
  • 6th June
Military Cross - Hanson, John Philip
At Varaville on 6 Jun 1944 in an attack on a strongly fortified posn this officers coy Comd was killed. Capt HANSON immediately took over Comd showing exceptional leadership and courage attacked the posn inflicting casualties and taking 40 prisoners. He immediately consolidated this posn and held it under enemy mortar fire until relieved. Capt Hanson was wounded in this action but continued to command his coy.
Military Medal - Ducker, William Skirving
This soldier was a medical orderly attached to C Coy during the action at Varaville on 6th June 1944. The Coy Comd, a Platoon Commander and 2 Other Ranks were in a building being heavily engaged by an anti-tank gun and mortar. A direct hit caused all four to become casualties. Private Ducker with absolute disregard for his own safety under heavy Machine Gun and mortar fire went to this building which was still under heavy fire gave medical attention to the Coy Commander and ascertained that the others were dead or beyond medical aid before removing the Coy Commander to a place of safety which was also under heavy fire.
Military Medal - Lacasse, Joseph Aime
At Le Mesnil on 8 Jun 44 in Coy attach this man showed a very high standard of leadership and courage in that he led his section from assaulting posn across open field which was swept by fire and then onto objective. His section knocked out LMG posn. He was wounded on the thigh by a grenade on objective but still took his section to reorganization area and was wounded twice more in so doing.
Military Medal - Minard, Willard Parker
On 6 Jun 1944 in the attack on VARAVILLE this NCO's pl commander was killed. Sgt MINARD assumed comd and so ably led the pl that it was largely responsible for the eventual surrender of the garrison. Later he showed great courage and was a steadying influence on his platoon during the relief by his coy of part of the Black Watch who were being strongly attacked at the Chateau south of BREVILLE on 13 Jun 44. He showed utter unconcern for enemy tanks and mortar fire. This NCO has shown inspiring leadership and devotion to duty throughout and has maintained the fighting morale of his pl.
  • 8th June
Military Cross - Griffin, Peter Ryerne
On 8 Jun 44 in a counter attack on building occupied by the enemy this officer so successfully led his coy that the buildings which were strongly held were captured and heavy casualties inflicted on the enemy. The enemy immediately counter attacked with very superior forces and Capt GRIFFIN by exceptional coolness and courage successfully returned his coy to a defensive posn and held on grimly under heavy sniping and mortaring. In neither of these actions was this coy supported by Bn supporting arms.
Military Medal - Geddes, Russell Alvin
At Le Mesnil on 8 Jun 44 in a Coy attach this man with his sniper was detached with a Bren Gp to give covering fire to his section crossing over open ground to objective. When Coy were counter-attacked he and Bren Gp were cut off but kept fighting and finally found his way in to the Coy. 25 dead Germans were counted by the stretcher bearers in area this time were fighting.
Military Medal - Morgan, Gordon Harvey
On 8 Jun 44 at Le Mosnil Sgt MORGAN displayed a complete lack of concern for his personal safety and displayed fine leadership and initiative. He was wounded while leading an assault on a group of buildings but he supplied cover by smoke for his section to withdraw from what might have been a serious situation. He then returned to Coy HQ with valuable information concerning enemy positions.
Military Medal - Noval, William
At Le Mesnil on 8 JUN 1944 in a Coy attack this man with his Bren gun and a sniper were detached to give covering fire to his section crossing open ground to objective. When Coy were counter attacked he and sniper were cut off but kept fighting and finally found their way in to Coy position. 25 dead Germans were accounted for by him and sniper.
  • 6th June - 18th August
Military Medal - Green, George William
Sergeant Green has proved a great inspiration to the men of "A" Company throughout the campaign in Normandy until he was severely wounded at Goustranville on August 18th. His never failing good humour and superb courage at all times endeared him to all officers and men alike who knew him. On 18th August 1944 at 2230 hours at Goustranville, "A" Company was given an objective in a battalion night attack on the south bridges over the Eastern tributary of the Rives Dives. Sergeant Green was Platoon Sergeant of No.1 Platoon and acting Platoon Commander on this attack. His Platoon suffered heavy casualties but he reorganised them swiftly and led them on two separate assaults on enemy positions, killing and capturing well over 25 Germans; as he brought his Platoon onto their objective on the left flank of the bridge he was badly wounded in the leg. Ignoring his wound he placed his sections in positions for all round defence, got ammunition and casualty states and reported to his Company Commander. He refused to be evacuated until after every one of his men who had been wounded had been attended to.
  • 1st August - 6th September
Military Cross - Clancy, John Anthony
For devotion to duty and outstanding gallantry, Normandy 1 Aug - 6 Sep 44. This officer, by his personal example, sustaining courage and initiative has been a great inspiration to all men of his company throughout the above campaign. His utter disregard for his personal safety in difficult situations has become a byword in the battalion. On 18 Aug 44 at 2230 hours at Goustranville, "A" Coy was given as an objective in a Bn night attack, the south Bridge over the eastern tributary of the river Dives. Captain Clancy was A/2IC of the Coy at the time. He led No.3 Pl on an assault against one MG position, and then pinned down by another off to a flank he personally organized and led a small group armed with grenades, silenced this second enemy position and took five prisoners. The momentum with which this officer led his Pl enabled them to capture the bridge, vital to his Brigade, before the enemy could demolish it. Numerous prisoners and a considerable amount of arms and equipment were captured by his command. This splendid effort by Captain Clancy is but one concrete example of his outstanding courage, initiative and leadership which has been so much in evidence and a characteristic of his work throughout the whole period.
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