
Carter Bks,
1 Dec to 10 DecPersonnel of 1st. Canadian Parachute Battalion on 10 days privilege leave.
11 DecPersonnel of "B" and "C" Companies returned from leave today. H.Q. and "A" Companies on Special Leave granted by G.O.C.-in-C. 6th Airborne Division.
12 DecCold and clear all day. "H.Q." and "A" Companies returned from leave today. "B" Company on the Ink Pen Ranges for 3 days starting today. Vickers Platoon on 10 Mile Route March in the afternoon. "C" Company on a Route March in the afternoon. A movie was shown in the evening in the Y.M.C.A. and was much enjoyed by all.
14 DecCold and misty during the day. Int Sec on Bde. Int Exercise "LOOKOUT II". "B" Company on Ink Pen Ranges. "C" Company on Sports in the afternoon. N.C.O's class for H.Q. Company N.C.O's in the evening. A movie in the evening.
15 DecFair during the whole day. "B" Company on the Ink Pen Ranges. "A" Company on 20 mile Route March. General Training for the remainder of the Battalion.
16 DecRainy most of the day. Int Sec with the mortar Platoon on the Beaches Barn Ranges in the morning. Int Sec manned listening post on the range. Mortar Platoon on the range all day. P.I.A.T. Platoon on the Beaches Barn ranges all day, field firing. "B" Company marched back from the Ink Pen Ranges.
17 DecWeather fine all day. General training during the whole day for all personnel. A Canadian Concert Party gave a show in the evening. Well attended and much enjoyed. 20 Mile Route March for Headquarters Company. Pay Parade held in the evening.
18 DecCompulsory Church Parade for R.C. personnel and a Voluntary Church Parade for Protestant Personnel. General Training carried out in the afternoon. A fine day. Movie in the afternoon was well attended.
19 DecWeather clear all day. During the day the Companies carried out General Training. A movie was shown in the Y.M.C.A. in the evening and was much enjoyed by all.
20 DecFoggy in the morning and clear in the afternoon. Lt.Col.J.A.Nicklin warned all ranks that the Battalion was moving overseas on Active Duty. The advance party left at 1230 hours. During the day personnel prepared equipment to move overseas. Personnel warned that Unit is to proceed to the Transit Camp on the 21 Dec 44. Orders changed in the evening and Unit put on 6 hours notice after 0600 hours 21 Dec 44. Personnel were free to go to the neighboring villages.
21 DecClear all day. Unit on 6 hours notice for service Overseas. Personnel ready and anxious to be under way. Personnel were free to leave camp but had to report back every 6 hours.
22 DecClear throughout the entire day. Unit still on 6 hours notice. No special training. Personnel allowed to proceed out of camp. Christmas dinner for all ranks was served in the evening.
23 DecClear all day. Unit still on 6 hours notice. Unit confined to barracks due to bad behaviour in nearby towns. Personnel informed that the Battalion was definitely moving Overseas on the 24 Dec 44. Major P.R. GRIFFIN found Unfit for Active Service (Broken Wrist) making promotions necessary. Capt. J.A.CLANCY to be A/Major and to Command "A" Company. Lieut. J.A.LUKASPEY to be A/Capt. and to be 2 i/c Headquarters Company. Lieut. D.O.BELDING T.O.S. from 1st Cdn. Para. Trg. Unit to fill Vacancy in Mortar Platoon.
24 DecClear all day. Reveille at 0430 hours. Breakfast at 0530 hours. Unit fell out in Full Marching Order at 0715 hours and marched to Railway Station, embarked on train and proceeded to FOLKSTONE where they arrived at 1430 hours. They were then shown to billets in the Transit Camp and were free to leave camp in the evening.
Field25 DecClear and fine all day. Personnel allowed in town until 1730 hours. A Christmas Dinner was served in the messes for All Ranks at 1230 hours. At 1830 hours all personnel marched to the docks in full marching order and embarked on the S.S. CANTERBURY. Personnel informed that sailing time was at 0400 hours 26 Dec 44.
26 DecClear and fine. S.S. CANTERBURY sailed for Belgium at 0400 hours and reached the docks at 1030 hours in the Port of OSTENDE, BELGIUM. At 1100 hours the Unit embussed in trucks and proceeded to TAINTIGNIES, BELGIUM. They arrived at 1930 hours. The Unit was placed in small villages by Companies. H.Q. Company was in TAINTIGNIES, the central village and the Rifle Companies, "A", "B", "C" were in nearby villages. Men were billeted 2 per home in the village and they ate in a central kitchen. Commanding Officer, 2 i/c I.O. and Batmen went on a recce of the area which the Battalion are to occupy.
27 DecSlight fog in the morning. Clear and cold the remainder of the day. All personnel resting in towns. Headquarters Company had a small arms inspection in the afternoon at 1500 hours.
28 DecVery foggy all day. Weapons Inspection at 1500 hours. Sgt. HILLS of "B" Company was seriously injured when a 36 Grenade accidently exploded. Unit was due to move off to the front lines today but due to bad weather transport did not arrive at the present position.
29 DecWeather clear all day. Small arms inspection at 1000 hours. Route march for H.Q. Company at 1400 hours.
30 DecWeather foggy in the morning. Arms inspection at 1000 hours. Personnel were warned at 1200 hours that they were to be ready to move at 13151 hours. Transport arrived at 1330 hours. Personnel embussed at 1400 hours and left for new area. Personnel arrived in the new area at 0430 hours 31 Dec 44. Personnel billeted in groups in rooms in Private homes. MAREDRET. Map reference 875933 Sheet 12 NAMUR. 1/100,000.
31 DecWeather clear and cold all day. Breakfast served at 1000 hours. Arms inspection at 1500 hours after dinner was served at 1400 hours. Company and Bn Orderly Rooms set up. Stores and equipment taken off lorries. Personnel of this Unit were invited to a dance by the people of MARE DRET.
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