 16/1/43 + 19/1/43 to a.m. 21/1/43.
I.O.W. | 1 Jan 44 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. Route March. Cliff Climbing and administration. | |
I.O.W. | 2 Jan 44 | 2400 | Rain | Exercise "Consort" commended 0700 hrs today. Owing to rough sea R.M. Cdo was unable to land on proposed beach used by division. | |
I.O.W. | 3 Jan | 2400 | Fair | Four F.W.190's bombed & machine gunned Shanklin. No casualties amongst R.M. Cdo working parties formed to dig and rescue civilians. | Each F.W.190 carried one bomb. Major P.W.C. Hellings to Deal on duty. |
I.O.W. | 4 Jan | 1800 | Cloudy | Whaler pulling, cliff climbing and route march. Administration. | |
I.O.W. | 5 Jan | 1800 | Rain | Run & Walk. Mortars to Vickers instruction Exercise "Lemnos" cancelled. | Major Hellings returns from Deal. |
I.O.W. | 6 Jan | 1800 | Rain | Field Firing at Cheverton cancelled because of mist. Unit Trg. | |
I.O.W. | 7 Jan | 2000 | Cloudy | Rehearsal for Brigadier Laycocks visit. Trg Conference attended by all Tp Comds, I.O.,M.O.,S.O.. Discussion on experimental rations. | |
I.O.W. | 8 Jan | 2000 | Fair | Visit by Brigadier Laycock, Major Franks and Capt. Holmes. Lt. McKellar, 2/Lt.Laidlaw and 18 O.R's to exercise on mainland. | Copy of detail attached. |
I.O.W. | 9 Jan | 1800 | Rainy & Wild | Unit Training. Run and Walk. | |
I.O.W. | 10 Jan | 1800 | Fair | Sunday Routine. Administration. | From Mon. 11/1/43. Young officers to driving instruction. |
I.O.W. | 11 Jan | 1800 | Fair | Cliff Climbing, Rubber Recce Dinghy drill Platoon attack by X Tp. 15 mile route march. | Sand table erected for military instruction. |
I.O.W. | 12 Jan | 1800 | Rain | H.Q. Exercise. Route march & Cliff climbing. | |
I.O.W. | 13 Jan | 1800 | Rain | Field Firing at Cheverton Range. Cooperation with Mortars, P,Q & X Tps. | |
I.O.W. | 14 Jan | 2400 | Fair | Unit Trg. Night exercise Lemnos 11. A,X & B defenders. P,Q,Y & Mortars attacking. | Lt. Col. J.C. Manners to Sherborne. Major P.W.C. Hellings commands. |
I.O.W. | 15 Jan | 1800 | Fair | Rubber Dinghy drill. Route March. Trg Conference attended by all Tp Comd and S.O. | During past week lectures on German Army given by I.O. to all troops. |
I.O.W. | 16 Jan | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg and administration. Tank hunting drill. | Lt. Col. J.C. Manners resumes command. |
I.O.W. | 17 Jan | 2400 | Cloudy | Sunday Routine. Ventnor bombed and machine gunned by F.W. 190's One Commando casualty. | Working parties clear wreckage. Mne. A.T. Malcolm to hospital. |
I.O.W. | 18 Jan | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. Night shoot. Tank hunting drill. | I. Section to exercise "Owl" |
I.O.W. | 19 Jan | 1800 | Fair | Night shoot at Cheverton, Unit Trg and Tank Hunting drill. | Lt.Col. Manners and Capt. D.L. Barclay to London. Major Hellings in command. Lieut. Wildey perform duty as Adjutant. |
I.O.W. | 20 Jan | 1800 | Fair | Shanklin area bombed & machine gunned by M.E. 109's and F.W. 190's. No casualties. | Exercise "Owl" ends. |
I.O.W. | 21 Jan | 2000 | Fair | Cliff climbing. Route match and administration. Night exercise Lemnos11. | Lt.Col. Manners resumes command. |
I.O.W. | 22 Jan | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. Trg Conference attended by 2 i/c, Adjt and all Tp Comd. S.O.,I.O. | |
I.O.W. | 23 Jan | 1800 | Fine | F.A.F. rescue put into Shanklin. Beach machine gunned by F.W. 190. One dead, five injured. R.M. Cdo lifted casualties from launch and took them to hospital. Unit Trg. | |
I.O.W. | 24 Jan | 1800 | Cloudy | Sunday Routine. No incidents. | |
I.O.W. | 25 Jan | 2400 | Fair to Rainy | Unit Trg. Night location exercise for A & Q Tps. Mines exploded on Shanklin beach. | Demolition commences at Cdo H.Q. under Capt Homes S.S. Bde. Also Cliff Climbing demonstrations R.M. 41 Commando. |
I.O.W. | 26 Jan | 1800 | Fair & Squally | Cliff Climbing. Tank Trapping. Night location exercise by P & X Tps. | |
I.O.W. | 27 Jan | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg & admin. Night location exercise by P & Y Tps. Ex. by Mortars and I.Sec againts D.C.L.I. and H.G. | Security lecture by Capt. Wakefield. to all Commando at 1715 hrs in Town Hall. |
I.O.W. | 28 Jan | 2400 | Rainy to Fair | Unit Trg. Night ex. AKAR. P,Y & Q attacking. B,X,A, & Mortars defending. | |
I.O.W. | 29 Jan | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. No trg conference for forthcoming week because of leave arrangements. | C/Sgt. E.H.Jordan appointed Ty Sgt. Major for R.M. Commando. |
I.O.W. | 30 Jan | 1800 | Fine, low cloud | Gas tests with new respirators. Unit Trg. | |
I.O.W. | 31 Jan | 1800 | Cdo proceeds on leave tomorrow. 3 batches. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Sunday Routing. |
Major. P.W.C. Hellings commands from 14/1/43 to a.m. 16/1/43 + 19/1/43 to a.m. 21/1/43.
I.O.W. | 1 Feb | First party of the Commando commences eight days leave. | Lt. O'Brien commanded from 3 Feb, to 7 Feb; Capt. Barclay commanded from 8 Feb to 10 Feb; Lt.Col. Manners resumed command on the 11th. | ||
I.O.W. | 10 Feb | Last leave party returns from eight days leave. Lt. Neale to War Intelligence Course at Matlock, Derbyshire. | |||
I.O.W. | 11 Feb | 2000 | Cloudy | Unit Trg and administration. | |
I.O.W. | 12 Feb | 2100 | Cloudy | Ex. "SHRIMP". A & B Tps, temp. attached to Commando Depot. | Rev. G.C.P.H.Briggs joined from H.M.S. Fox. |
I.O.W. | 13 Feb | 1800 | Warm & Cloudy | Unit Trg. Newtown Rifle range for "Y" Tp and Mortars. Enemy aircraft activity - no damage. | |
I.O.W. | 14 Feb | 2100 | " | Sunday Routine. | |
I.O.W. | 15 Feb | 1800 | " | P & Q TPs commenced march to Nottingham. Aim to march 25 to 30 miles a day. H.Q. party u/c Doctor also on march. | Lt.Col. Manners moved to Dalditch. Major Hellings in command. |
I.O.W. | 16 Feb | 1900 | Warm | Reports received from marching parties. P & Q arrived WHITCHURCH Hants. H.Q. arrived WINCHESTER Hants. Unit Trg and administration. | |
I.O.W. | 17 Feb | 2000 | Cloudy | Ex. "SPLASH" cancelled. M.G. course started for 2 secs Mortar Pl. Reports received from marching parties. P. Tp arrived DIDCOTT Berks, Q. Tp arrvied EAST ILSLEY, Berks. Four F.W's 190. bombed and machined gunned SHANKLIN. No casualties amongst R.M. Cdo. Working parties formed to rescue civilians. | Capt. Maude and 5 O.R's detached to 2 Canadian Corps Troop R.E. Lt.Col. Manners resumes command. |
I.O.W. | 18 Feb | 2000 | Warm | Unit Trg. Admin. Retard parties A & B Tps to Cdo Depot. Major Hellings moved to Oxford. Working parties assisting to clear air-raid damage. | |
I.O.W. | 19 Feb | 1900 | Warm | Capt. McKellar moved to Sherborne. Report received from P & Q Tps - they are at Daventry Northants. Working parties assisting to clear air-raid damage. | |
I.O.W. | 20 Feb | 2100 | Cloudy | Unit Trg & Admin. Report received from Q Tp. - they are within 12 miles of Leicester. | Capt. McKellar returns from Sherborne |
I.O.W. | 21 Feb | 1100 | Cloudy | Sunday Routine. Report received from marching parties. P.Tp at LONG EATON. Leics. M.O. at Southam, Northants | Lt. Col. Manners moved to SPEAN BRIDGE on duty. Major Hellings in command. |
I.O.W. | 22 Feb | 2000 | Cloudy | Range construction commenced u/c Adjt. P. Troop arrived CHESTERFIELD. Q. Troop arrived NOTTINGHAM. H.Q. party arrived back at Cdo H.Q. | |
I.O.W. | 23 Feb | 1600 | Cloudy | 13 Ranks arrive from R.M.I.T.C. Unit Trg. Range construction continues. Funeral of victims of air-raid. R.M. Cdo represtented u/c Major Hellings. Capt. McKellar and Lt. Waterworth moved to Bisley. | |
I.O.W. | 24 Feb | 1600 | Warm | Field Firing at Cheverton Range. Range construction continues. P,Q Tps. arrived back at Cdo H.Q. Unit Trg. | Lt.Col. Manners resumes command. Capt. McKellar and Lt. Waterworth returns. |
I.O.W. | 25 Feb | 1900 | Warm | Range construction continues. Unit Trg and Admin. Administrative conference at Cdo H.Q., 2 i/c, A.O.,S.O.,Q.M., Adjt, R.S.M., O.R.Sgt attend. | |
I.O.W. | 26 Feb | 1600 | Warm | Range construction continues. Unit Trg and Admin. H.Q. Tp to drill. | |
I.O.W. | 27 Feb | 1800 | Warm | Range construction continues. Unit Trg and Admin. | |
I.O.W. | 28 Feb | 1900 | Warm | Sunday Routine. |
Major. P.W.C. Hellings, R.M. D.S.C., commanded from 15 Feb to 17 Feb and from 21 Feb to 24 Feb.
Capt. D.L. Barclay R.M. commanded from 8 Feb to 10 Feb.
Lt. J.D.O'Brien R.M. commanded from 3 Feb to 7 Feb.
1 March | 2000 | Warm | Unit Training and Administration. P.M.Practice for Wednesday's inspection by the A.G.R.M. A.A.Recognition Course commenced at Cdo. HQ-3 ranks per Troop. |
2 March | 1800 | Cloudy | Refresher Course for M.M.G. at Cdo.Hq. Unit Training and Administration. R-Boat training for Q Tp. |
3 March | 2000 | Cloudy | Unit Training and Administration. R-Boat Training for P Tp. Inspection of Commando by A.G.R.M.Lieut.Copsey to Aircraft Recognition Course, Albury. |
4 March | 1800 | Warm | Exercise Operation "Snipe" Sniper's Refresher Course commenced. Aircraft Recognition Course ended. |
5 March | 2000 | Warm | Exercise "Delight" took place, landing postponed from 1345hrs. to 1500hrs. |
6 March | 1900 | Warm | Unit Training and Administration. Training Conference attended by Tp.Comds. 2i/c S.O. N.C.O. i/c Mortars. |
7 March | 1900 | Warm | Sunday Routine. Enemy air activity, no damage or casualties locally. Q and X Tps. commenced refresher course for Depot. |
8 March | 2100 | Warm | A.M. HQ Signal Exercise for Unit training and Administration. 2nd.Lieut.M.C.Brockbank joined the unit from 104(Trg)Bde. |
9 March | 1800 | Warm | 3" Mortar Course commenced for Cooks and Pioneers. Unit Training. Capt.Maude and 2nd.Lieut.Hill away on duty. Lieut.O'Brien to command. |
10 March | Warm | Unit Training and Administration. Exercise "Splash" commenced. M.G.Course ends. | |
11 March | 2000 | Cloudy | Exercise "Splash" ended. Conference at Cdo.HQ on Exercise "Albion". Capt.Deveraux and Capt.McKellar moved to Sherborne on duty. 2nd.Lieut.Chapman commands B Troop. Lieut.Laidlaw commands Y Troop. Training film shown at Cdo.HQ. |
12 March | 1800 | Warm | C.O. S.O. Lieut. Chiverall and 18 O.R's moved A.M. to concentration area for Exercise "Albion". Major Hellings in command. Exercise "Albion" commenced P.M. Capt.Barclay and 4 N.C.O.'s moved to Ringway for course. Lieut.Ecrepont to do duties of Adjutant. Anti-Invasion Exercise cancelled. |
13 March | 2000 | Warm | Unit Training and Administration. 6 ranks joined from I.T.C. Training Conference attended by Tp.Comds. and N.C.O. I/c Mortars. |
14 March | 2100 | Warm | Sunday Routine. C.O. S.O. Lieut.Chiverall and 18 O.R's arrived back from Exercise "Albion". |
15 March | 1900 | Warm | Lieut.Colonel Manners resumes command. Working Party of 1 SNCO and as many marines as possible from A Tp. to SWISS COTTAGE 9514. daily until Saturday. 20/3/43. Working Party 1 SNCO and 20 mnes. from Y. Tp. for Range Construction. Field Firing at CHEVERTON cancelled. Unit Training. Aircraft Recognition course commenced u/c Lieut.Laidlaw at SHANKLIN. 3 ranks per Troop. |
16 March | 1800 | Warm | Sniper's Course commenced at SHANKLIN u/c Sgt.Williams. Working Party 1 SNCO and 20 mnes. from B Troop for Range Construction. Lieut.Colonel Manners, Lieut.Wildey,C/Sgt.Thursfield to H.B.L. on duty. Major Hellings in command. Q and X Tps to Commando Depot for training. |
17 March | 2000 | Cloudy & Misty | Lieut.Colonel Manners resumes command. Working Party 1 SNCO and 20 men from Y Tp. for range construction. 2nd.Lieut.Brockbank and 300.R.'s to H.M.S. "Sea Serpent"for course. Ex."Whale"to exercise Mortar Pl. HQ Indoor Exercise. |
18 March | 1900 | Warm | Working Party 1 SNCO and 20 mnes. from P Troop for Range construction. Signallers to Grenade firing A.M. Indoor TEWT for all SNCO's. |
19 March | 1900 | Cloudy | 1 Officer and 25 O.R.'s to THORNEY ISLAND to liase with R.A.F. Return same day. Talk by Capt.Ephraums to Officers and N.C.O.'s of P and Y Tps. about Commando Depot. Unit Training and Administration. |
20 March | 1900 | Cloudy | Sunday Routine. P and Y Tps. commence Depot Refresher Course. |
21 March | 1800 | Warm | Field Firing at CHEVERTON. Lieut.Neale and Lieut.Morgan to demonstration. Concert by Portsmouth Division R.M.Band at SHANKLIN Town Hall. |
22 March | 1900 | Cloudy | HQ Signal exercise(Indoors) 30 all ranks to NEWPORT for special showing of film "Desert Victory". A.F.V.Recognition Course commenced at Cdo.HQ. 2 ranks per Troop. Lieut.Neale and Lieut.Morgan returned. |
23 March | 2200 | Cloudy & Foggy | Unit Training and Administration. Capt.McKellar to course at BARNARD CASTLE. |
24 March | 2100 | Cloudy & Rain | Unit Training and Administration. |
25 March | 1900 | Cloudy | Unit Training and Administration. |
26 March | 1900 | Cloudy | Unit Training and Administration. Capt.Ephraums to Beach Organisation Course. Lieut.Copsey from Aircraft Recognition Course. 1 SNCO and 20 mnes. from P Troop for Working Party. Capt.Deveraux reposted. |
27 March | 2000 | Cloudy & Rain | Capt.E.A.Savory joined Commando from Beach Bn. Unit Training and Administration. 2nd.Lieut.Brockbank, 1 SNCO and 20 mnes from Tempy.Attached H.M.S."Sea Serpent". |
28 March | 2000 | Warm | Sunday Routine. 2nd.Lieut.Brockbank and 30 O.R.'s A Tp. will visit H.M.S."Sea Serpent" for one week. |
29 March | 1800 | Cloudy & Rain | Capt.Savory ends 40 R.M.Commando. Unit Training and Administration. Hq Signal Exercise(Indoors) |
30 March | 1700 | Fair Warm | Capt.D.Lovat Barclay from R.A.F.Station RINGWAY Manchester,P.M. 29/3/43 Training and Administration. |
31 March | 2000 | Fair Warm | Training and Administration. |
Major P.W.C.Hellings,D.S.C.,R.M. in command 12/3/43-14/3/43 and 16/3/43
I.O.W. | 1 Apr | 1800 | Dull, Windy | A.B.P.Y.Tps. & Mortars to CHEVERTON field firing. Administration. Q & X Tps. return from Commando Depot. |
I.O.W. | 2 Apr | 1800 | Fine, Warm | Lieut.J.C.Beadle from course. Lieut.Ecrepont to be A/Ty/Capt.Training.Administration. |
I.O.W. | 3 Apr | 1800 | Fine, Warm | Cdo. prepares to move. No routine. No move orders to be issued until Sun.11/4/43. |
IRVINE | 11 Apr | 1800 | Showery | Capt.E.W.Ecrepont to command B Tp. commencing a.m. 27/3/43. Sunday routine. |
IRVINE | 12 Apr | 1800 | Fair | 2nd.Lieut.J.A.Smith and 2nd.Lieut.J.J.Wisdom join unit from Thurlestone. 2nd.Lieut.Brockbank returns. Temp.Att.H.M.S."Sea Serpent". Capt.Ephraums from course. Training and Administration. |
IRVINE | 13 Apr | 1800 | Fair | Capt.I.C.McKellar from course. Training. Administration. |
IRVINE | 14 Apr | 1800 | Bright Periods | Lieut.A.M.Berfiff to comp.leave from p.m. 12/4/43. Training and Administration. |
IRVINE | 15 Apr | 1800 | Fine, Warm | Temp.Surg.Liuet.N.W.Pryde,R.N.V.R. promoted A/Ty/Surg.Lieut.Cdr. |
IRVINE | 16 Apr | 1800 | Fine, Warm | Unit Training and Administration |
IRVINE | 17 Apr | 1800 | Fair | do. |
IRVINE | 18 Apr | 1800 | Showery | Church Parade. Lieut.J.A.Smith and Lieut.J.J.Wisdom move to Commando Depot. Sunday Routine. |
IRVINE | 19 Apr | 1800 | Fine | Indoor Signal Ex.L.M.G.'s and snipers of P.Q.Y. Tps. to range firing. Unit Trg. and Administration. |
IRVINE | 20 Apr | 1800 | Fine | Cdo. Route March. Unit Trg. and Administration. |
IRVINE | 21 Apr | 1800 | Fine and Warm Drizzle forenoon | Unit Training and Administration. |
IRVINE | 22 Apr | 220 | Fair, Warm | Unit Training and Administration. Sigs. and I Section indoor night exercise with H.G. |
IRVINE | 23 Apr | 1800 | Showery | Church Parade. Unit Training and Administration. |
IRVINE | 24 Apr | 1800 | Showery with bright periods | Bde. Signal Exercise. Unit Training and Administration. |
IRVINE | 25 Apr | 1800 | Stormy | Sunday Routine. |
IRVINE | 26 Apr | 1800 | Bright Periods | A/T's Rifle, Mortars of P.Q.Y. to Range firing. Unit Training and Administration. |
IRVINE | 27 Apr | 1800 | Fair | Unit Training and Administration. |
IRVINE | 28 Apr | 2300 | Fair | Cdo. moves to LOCH DOON Training Area. |
LOCH DOON | 29 Apr | 2400 | Fair. | Force Training. |
LOCH DOON | 30 Apr | 2400 | Bright Periods | Force Training as per training programme attached. |
LOCH DOON | 31 Apr | 1800 | Fine, Warm | Cdo. returns to IRVINE. |
Commanding Officer
IRVINE | 1 May | Fine, Warm | Commando returns from Loch Doon Area. |
2 May | Fine, Warm | No routine. No orders issued. | |
3 May | Fine, Warm | 2nd.Lt.J.A.Smith 2nd.Lt.J.J.Wisdom attached B Tp. Forenoon - Unit Training. Afternoon - Commando Make and mend. | |
4 May | Cloudy, Bright Periods | Unit Training and Administration | |
5 May | Showery | Unit Training and Administration | |
6 May | Showery, Bright Periods | Unit Training and Administration | |
7 May | Fine | Unit Training and Administration | |
8 May | Cold, Gale, Rain | Unit Training and Administration | |
9 May | Cold, Fine Periods | Sunday Routine. | |
10 May | Showery | Unit Training and Administration | |
11 May | Showery | Commando preparing to move. | |
12 May | Rain | Commando preparing to move. | |
13 May | Rain | No routine. | |
14 May | Fine, Warm | Unit Embarked. | |
15 May | Fine, Warm | Unit disembarked. Return to Irvine area. | |
16 May | Fine | No routine. Commenced leave p.m. | |
17 May | Fine | Rear Party administration. | |
18 May | Fine | Rear Party administration. | |
19 May | Fine | Rear Party administration. | |
20 May | Fine | Returned from leave p.m. | |
21 May | Fine | Unit Training and Administration. | |
22 May | Fine | Unit Training and Administration. | |
23 May | Fine | Sunday routine. Lt.Col J.C.Manners moved on duty p.m. Major P.W.C. Hellings, D.S.C., in command | |
24 May | Fine, Warm | Unit Training and Administration. | |
25 May | Fine, Warm | Unit Training and Administration. Lt.Col J.C.Manners resumes Command. | |
26 May | Fine, Warm | Unit Training and Administration. | |
27 May | Fine, Warm | Unit Training and Administration. | |
28 May | Fine, Warm | Commando moved to Dunure for Exercise SLIPSHOD I and II. | |
29 May | Fine, Warm | Commando returns to Irvine Area. Make and Mend. | |
30 May | Rain forenoon Fine later | Sunday routine. | |
31 May | Fine | Unit Training and administration. Inspection by Adjutant General, R.M. |
Major P.W.C. Hellings, D.S.C. in command 23 - 24th May, 1943.
IRVINE | 1st | 1800 | Fine & Warm | Unit Training and Adminstration. |
2nd | 1800 | do | Commando moves to GARELOCH area, leaving Rear Party - Unit Trg. and Adminstration. | |
GARELOCH | 3rd | 1800 | Fine | Troops Boat Drill and P.T. |
4th | 1800 | Showery | P.T. and Boat Drill | |
5th | 1800 | Wet | P.T. Bde. Exercise A.M. Arms inspection. Bde. Night Exercise "DERBY". | |
6th | 1800 | Wet | Inspection of Arms. | |
IRVINE | 7th | 1800 | Showery | Commando returns to IRVINE area. |
8th | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg and Adminstration. Bde. Night Exercise ROCKET I | |
9th | Fine. Rain Afternoon | do do | ||
10th | Fine. Warm | do do | ||
11th | do | do Bde. Night Exercise Rocket II | ||
12th | do | do do | ||
GREENOCK | 13th | Rain | Commando embarks in HMT "Derbyshire" | |
14th | Fair. Showery | P.T. Boat Drill | ||
15th | Rain | Commando inspected by C.C.O. | ||
16th | Fine | Unit Training. Tug of War. | ||
17th | do | P.T. Rope Climbing. Tub of War. Boat Drill. | ||
18th | do | Arms inspection. Cdo. Night Exercise STYMIE I. | ||
19th | do | do. Arms Inspection. | ||
20th | do | Church Service. | ||
21st | do | Route March and Cliff Climbing on Isle of Arran. | ||
22nd | do | P.T. Rope Work. Tug of War. & Unit Trg. | ||
23rd | do | Route March on ROSENEATH Peninsular. | ||
24th | do | Vice Admiral Vian came aboard and addressed Commando. | ||
HMT "Derbyshire" | 25th | 1800 | Fine | P.T. and Unit Training. |
26th | Fine | Administration. | ||
27th | Fine | Church Services. | ||
28th | Fine | Convoy sails P.M. | ||
29th | Fine | Unit Training and Administration. Commando informed that destination is the Mediterranean. | ||
30th | Fine | Unit Training and Administration. Commando briefing for Operation "HUSKY". |
Commanding Officer: Lieut.Colonel J.C.Manners,R.M.
Major P.W.C.Hellings,D.S.C.,R.M. in command 13 - 16th incl.
M/V Derbyshire | 1 | 2000 | P.T. Lectures and Evening Quarter's. | |
2 | 2000 | P.T. Lectures and Evening Quarter's. | ||
3 | 2000 | P.T. Lectures and Evening Quarter's. | ||
4 | 2000 | P.T. Lectures and Evening Quarter's. | Unit informed that they were proceeding to Sicily. | |
5 | 2000 | P.T. Briefing and Evening Quarter's. | ||
6 | 2100 | P.T. and Briefing. | ||
7 | 2100 | P.T. and Briefing. Ammunition issued, magazines filled. | ||
8 | 2100 | P.T. and Briefing. All grenades primed. | ||
9 | 2100 | P.T. and Final Briefing. Unit standing by to embark in L.C.A's. | Large packs formed into dump to be put ashore in bulk. | |
10 | 0030 | Cdo embarked in 127 Floilla. | ||
SICILIY | " | 0315 | Main Force landed at COMMANDO COVE. Little opposition. | "Q" Troop got mixed up with other landing craft and made for wrong beach, came under fire from shore and withdrew. Found correct beach and landed at 0530. One platoon "P" Tp. and one platoon "Y" Tp landed on wrong beaches. During initial stages of the assault, Force 1 fired on Force 11 by mistake causing a few casualties. |
" | 0330 | Force 11 moved off on correct route. | ||
" | 0340 | Force 1 moved off on correct route. | ||
" | 0415 | First objectives taken, little opposition, all houses cleared. | ||
" | 0510 | Second objectives taken, little opposition, prisoners captured. Commando then moved back to Cdo Cove. 880893. | ||
" | 0605 | Cdo takes up defensive position, patrolling forward. Strong points attacked and prisoners taken. | ||
" | 0800 | "Q" Troop joined up with main body. | ||
" | 0800 | Cdo. moved forward. | ||
" | 0900 | Cdo in position Pt.23,881908. Slit trenches dug. | ||
" | 1300 | Pl. "P" Troop joined main body, after having landed on wrong beach. | "Q" Tp. took 14 prisoners during our advance. | |
" | 1430 | Mortar fire dropping on our positions, no casualties. | Naval bombardment almost continuous since time of landing, mainly on ISPICA. | |
" | 1610 | Cdo. moved forward. | ||
" | 1710 | Cdo. in defensive position 860918. | "P" Tp. sniped at, one Pl. stalked and killed one sniper. | |
" | 1730 | "Q" Tp. mortared, Lt. Cross and one Mne. casualties - evacuated. | ||
" | 1905 | Heavy firing on our right flank. | Believed counter-attack. | |
11 | 0600 | News received that everybody in Cdo. had landed, all stores handy. | Uneventful day, main diet melons and pears. | |
" | 0630 - 0830 | Casualties caused among own troops by carelessness in cleaning weapons. | ||
" | 1130 | Cdo. moved forward. | ||
" | 1445 - 1500 | Cdo. in position in Forward Defense Line 851923. | Received news that 1st. Army had invaded GREECE, and FREE FRENCH SARDINIA. | |
" | 1630 | Report received that a lorry containing approx. 50 men was seen stationary at 962929. | Proved later to be Canadians. | |
" | 1830 | News received that POZZALLO had capitulated, and ISPICA had been captured. | ||
12 | 0700 | News about Greece and Sardinia proved to be false. | ||
" | 0900 | "O" Group. | ||
" | 1030 | Cdo moved off to Div.reserve position. Lt.Waterworth and one Mne. collapsed on march. | ||
" | 1530 | Cdo in Div.reserve position 919921 | Composite rations issued, water in plenty. | |
13 | 2000 | Cdo. resting in reserve position, all equipment cleaned and deficiencies made good. Visit by Lord Louis Mountbatten. | ||
14 | 2000 | Cdo resting. Lt.Neale joined "Q" Tp. vice Lt.Cross. One mne. collapsed with sun-stroke. All Rear Party arrived. | ||
15 | 0200 | Cdo. stand by to move. | ||
" | 0430 | Cdo. moved off by transport. | Cdo. moved to SYRACUSE with the intention of making a raid behind the enemy's lines North of CATANIA. | |
" | 0600 | Cdo. arrived at PORTO PALO 015879. | ||
" | 0945 | Cdo. embarked in two L.C.I's. | ||
" | 1300 | L.C.I's arrived in SYRACUSE harbour. | ||
" | 1500 | Cdo. disembarked at SYRACUSE. | ||
" | 1600 | Rations issued, moved into a hotel for the night. | ||
16 | 0600 | Reveille. | ||
" | 1030 | Cdo. moved off. | ||
" | 1200 | Cdo. embarked, Force 1 on M/V"PRINS ALBERT", Force 11 on M/V "QUEEN EMMA". | Commando embarked on the M/V's "PRINS ALBERT" and "QUEEN EMMA" to carry out the raid. | |
" | 1400 | Sailed from SYRACUSE harbour. | ||
" | 1600 | Arrived in AUGUSTA harbour. | ||
" | 1800 | Cdo. informed that the operation is cancelled. | ||
17 | 0200 | Heavy air attacks on harbour. | ||
" | 0210 | M/V "QUEEN EMMA" suffered a near miss. Concussion and shrapnel from the bomb caused a box of grenades to go off on the mess deck occupied by "B" & "P" Tps., many casualties occuring. Capt.Stiebel and Surg.Lt.Comdr.Pryde killed, 13 O.R's killed and 58 wounded. | ||
" | 1500 | Disembarked from "PRINS ALBERT" and "QUEEN EMMA". | ||
" | 1700 | Cdo. situated in orchards on outskirts of AUGUSTA. | ||
" | 2345 | First of Rear Party arrive. | ||
18 | 0300 | Remainder of Rear Party arrived. | Uneventful day. During the day, the equipment of the killed and wounded men from the "QUEEN EMMA" was sorted out, and Troop deficiencies were made up. | |
" | 0600 | Reveille. | ||
" | 1615 | Cdo. moved off. | ||
" | 1700 | Cdo. established in area around railway station BRUCOLI, with H.Q. at the station. | ||
19 | 0600 | Reveille. Day spent getting things ship-shape, Orderly Room set up in Station Masters office. Troop lines improved to conform with the principles of Field Hygiene and sanitation. | Capt.FLOOD R.A.M.C. Tempy. attached from 13th. Corps H.Q. | |
" | 1730 | "O" Group. | ||
" | 1800 | Rations issued. | ||
" | 2030 | Sleeping positions given to Cdo H.Q. away from the station buildings. | ||
20 | 0600 | Reveille. Uneventful day. Administration. Two other ranks to hospital sick. | ||
21 | 0530 | Reveille. | ||
" | 0600 | Parade for fatigues. | ||
" | 0900 | Parade for C.O.'s Inspection. | ||
" | 1000 | Dismiss. | ||
" | 1630 | Unit Training. HQ to lectures. | ||
" | 1700 | "O" Group. | ||
22 | 0530 | Reveille. | Two other ranks to hospital. | |
" | 0600 | Parade for fatigues. | ||
" | 0830 | Unit Training. | ||
" | 1100 | Dismiss. | ||
" | 1630 | Unit Training. | ||
" | 1745 | Swimming. | ||
23 | 0530 | Reveille. | 1 W.O. & 1 O.R. to hospital. | |
" | 0600 | Parade for fatigues. | ||
" | 0830 | Unit Training. | 6 O.R's returned. | |
" | 1000 | "O" Group. | ||
" | 1030 | News Discussion. | ||
" | 1100 | Dismiss. | ||
" | 1645 | Commando Route March. | ||
" | 1800 | Dismiss. | ||
24 | 0530 | Reveille. | ||
" | 0600 | Parade for fatigues. | ||
" | 0755 | Parade for Colonel's Inspection. | ||
" | 0845 | Dismiss. | ||
" | 1030 | New Discussion. | ||
" | 1630 | Unit Training. | ||
" | 1745 | Run and Swim. | ||
" | 1900 | Dismiss. | ||
25 | 0700 | Reveille. | 2 enemy planes over very low, bombs dropped. No casualties. | |
" | 0830 | Parade for fatigues. | ||
" | 1030 | Church Parade. | ||
26 | 0530 | Reveille. | ||
" | 0600 | Parade for fatigues. | ||
" | 0830 | Unit Training. | ||
" | 1030 | News Discussion | ||
" | 1100 | Dismiss. | ||
" | 1630 | Unit Training. | ||
" | 2000 | SING SONG conducted by 41 R.M. Commando Padre. | ||
27 | 0530 | Reveille. | 7 O.R.'s to hospital. 1 O.R. returned. | |
" | 0600 | Fatigues. | ||
" | 0830 | Unit Training. | ||
" | 1030 | News Discussion | ||
" | 1100 | Dismiss. | ||
" | 1630 | Unit Training. | ||
" | 1900 | Dismiss. | ||
28 | 0530 | Reveille. | ||
" | 0600 | Fatigues. | ||
" | 0830 | Unit Training. | ||
" | 1030 | News Discussion. | ||
" | 1100 | Dismiss. | ||
" | 1630 | Unit Training. | ||
" | 1700 | "O" Group. | ||
" | 1800 | Dismiss. | ||
29 | 0530 | Reveille. | 15 O.R.'s to hospital. 3 Offrs. & 78 O.R.'s Re-inforcements arrived. | |
" | 0600 | Fatigues. | ||
" | 0830 | Unit Training. | ||
" | 1030 | New Discussion. | ||
" | 1100 | Dismiss. | ||
" | 1630 | Lectures. | ||
" | 1800 | Dismiss. | ||
" | 2000 | Food Conference. | ||
30 | 0530 | Reveille. | 5 O.R.'s to hospital. Surg.Lt.Littlewood,RNVR posted to 40 RM vice PRYDE. wef from 29th. Capt.Flood RAMC returned to HQ 13th.Corps. 9 O.R.'s to hospital. | |
" | 0600 | Fatigues. | ||
" | 0830 | Unit Training. | ||
" | 1030 | News Discussion. | ||
" | 1100 | Dismiss. | ||
" | 1630 | Unit Training. | ||
" | 1900 | Dismiss. | ||
31 | 0530 | Reveille. | ||
" | 0600 | Fatigues. | ||
" | 0700 | Commando Close Order Drill | ||
" | 0900 | Unit Training. | ||
" | 1100 | Dismiss. | ||
" | 1630 | Unit Training. | ||
1830 | Dismiss. |
PHASE I. At 0300 hrs. on the 10th. July 1943 the Commando embarked from M.V. "Derbyshire" into the 127th. Flotilla. Commando landed at 0315hrs. on right of alterative beach, Force I and Force II were both one troop short, one Pl. of "Y" Tp. one Pl. of "P"Tp. and the whole of "Q" Tp. The former, hitting a sandbank and losing the Flotilla, whilst the L.C.A.'s of "Q" Tp. got mixed up with L.C.A.'s of another Flotilla. The leading L.C.A. of "Q" Tp. contacted an M.L. and were given a course on which to move, which should have brought them to Commando Cove. However, it turned out to be the wrong beach, being recognised as the main POZZALO beach. After having been fired on by pill-boxes and shore defences, and returning the fire, the L.C.A.'s withdrew and set out to search for the correct beach. Having found the correct beach, "Q" Tp. landed at 0530hrs.
Meanwhile 5 Pl. of "P" Tp. were landed on the right of the Canadian Division, some miles further down the coast. They found very little opposition, and were able to make their way across country and join up with the remainder of their troop. It appears, that whilst lowering the L.C.A. containing the missing Pl. of "Y" Tp. from M.V."Derbyshire" it was damaged, and whilst proceeding to the shore, became waterlogged, and all ranks were forced to use steel helmets to bale out. This slowed up their speed considerably and consequently they lost the Flotilla, a landing was attempted, but the L.C.A, sunk and all ranks were transferred to an L.C.I. and then re-transferred to an M.L. which landed them on ROGER beach at 0700hrs. From here the PL. moved across country and joined up with the main body. The main body having landed, the two Forces formed up, Force II being approximately 50 yards inland and Force I about 30 yards inland. When the order was given to move off, Force II moved inland and came across a double-apron fence which was cut by "P" Tp. Force I moved along the coast, they too encountered a double-apron fence which was cut by "A" Tp. who shortly afterwards discovered and cut a telephone wire running along the coast. Owing to the absence of "Y" Tp. HQ and one Pl. of "Y" Tp. the remaining Pl. of "Y" Tp. joined up with "X" Tp.HQ and "X" Tp.Support Pl.under command of Capt.Maude, together with them they operated as a troop in the initial stages of the attack.
Force I moved towards the first battery (which was put down on the invasion map) but found that this was non-existent. During their advance all houses were searched but no Military personnel were encountered, whilst "A" Tp. advancing contacted a section of "A" Tp.41 R.M. Commando, who were a long way off their route, and set them on their correct course.
Meanwhile Force II advancing further inland found very little opposition, they searched every house but found no Military personnel. At one house two young male civilians rushed at a TSM gunner of "P" Tp. with an axe, the Tommy Gunner was forced to fire to save himself. One civilian was wounded and the other seeing that his comrade was hit, made off and was not seen again. An L.M. Gunner, hearing voices from a house, opened fire on the house later two dead Italians were discovered.
No C.D. Battery was found to be in the vicinity, both forces re-formed and the advance continued, Force II moving inland, to attack the rear of the second C.D. Battery, and Force I moving along the coast. Next, Force I with "A" Tp. leading, came across a group of houses and pill-boxes. The houses were successfully cleared and one Italian prisoner taken. The pill-box was tackled, the thatched roof was set on fire with incendiary bullets and the assault was carried out with grenades. It was discovered later that two Italians were killed and a heavy machine gun destroyed. Force I then halted some 50 yards to the West side of the pill-box, whilst Force II recced the area further West, to discover whether there was a C.D.Battery in existence. Finding no C. D. Battery, the whole Commando was ordered to withdraw to the beachhead. On their arrival there, the Commando took up a defensive position facing inland, the time being approximately 0600hrs. At this spot, the Commando was sniped at from a ridge some 800 yards inland. "A" Tp. was sent forward to clear the area. They advanced in open formation and came under fire which was hotly returned, grenade parties went forward and bombarded thick patches of scrub from where the fire was directed. The enemy was observed to withdraw hastily, some being killed by rifle fire. Four BREDA machine gun posts were captured, and in the ensuing assault on the ridge some seven enemy were killed and fifteen captured. The whole area was consolidated, and patrols sent out. At the beachhead the Support Pl. of "X" Tp. were detailed to defend the beach Dressing Station as well as guarding the prisoners of war. At approximately 0800hrs. "Q" Tp. joined up with the main body, after having gone adrift in the landing, the only tps. who were now short were one Pl. of "Y" Tp. and one Pl. of "P" Tp.
PHASE II. Commando to move inland and take up position on high ground.
At 0800hrs.Commando were ordered to advance to the high ground around 881908, and take up a defensive position, facing roughly North West, object being to protect the left flank of the Canadian Division. The Commando moved forward without meeting any enemy resistance, and the Commando took up their position. Slit trenches were dug and the Comando entrenched, but there was no sign of any enemy activity. Patrols were sent forward, but all returned with negative information. At 1400hrs. 6 Pl. of "P" Tp. were fired upon by long range Italian mortars, but suffered no casualties. The day passed uneventfully and at 1600hrs, the Commando again moved forward, to take up a defensive position on a ridge to the front. During the afternoon, 5 Pl. of "P" Tp. joined up with the main body after having been landed on the right of the Canadian Division and succeeding to make their way across country. When the Commando moved forward, a number of snipers were active, these were stalked and either killed or captured; "Q" Tp. accounted for a number of them, and brought back fourteen prisoners. Continuing the advance the Commando reached their positions at 1730hrs. It was in this position that "Q" Tp. were heavily engaged by long-range mortars and suffered two casualties. One Officer-Lieut.Cross and one marine. Considering the heavy fire, the casualties were remarkably light. However a 4" Mortar of the Seaforths of Canada dealt with the enemy mortar position and silenced it. The situation remained quiet during the evening and the night. Patrols were sent out and a few snipers were stalked and killed. It was at this position that the missing Pl. of "Y" Tp. joined up with the main body, arriving at 2100hrs, after having travelled across country from ROGER GREEN Beach. F.O.O.Party arrived at approximately the same time, and so the Commando was almost complete.
PHASE III. Commando taking up forward defence line with HQ at 851923.
During the advance to this position nothing was seen or heard of the enemy and the Commando arrived in position at 14.00hrs. The remainder of the day was uneventful, a quiet night passed and the following morning the Commando moved off into the Canadian Divisional Reserve. The Canadians took over our sector. Commando commenced their march back to the reserve positions at 1030hrs. It was extremely hot marching, the roads being very dusty, and the unaccustomed glare hurt the eyes. The Commando arrived at the reserve positions at 1530hrs. and here they were given an area in which to settle down and rest. Slit trenches were dug, rations were issued, and everybody settled down for the night.
The following day, the Rear Party arrived with the unit's transport and a proportion of stores.
comd.40 R.M.Commando
4 Aug.43.
SICILY | 1 | 2000 | Church Parade. No Training. | One Bt.GREEN HOWAD camped in our area during night 1st. |
2 | 2000 | Cdo Route March. Unit Training. Swimming. | ||
3 | 2000 | Fatigues. News Discussion. Unit Training. | ||
4 | 2000 | Cdo Route March. Fatigues. Aquatic Sports. | ||
5 | 2000 | Unit Training. Shooting Contest against SRS 62; 40 R.M. won. H.Q.Troop moved their position about ½ mile down the Rly.Track, now situated under trees. | ||
6 | 2000 | Unit Training. Swimming. Cdo Route March. | ||
7 | 2000 | Unit Training. Kit Muster. Training Conference. Unit standing by to move. Swimming contest afaisnt SRS 62, result SRS 62 -- 9 points, 40 R.M. -- 8 points. | ||
8 | 2200 | Morning spent getting packed up. Unit commenced move bat 1400 by transport. Unit arrived CANNIZZARO 2000. Now attached to 50 Div. | ||
9 | 2000 | Day spent settling down. "O" Group. Warning Order given to stand by for a Raid P.M. Later, order given that Operation cancelled for 24hrs. | Intention for Unit to land behind Enemy Lines, and harrass Enemy, then to make contact with 50 Div. | |
10 | 2000 | "O" Group. Unit to stand by to Embark at 1600 hrs. At 1400hrs order given that Operation was completely cancelled. | ||
11 | 2000 | Unit Training. Administration. | ||
12 | 2000 | Unit Training. Mortars to Route March. Visit by General Dempsey, O.C. 50 Div. | ||
13 | 2000 | Unit Training. Administration. 18 ranks returned from hospital. | ||
14 | 2000 | Unit Training. | ||
15 | 2000 | Church Parade. No training. Rear H.Q. moved into a house. | ||
16 | 2000 | Unit Training. Swimming. | ||
17 | 2000 | Unit Training. | ||
18 | 2000 | Unit Training. Administration. Pay. | ||
19 | 2000 | Memorial Service held by Padre in memory of those who Fell at DIEPPE. "Q" Tp. to Route March. 2i/c, Adjutant climbed Mr.Etna. | ||
20 | 2000 | Unit Training. "Y"Tp. to Route March. 2i/c,Adjutant returned. | ||
21 | 2000 | Unit Training. Administration. Aquatic Sports cancelled. | ||
22 | 2000 | Church Parade. No Training. Aquatic Sports held afternoon. | ||
23 | 2000 | Force I cross country run. "A"Tp Route March. | ||
24 | 2000 | Force II cross country run. "A"Tp. started off to climb Mt.Etna, but had to return owing to lorry breaking down. | ||
25 | 2000 | Force II Route March. "Y" Tp. left to climb Mt.Etna. | ||
26 | 2000 | Force II cross country run. Force I Route March. "Y"Tp returned. "Q"Tp. left to climb Mt.Etna. | ||
27 | 2000 | Force I cross country run. Unit Training. 7 Officers, 78 O.R's arrived as Reinforcements from N.Africa. "Q"Tp. returned. | ||
28 | 2000 | Unit Training. Personel Conference. Officer and O.R's posted to Tps. to bring them up to strength. Capt.Marshall appointed as O.C. "P"Tp. | ||
29 | 2000 | Church parade. No Training. "O" Group. | ||
30 | 2000 | Unit to stand by to move. Pay. | ||
31 | 2000 | Q, Y and Mortars moved to MASCALI, now in 231 Bde.area. | Unit moved to 231 Bde area, so as to be ready to embark at a moments notice. |
MESSINA | 1 | 0700 | Reveille. Troop P.T. | Demolition explosion |
0800 | Breakfast. | |||
0830 | Troop Training. | |||
1200 | Dinner. | |||
1400 | Troop Training. | |||
1600 | Tea. | |||
Sunset. | ||||
2 | 0600 | Reveille. P.T. Troop training as for previous day. | ||
0900 | "O" Group. | |||
1000 | Rear H.Q. arrives. Captn. Wildey i/c. | |||
3 | 0600 | Reveille. Troop training. | ||
4 | 0600 | " " " | ||
5 | 0600 | " . Breakfast. | ||
0830 | Fall in, march to L.C.I's. | |||
0900 | Embark | |||
W.MESSINA | 1300 | Weight anchor. | ||
1800 | Disembark Terre-di-Faro. Northern tip of Sicily. | |||
1920 | Embark L.C.A's for operation. | |||
2009 | Operation cancelled. Troops return to respective areas. Heavy rain. | |||
6 | 0800 | Breakfast. Dry clothes. | ||
1100 | Embark for training exercise. | |||
1200 | Landing completed. Troops return to areas, rest all afternoon. | |||
7 | 0600 | Reveille. | ||
0700 | "O" Group. | |||
0830 | Breakfast. | |||
1200 | Dinner. | |||
ON BOARD L.C.I's | 1500 | Embark L.C.I's towing L.C.A's. | ||
1600 | Weigh achor. Rest of day on board. | |||
8 | 0200 | Transfer to L.C.A's. | ||
0220 | Heading towards beach. | |||
0417 | Land approx. 800yds. right of GREEN BEACH. | |||
9 | -- | " " " " | ||
10 | -- | In Cdo. concentration area. | ||
11 | 0600 | Reveille. In concentration area through-out day. | ||
12 | " | " " " " " " " | ||
13 | " | " | ||
0830 | Breakfast. | |||
0930 | Large packs and stores to beach in troop dumps. | |||
1000 | Troops march to L.C.I's. | |||
1100 | Embark, weigh anchor. L.C.A's towed. Rest of day on board. | |||
SCALEA | 14 | 0900 | BEACH SCALEA. Stores and packs unloaded. Meal cooked on beach. | |
1000 | Troops move off to allotted areas. Settle in rest of day. | |||
15 | 0600 | Reveille. | ||
0830 | Breakfast. | |||
0920 | "O" Group. | |||
1045 | Stand by to move in two hours. | |||
1300 | Move cancelled. | |||
16 | 0600 | Reveille. | ||
0730 | Breakfast. | |||
0910 | Stand by for operation. | |||
1200 | Dinner. | |||
1745 | Operation cancelled. | |||
17 | 0730 | Reveille. | ||
0830 | Breakfast. | |||
1200 | Dinner. | |||
1300 | Stand by to move at two hours notice. | |||
1445 | Move cancelled. Usual routine rest of day. | |||
18 | 0730 | Reveille. | ||
0900 | Unit training. | |||
19 | 0730 | Reveille. | ||
0900 | Service. | |||
20 | -- | Unit training. | ||
1000 | "O" Group. | |||
21 | 0730 | Reveille. Unit training. | ||
22 | " | " | ||
0900 | "O" Group. | |||
1200 | Dinner. | |||
1300 | Stores to beach. | |||
1400 | Commando marches to L.C.I's. | |||
1530 | Embark. | |||
1600 | Weigh anchor. L.C.A's towed. Night on board. | |||
MESSINA | 23 | 1000 | Disembark to cook meal on MESSINA quay. | |
1130 | Re-embark. Sail. | |||
CATANIA | 1725 | Disembark CATANIA. Transport to Cdo. area at CANNIZZARO. | ||
CANNIZZARO | 1805 | ARRIVE Cdo. area. Settle in. | ||
24 | 0730 | Reveille. Unit Training. | ||
25 | " | " " " | ||
26 | 0600 | " " " | ||
1000 | Stand by to move. | |||
1300 | Move postponed until further order. Large packs loaded on transport, kit-bags to Rear H.Q. | |||
1500 | Stand by to move 1100hrs. tomorrow. | |||
27 | 0600 | Reveille. | ||
0830 | Breakfast. Move put forward one hour. | |||
0930 | First troops ready on road for transport. | |||
0945 | Two 3 tonners ferry troops to CATANIA harbour. Embark on arrival. | |||
1200 | L.C.I's sail, towing L.C.A's. On board rest of day. | |||
28 | -- | On board all day. | ||
29 | -- | Fore-noon on board. | ||
1310 | Arrive TARANTO harbour. Meal cooked on quay. | |||
1400 | Re-embark and sail. Night on board. | |||
30 | -- | Fore-noon on board. | ||
1212 | Dis-embarked BARI harbour. Cooked meal. | |||
1300 | Re-embarked. Sailed. | |||
1845 | Entered MANFREDONIA harbour. | |||
1900 | Cooked meal on quay. Slept on board. |
OFFICERS | 1 | 0 | 0 |
O.R's. | 2 | 12 | 0 |
J.C.Manners, Lt. Col. R.M.,
O.C. 40.R.M.Commando
The Commando embarked near MESSINA at 1700hrs. 7 Sept43. The craft used were 3LCI, each of which towed two LCA. The force was divided into two, Force 1 consisting of A. B.& Xtps and Force 11 of P. Q. Y. & mortars.
The six LCA WERE being used for the assault flight which consisted of A Tp. B Tp; 1 Pl.X Tp. and Force 1 H.Q. The remaining tps. were embarked on LCI and were to landed on RED BEACH at about H+ 2hrs. The assault was to go in on AMBER BEACH.
At first light, Force 11 landed on the correct beach approx. 0500hrs. (RED BEACH). The enemy opened up with 88 mm. and mortars on the quayside and beaches where the LCI were touching down. Force 11 H.Q. A.Tp. P.Tp. and mortars cleared the beaches and quayside rapidly and moved right along the coast rd. and took up a posn. on the right of Force 1 and in conjuction with No. 3 Commando protected the right flank of 231 Bde.
0540hrs. Y.Tp.landed, re-organised in village, and being out of R/T com. advanced to br. and rd.junc.849148 and 850149 where they encountered mortar fire from the high ground inland.
An enemy opened up on the landing craft from the hills inland? but was successfully silenced by the bren gunners of A.& X.tps.
At 0830hrs. Force 1 and Y.Tp. with mortars were moved into Bde. reserve just outside the village. P. and Q.Tps. remained on the right flank forming a line with No. 3 Cdo. and the 1 Dorsets. While in this posn. enemy fire was brought down on their posns. by 88 mm. mortars and MG's. 40 casualties were sustained including Lieut.Chiverall who was killed by a mortar bomb.
At 1000hrs. the Brigadier requested that a Tp. might be detached, to silence the 88mm.bty. Two btys. being in action, B.Tp. was detached to deal with the bty. on the right in the Dorsets area, and A.Tp. to deal with the bty. in the Devons area.
B.Tp. were heavily mortared as they advanced but suffered no casualties. 1 Dorsets were contacted and patrols were sent out in order to locate bty. 9 prisoners were taken. As the gun posn. was was located, the patrols were withdrawn as an attack was being launched.
Kitty bombers which successfully neutralised the bty.
A.Tp.had a similar experience on contacting the 2 Devons, they were subjected to heavy mortar fire and sniping, and the bty. and mortars were successfully neutralised by the Kittyhawk bomber attack.
A.& B.Tps. were then held by the respective Bns. as forward to the Dorsets and Devons.
At 1115hrs. X & Y Tps. and Cde.H.Q. were ordered to move along the coast rd. towards PIZZO and assist the left Coy. of the Hampshires, who were holding the left flank of the bridgehead. On contacting the forward Coy., the tps. were held up by M.G. and mortar fire coming from the high ground to the right of PIZZO and advance was temporarily impossible. X Tp. who were on the left were ordered to send out a patrol to recce. PIZZO stn. under Lt.Morgan. Bren groups were put in posn. in order to cover the advance. A German patrol was met entering PIZZO stn. and fierce close-in fighting ensued. A German LM. gunner was hit immediately: one section moved round the right flank under cover of some bricks to attack the patrol in the the rear. Meanwhile the German main body were engaged in the stn. and cleared with grenades. The Germans withdrew and were engaged with fire from the supporting brens, but due to the close country successfully withdrew into PIZZO. One officer and six of the enemy were killed and our patrol sustained 1 killed and two wounded: both wounded. receiving pistol shots in the fingers. Heavy MG fire was brought down from the hills on the right and the patrol successfully withdrew.
Fire was much heavier now on our main posn., both with mortars and MG; and the Germans started a counter attack moving on to the axis of the upper rd. Germans advancing up the hill in the undergrowth were heavily mortared and the amount of blood-soaked field dressings and bandages that were latter found, pointed to a certain amount of success. In spite of this, four armoured cars and 130 infantry broke through on the main rd. between Baker and Dog Coys. of the 1 Hants. and the latter withdrew, due to the enemy getting in rear. A heavy Naval bombardment from an LCG came down on our posn. and X & Y Tps. were ordered to withdraw and hold a line about 200yds. further back. At this stage the left flank was again stabilised with the Cdo. covering the rd. and rly. on the left and the Hampshires on the right. A Tp. was brought up as a reserve in order to strengthen the line. Periodic mortaring and shelling continued until 2100hrs. Patrols were sent out during the night but no contact was made.
A dawn patrol entered PIZZO at 0500hrs. from X Tp. The Cdo. advanced at 0800hrs. and held a perimeter round PIZZO until 0930hrs. when 2 Devons passed through. The Cdo. then returned to a concentration area WEST of RED BEACH.
B Tp. with the Dorsets were the first tps. to 5 Div. at 1930hrs.
One sniper of X Tp. Mne.Tyman, neutralised a German mortar position with a hand grenade.
MANFREDONIA | 1 | -- | Forenoon on quay in area of L.C.I's. | |
1400 | Commando moves into MANFREDONIA school. Settle in. | |||
2 | 0600 | Reveille. | ||
0830 | STANDY BY TO RE-EMBARK, all rations, etc. to L.C.I's. | |||
1030 | Embarked. | |||
1145 | Cast off. Rest of day on board. | |||
TERMOLI | 3 | 0230 | Commando makes unopposed landing 1 mile WEST of TERMOLI. | |
Account of operation attached. | ||||
4 | " " " " | |||
5 | " " " " | |||
6 | 0600 | Reveille. Remained in billets through out day. | ||
7 | 0600 | " . In billet areas. | ||
8 | 0600 | " . " " " | ||
9 | 0600 | " . " " " | ||
1100 | Addressed by General Dempsey. Cdo. paraded on beach. | |||
1200 | Returned to respective billets. | |||
10 | 1100 | Commando inspected and addressed by General Montgomery on beach. | ||
1230 | RETURN to billets. Stand by to move. | |||
11 | 0600 | Reveille. | ||
0700 | Move cancelled. X.Tp. assists C.M.P. to search town. One Italian Officer panics and throws a grenade in direction of A/A. post on beach. Is fired upon, wounded, and later died from same. Rest of Cdo. in billets. | |||
12 | 0600 | Reveille. | ||
0830 | Prepare to move. All large packs and stores to quay. X Tp. remains. | |||
1300 | Commando embarks on L.C.I's and cast off. | |||
MANFREDONIA | 2300 | Enter MANFREDONIA harbour, drop anchor off shore. | ||
13 | 0700 | Weigh anchor, leave harbour. | ||
MOLFETTA | 1300 | Disembark MOLFETTA AND OCCUPY school until billets are prepared. | ||
1500 | Enter billets, settle in. | |||
14 | 1130 | Troop Sgt.Majors "O" Group under Adjutant. | ||
15 | " | " " " " " " " | ||
16 | " | " " " " " " " | ||
17 | " | T.S.M's. "O" Group. | ||
18 | " | " " | ||
19 | " | " " | ||
1700 | Rear H.Q. joins Commando from TERMOLI. Lt. Col. Manners proceeds to TERMOLI. | |||
20 | 1130 | T.S.M.'s "O" Group. Unit Training. | ||
21 | " | " " " ". Commando provides police patrols in town as from 1800hrs to 0530hrs daily. Patrols consist of 1 Sgt. and 6 O.R's. Lieut.Brockbank A. P.M. Guards of 1 Cpl. and 13 FORAdv.H.Q. and Q.M. store from 1700-0630hrs daily, and 1 Cpl. and 6 for prison when required, from 1000-1000hrs. | ||
22 | -- | Unit Training. | ||
23 | -- | Unit Training. | ||
24 | -- | Voluntary Church Service. | ||
25 | 0930 | Swimming. Unit Training. | ||
Lt.Berriff joins Cdo. C.O. returns from TERMOLI. | ||||
26 | 0830 | Swimming. Unit Training. | ||
27 | 1000 | Commando to close order drill on MOLFETTA football ground for one hour. Unit Training rest of day. | ||
28 | 0900 | Kit inspection. Unit Training. | ||
29 | -- | Unit Training. | ||
30 | -- | Commando route march forenoon. | ||
31 | 1045 | Church service. |
OFFICERS. | 2 | 4 | 0 |
O.R's. | 4 | 19 | 0 |
Operation "DEVON"
Report on landing and subsequent operations of
40 R.M. Cdo. in area TERMOLI
Report on landing and subsequent operations of
40 R.M. Cdo. in area TERMOLI
Ref.Map. ITALY 1/250,000. Sheet 30.
1.To land west of the town of TERMOLI, capture the town and port. To form a rd. block 7977.
2.The Cdo. was to land about 1 mile West of TERMOLI from 2 LCI at 0230hrs.
LCI 181 embarked Adv.Hq. B.X. and Y Tps.
LCI 136 embarked A.P.Q. Tps. and Mortars.
The Cdo. was to pass through the bridgehead formed by No. 3 Cdo. and advance along the axis of the railway line to their objectives.
A Tp. to take the port and then protect the left flank of the town.
Q Tp. to capture the East side of the town and hold the bridge over the railway.
Y Tp. to capture the West side of the town.
B and X Tps. were to move out and for the rd. block at 7977.
The Mortar Pl. was to move with A Tp.
The force sailed from MANFREDONIA at 1200hrs. 2nd.Oct. The passage was uneventful until when about 4 miles East of objective and 1½ miles off shore, 3 LCI grounded on a sandbank. The LCA's were slipped in order to allow the LCI to go astern. This caused slight delay but the release position was reached at 0115hrs. when the bridgehead paty (No.3 Cdo.) were transhipped into LCA. The flotilla formed up and hit the beach about ½ mile West of TERMOLI.
The LCI's 181 and 136 were signalled by the flotilla officer and hit the beach about 0230hrs. The calling in of the LCI's was very well carried out resulting in both LCI hitting the correct beach at the arranged time.
Unfortunately there was a false beach and the LCI's were unable to beach nearer than about 50 yards from the shore, and the depth of the water through which the tps. had to wade varied between 5 and 6 feet. This caused disembarkation to be slow and also all wireless sets were drowned making them non-operational throughout.
4.The Cdo. formed up on the rlwy. line and moved off in an Easterly direction towards the town of TERMOLI at about 0300hrs. Q Tp. leading followed by Y.P. and Adv.Hq. with A.B.X. in rear so that they could break off to their respective objectives.
There being no wireless touch, all communication was carried out by runner which necessarily slowed down the flow of information.
5.The leading Tp. Q. Tp. advanced with no opposition until reaching the railway bridge when an enemy sentry challenged and it was appreciated that the house contained a German HQ. An attack was ordered on the house by Lieut.Hill, the Platoon Comd. The attack consisted of very close fighting, and they enemy was cleared with grenades.
About 20 Germans were killed and the remainder approx. 30 surrendered including the Colonel of the Paratroops. Lieut.Hill was badly wounded in the legs by a grenade.
Meanwhile the remaining tps. were clearing the area around the station where snipers were prevalent with automatic weapons, having been aroused by the earlier firing by the action of Q Tp. P Tp. was ordered to clear two houses containing snipers behind the station. This was carried out successfully and two Germans were killed, and an ammunition truck was hit in the town causing a great deal of small arms and tracer to be flying about. In the station area another 20 prisoners were taken, who consisted of a German demolition squad who had orders to blow the station and water tower, both of which were prepared for demolition to be fired by match fuses.
The demolition party was surprised and gave themselves up. The station and water tower having the charges taken out.
At this time, first light was appearing and I was out of touch with A Tp. and 2 i/c Major Hellings whose task it was to capture the port. A patrol was sent to contact them and the information that the port was clear was brought back.
Information as to the general situation was sent back to Bde.Hq who were now fairly adjacent to Cdo.Hq. further along the railway line.
A Tp. was now moving out to the left of the town and it was here that Capt.Ephraums,M.C. was killed by a sniper and his TSM was wounded in the arm.
6.Being first light the Cdo. was ordered to remain in the area of the station and No.3 Cdo. moved up to a position on the perimeter of the town South of the railway line.
Q Tp. at this stage was mortared and an 88 m.m. brought fire down, wounding the Tp.Comd.Capt.Bradley, Lieut.Laidlaw and TSM Lees. The Germans put in a counter attack from the left flank from the direction of the valley consisting of about 30. The enemy were engaged very successfully, 12 being killed and a further 8 wounded, the remainder making a swift withdrawal.
Half an hour later a second attack was put in, but it was small and lifeless, about 15 Germans tried to infiltrate our positions. Six were killed by snipers from windows in the houses we were holding and the stragglers withdrew.
At this stage the left flank was firm, A Tp. having joined up with Q Tp. and 1 Pl. of Y had been ordered up in support of Q.
At 0800hrs. a report from X Tp. arrived to say the rd, junc. was successfully blocked at 0430hrs. and the tp. had dug in and formed a defensive position.
B Tp. having moved up to Pt.169 which they were holding. 1 Officer and 1 O.R. of the Paratroops had been captured walking down the road, 2 lorries and 2 M/C captured at the rd.block killing 6 and capturing a further 4 prisoners.
7.At 0800hrs. the immediate area of the town had been cleared and the Cdo. was ordered to form a strong perimeter in the vicinity of the rd.block and Pt.169 along the road running N and S to TERMOLI.
Q and A Tp. were left to protect the left flank while Cdo.HQ,P and Y Tps. advanced towards Pt.169. P. Tp. in advance was almost immediately held up by heavy fire from the left flank, from the direction of the valley. Capt.Marshall, the Tp.Comd., took two sections to the left, ordering the remainder to continue the advance along the axis of the road. On reaching the ridge he found the position was held by approx. 40 Germans containing 2 M.G. and 8 automatic weapons. Being initially surprised, and not having time to afford himself covering fire he spread his two sections in line and advanced down the hill with bayonets fixed, and automatic weapons being fired from the hip. The initiative, leadership and extremely courageous action by Capt.Marshall completely shattered the morale of the enemy and although the firing from the position was heavy, the sight of cold steel made their aim erratic and he suffered no casualties. The enemy casualties in this action were 10 killed 8 wounded and 20 prisoners were taken. This assault cleared enemy activity on the left and P and Y Tps. reached their positions without further incident.
8.Later, at about 1100hrs. A,Q and Mortars were brought up to the Cdo. position in the vicinity of the rd.block.
P Tp. was ordered up to Pt.169 to strengthen B Tp. also 1 detachment of Mortars.
Q was ib support of X Tp. at the rd.junc. A and Y Tps. had taken 7 trucks at their rd.block killing a certain number and taking prisoners. The trucks were appearing down the road coming towards TERMOLI and it was quite apparent that the presence of the Cdo. was completely unsuspected. One lorry contained the mail and NAAFI ration for the tps. in the vicinity of TERMOLI.
B Tp., holding Pt.169 sent a patrol to S.GIACOMO in order to investigate. A number of Germans were holding the village and were mostly armed with automatics. At this time they were unable to send a larger patrol to deal with the situation, as they were ordered not to weaken their position on Pt.169 until support arrived. From this position a motor cycle combination was picked off by a bren gunner moving along the road at about 800 yards range. The bike crashed into the hedge and a patrol sent down found two wounded, one of which died later and a paratroop officer and 1 O.R. were captured.
The situation in this sector became quiet from 1200hrs. and the Germans seemed to be withdrawing, towards GUGLIONESI. Also from civilian reports the enemy were in GUGLIONESI in fair strength. This information was sent back to Bde. in order to ask for an artillery bombardment.
At approx. 1500hrs. a machine gun opened fire on B Tp. position at Pt.169 from a house in S.GIACOMO. A detachment of 3" Mortars engaged the house which they hit with the second bomb and continued to plaster the vicinity. The machine gunners were neutralised and no further activity took place.
9.The bridge on the road to VASTO at 7877 was found to be prepared for demolition and was demobilised by the demolition section.
10.At 1700hrs. the Cdo. was closed in, in order to shorten the line for the night and B Tp. was withdrawn from Pt.169 into Cdo.reserve.
Active patrolling was carried out during the hours of darkness, and a certain number of prisoners consisting mainly of German stragglers were brought in.
MONDAY Oct.4th.11.
At 0800hrs. a Recce Bn. passed through our position and advanced down the main road to PESCARA.
At approx. 0900hrs. 8th.Bn. A & SH passed through our position along the GUGLIONESI road.
12.At approx 1100hrs. mortar fire was brought down in the Cdo.area and an attack came in from Pt.169 on the A & SH position, about 50 infantry and 3 tanks were sighted on the far ridge.
13.The Cdo. withdrew to a concentration area towards TERMOLI and in the afternoon went into billets in the town. The Cdo. had orders to be at 2hrs.notice and to be prepared to form a perimeter around the town.
TUESDAY Oct.5th.14.
At 0830hrs. the Cdo. was called out to form a perimeter outside the town together with the Lancashire Fusiliers. X Tp. and P Tp. were on the left, with Y and B on the right, with A and Q Tps. in reserve. The Lancashire Fusiliers were holding the centre of the line on the main TERMOLI road and a close liason was kept with Lt.Col.McKenzie.
The Germans were reported to be holding Pt.169 and that there was fairly extensive fighting at the head of the valley. Large numbers of A & SH started filtering down the road through our positions, many were unwounded and mostly had exaggerated ideas of the strength of the enemy.
15.At approx. 1215hrs. the Cdo. was ordered to return to billets - at 1245hrs. the Cdo. was ordered to take up their position on the perimeter again. The right flank required strengthening and Q Tp. was moved over to the right also A Tp., to prevent any infiltration into the town, either along the railway line or the beach in order to support S.R.S.
During the whole afternoon our positions were heavily mortared and the town was shelled intermittently all day.
As night approached, the situation deteriorated on our right flank, again due to exaggerated situation reports by tps. withdrawing without orders. A Carrier Pl. from the London Irish withdrew to their carriers leaving the right flank completely exposed. I took them under command, sent the carriers away, and ordered the bren gunners to take up a position protecting the town on the right, along the railway and beach. Q Tp. was ordered to go and hold the high ground at the cemetery and A Tp. was put in support in order to prevent the enemy getting into any buildings on the right. These positions were held throughout the night. The enemy being on the far side of the WADI. An artillery barrage was arranged to be called for on the Code word BISON. This was used twice the following morning.
16.Just before darkness fell, two 6 pdr.A/Tk.guns were put under my command for the immediate defence of the town. The guns came from the Recce.Corps and were placed in position by their officer. After spasmodic mortar fire, the guns were left by their crews, and Royal Marines manned both guns throughout the night. White Vereys lights went up around the perimeter of the town, showing the positions the Germans had reached for the night.
17.During the evening, about 0200hrs. Lt.Col.Butler of the Irish Fusiliers arrived and I showed him my positions, alos we liased with Lt.Col.McKenzie, the Lancashire Fusiliers. His Bn. was disposed in a close perimeter of the town, with one Coy. in support of my right flank.
18.The flank attack with the Irish Fusiliers was due to go in on the left at 0800. Similarly, at this time the Germans counter attacked on the left, down the valley with tanks, but were unsuccessfully driven off by P Tp. together with the Lancashire Fusiliers. Two tanks being destroyed by 6 pdr.
At this time an attack commenced on the right flank, and enemy infantry commenced to infiltrate over the Wadi and were attempting to come down the railway line and the beach. The S.R.S., A Tp. and B Tp. were heavily mortared, but held their ground and held the enemy, about 50 in number, with small arms fire. German casualties were sustained.
The Pl. of Q Tp. occupying the cemetery was forced to withdraw about 50 yards from its position due to intensive mortar fire. Three times they went back and regained their position when there was a lull in the firing.
19.The supporting Coy. of the Irish Fusiliers was then withdrawn for the attack on the right flank, that was being put in at 1500hrs. X Tp. was withdrawn from the left which was now quiet and put in support of S.R.S., - and - Tp. Also 4 Sherman tanks were brought up in support from the CLY. These tanks did magnificent work and got out to the cemetery and forced the enemy to withdraw back to the reverse slope. At the same time a 4.2 mortar came under my command and effective fire was put down over the ridge.
20.At 1400hrs. the leading Coy. of the London Irish passed through for their attack on the cemetery. The Cdo. was ordered to give as much fire support as possible, also the 4 tanks. X Tp. support Pl. was moved up and the bren guns were pulled with S.R.S. Two 6 pdr. which had been abandoned by their crews were manned by the Cdo. Both Cdo. 3" Mortar detachments were put into action also the 4.2 mortar.
21.The enemy withdrew and were engaged by the bren groups along the railway line. Able support was given to the infantry by the tanks.
At 1500grs. the London Irish consolidated the position.
22. At 1630hrs. the Cdo. was ordered to withdraw to the town and return to billets and remained at 2hrs. notice.
Officers. | 2 | 4 |
O.R. | 4 | 20 |
Estimated Enemy Casualties at Landing.
Killed. 85
Prisoners. 96
Killed. 85
Prisoners. 96
comd.40 R.M.Commando.
10 Oct. 43.
MOLFETTA | 1 | -- | Range erected by 'Q' Troop. Unit training. 'A' Troop to range. | Troop mentioned has range all day. |
2 | 0930 | R.S.M. Beavan conducts snipers refresher course. M.O.A's commence signal course. Unit training. | ||
3 | 1000 | Commando to ceremonial drill on MOLFETTA football ground under Adjutant and R.S.M. Troop training rest of day. | ||
4 | 1000 | 2 i/c. inspects 'A' Troops G 1098 gear + 'Q' Troop to range. Unit training. | ||
1430 | Signal exercise for Tp.H.Q's. | |||
5 | 1000 | Brigadier Churchill and C.O. inspect billets. | ||
1400 | Pay. | |||
6 | -- | Unit training. + 'Y' Troop to range. | ||
7 | 1015 | Church service in MOLFETTA cinema. | ||
8 | 1000 | Bde. Comdr. lectures to Officers. Cdo signalman commence course under Captn. James Bde.S.O. Early morning bathing to cease -- run in lieu. Gymnasium and boxing ring being prepared. Boxing to be training only this week. | ||
9 | -- | + 'A' Troop range. N.C.O's tewt by C.O. Troop training. | ||
10 | 1000 | Bde. Major lectures to Officers. + 'P' Troop to range. Unit trg. | ||
11 | -- | Unit training. + 'P' Troop to range. | ||
1400 | Boxing under Tp. Comdrs. | |||
12 | 1000 | O.C.No.2 Cdo. lectures to Officers. Commando route march of 8 miles. + 'B' Troop to range. Unit training. | ||
1400 | Pistol competition run by R.S.M. | |||
13 | 0900 | 4Y'Troop inspected by C.O. 'Q' Troop range. M.O.A's course ends with examination. | ||
14 | 1015 | Church service. | ||
15 | -- | Troop training. | ||
1000 | Lecture on SALERNO to all Officers by Lt.Col.Churchill D.S.O. M.C. in MOLFETTA cinema. | |||
16 | -- | Troop training. | ||
1100 | T.E.W.T. for Officers by C.O. | |||
1400 | 'A' Troop to range. Lecture to S.N.C.O's less T.S.M's on 'Pay in the Field and Casualty returns' by Sgt. Morris, Pay Sgt. | |||
17 | -- | +'P' Troop range. Unit training. | ||
18 | 1400 | Inter-troop boxing competitions. Duration of bouts:- two 1 min. rounds, one 1½ min. round with one min. intervals. C.O. as referee. | ||
19 | -- | Troop training. + 'B' Troop range. | ||
20 | 0900 | Bren-gunners competition under Adjt. and R.S.M. Unit training. | ||
0930 | C.O. inspects 'Q' Troop. | |||
1700 | Concert in MOLFETTA cinema, organised by Padre. | |||
21 | 1015 | Church service. | ||
22 | -- | Dental appointments. Troop training. | ||
1000 | 'Y' Troop transported to TERMOLI. | |||
1200 | Part of 'X' Troop arrives in MOLFETTA from TERMOLI. | |||
1400 | 'A' Troop to gym. | |||
1415 | Boxing finals. | |||
23 | -- | Unit training. Rest of 'X'Troop arrives from TERMOLI. | ||
24 | 0930 | Capt.Ecrepont R.M. takes J.N.C.O's for T.E.W.T's. Unit training. | ||
1400 | 'B' Troop to gym. | |||
25 | 1000 | Capt. Marshall R.M. takes S.N.C.O's for T.E.W.T's. Unit trg. | ||
1400 | 'Q' Troop to gym. | |||
26 | 0830 | 'P' Troop gym allocation. | ||
27 | 1000 | Commando drill on MOLFETTA harbour area under Adjutant. | ||
28 | 1015 | Church service. | ||
29 | -- | Troop training. | ||
1100 | All tropical equipment returned to Q.M's store. | |||
30 | -- | Unit training. 3" mortar shoot. |
MOLFETTA | 1 | A.M. | T.E.W.T. for Subalterns by C.O. T.P. Training. | |
2 | 0930 | Cdo. Route March | ||
1100 | Pay Parade. Unit Training. | |||
1800 | B Tp. Night Exercise. | |||
3 | Unit Training | |||
2000 | A & P Tps. Night Exercise. | |||
4 | A.M. | Unit Training. C.O. to Y Tp. at Termoli. | ||
1400 | Inter - Troop cross country race, 3 miles. A Tp. won P. 2nd. | |||
5 | 0700 | Lt.Wisden and 1 Pl. P Tp. with 3 attached ranks of 10 Cdo proceed to FOGGIA to escort P.O.W.S to GRUMA. | ||
1000 | Church Parade, service at MOLFETTA Cinema. | |||
PELAGOSA | 1045 | Y Tp under command of Capt. I.C. McKellar recce Island of PELAGOSA. Report of recce attached. | ||
MOLFETTA | 6 | Unit Training. A Tp. to 6pdr. instruction. | ||
7 | Unit Training. Q Tp. to 6pdr. instruction. | |||
8 | 1000 | Cdo. Route March less Mortar Pl. Mortar Pl. to 6pdr inst. Junior Promotion Class commences. Lecture to Officers by 2i/c. | ||
9 | Unit Training. P Tp. to 6pdr. instruction. | |||
10 | Unit Training. B Tp. to 6pdr. instruction. C.O. returned from TERMOLI. | |||
11 | 1000 | Cdo. to drill under Adjt. X Tp. 6pdr. Inst. Offrs. & S.N.C.O.s to lecture by 2 I/C. | ||
12 | 0730 | Holy Communion in Cdo. Church. | ||
1000 | Voluntary Church Service in Cdo. Church. | |||
13 | Unit Training. No 6 Pl of P Tp to detached Training + | +Map ref: Italy 1/100,000 Sheet 176 BARLETTA 749789 (Grotto of S. Michele) | ||
1600 | 1 N.C.O. & 3 Mnes. from each troop to 6pdr. shoot. | |||
14 | Unit Training. Maj. D.L.Barclay R.M. leaves to take up new appointment. Capt. Waterworth R.M. appointed Adjutant. Unit Training. | |||
15 | 1000 | Commando Route March. M.T. Course Commences A.M. | ||
16 | 1100 | Pay Parade. Unit Training. | ||
17 | Unit Training. Maj. P.W.C. Hellings D.S.C. M.C. R.M. leaves to take up new appointment. Maj. Maude appointed 2i/c. | |||
18 | 1000 | Commando drill. | ||
19 | 0730 | Holy Communion in Cdo Church. | ||
1000 | Voluntary Service in Cdo Church. 6 Pl of P Tp arrive back at MOLFETTA. 8Pl of Q Tp march out to point + | |||
20 | Unit Training. S Tp to range. | |||
21 | Unit Training. A Tp to range. | |||
22 | 1000 | Commando Route March less B Tp. B Tp to range. | ||
23 | -- | Unit Training. | ||
1000 | Field General Court Martial at Cdo. HQ. | |||
24 | Unit Training. Q Tp to range. | |||
25 | XMAS DAY. No Training. | |||
1000 | Bde. Church Service in MOLFETTA Cinema. C.O. & Adjt. visited all Tp Billets. | |||
26 | 0730 | Holy Communion in Cdo Church. | ||
1000 | Voluntary Service in Cdo Church. | |||
27 | Unit Training. | |||
28 | Unit Training. | |||
29 | Unit Training. | |||
30 | Unit Training. | |||
31 | A.M. | Capt. Ecrepont R.M. and 20 O.R.s as Advance Party. Travelling by rail, destination unknown at present. Unit Training. |
Lt.Col. R.M. O.C. 40 R.M. COMMANDO.
Roll of Honour
- 1st January
Anson, Harry Raymond Joseph
Appleby, William Thompson
Basham, Cyril Edward
Boothroyd, Geoffrey
Bradley, William Joseph
Brownbridge, Robert William
Chapman, Charles Clarence
Dixon, David George
Edwards, Maurice Albert
Farrell, Robert
Fisk, George Ernest
Goodyer-Kettley, Frederick Rex
Grant-Dalton, Harry Were Foster
Hebden, Richard
Henderson, Alfred Walter
Herd, Alexander Frederick
Hewson, William Bertram
Hildreth, Harry Lowe
Hill, Reginald Hemming
Humphreys, Harry
Hutchinson, James
James, Russell Keith
Jeffers, Michael
Kelly, John Francis
Lagor, Reginald Arthur
Ledbury, David Rupert Nelson
McDowell, Ernest
McGee, Joseph Christopher
Metcalf, Reginald Herst
Milo, Frederick Charles
Nash, Thomas
O'Brien, Edward Skilly
Oborn, Arthur Ray
Palmer, John
Panter, Howard Denis
Parker, Robert Stevenson
Payne, George Thomas
Pember, Henry Douglas Haig Allenby
Richmond, James Albert
Salaman, Hugh Lind
Saunders, Reginald Thomas Colonel
Seabrook, John James Lavender
Shockley, Harry William
Simmonds, Joseph Frederick
Swatton, Vernon
Thomson, Ronald
Trask, Walter Albert Henry
Trump, William Charles
Turner, Roland Clement
Twidale, Thomas
Wakefield, Jack Harry
Wilson, Desmond John
H.M.S. Fidelity
- 24th April
- 12th July
Kilbride, Joseph
- 17th July
Fallas, Robert Scott
May, Joseph Coyne
Nunn, Sidney Donald
Ross, John
Stiebel, John Edward
Thomson, Ian Henderson
Turner, Anthony James
Webster, Thomas Henry
Wood, Alexander
Died Sicily, Italy
- 18th July
Jones, John
Died Sicily, Italy
- 24th July
- 1st August
- 9th August
- 10th August
Died Tunisia
- 19th August
Due Typhoid Fever (33rd General Hospital, Syracuse, Sicily)
- 1st September
Porter, Ernest William
Spencer, Frank
Wise, Albert
Died Sicily, Italy
- 8th September
Hubbard, Geoffrey Robert
Died Operation Verdy
- 3rd October
Ephraums, Michael Jarvis
Nightingale, Joseph
Toes, Frank
Turrell, John Edward
Died Termoli, Italy
- 6th October
- 9th October
- 10th July
- 8th September
Military Cross - Morgan, Timothy Denis
- 3rd October
Military Cross - Bradley, John William Evance
Military Medal - Aylett, Basil McGonigle
- 3rd - 7th October
Military Cross - Hellings, Peter William Cradock
Military Medal - Usher, Frederick George