Carter Bks, Bulford | 1 Feb | Unit personnel returned from ten day leave. Training was carried out as per syllabus. Most time was devoted to recap on parachute training. The 2i/c briefed the unit on a forthcoming mass jump employing Douglas C47's. A movie was shown by the Y.M.C.A. in the evening. Weather was cloudy and cold all day. |
2 Feb | Weather, cold and clear all day with unusually high wind. At 0700 hrs unit embussed and proceeded to Whelford airdrome. Chutes were fitted and aircraft took off with the bn for approx one hour's air experience. The flight was very rough and although anit-airsickness pills were used a great number of men were sick. Due to the high wind the actual jump was cancelled and the bn returned to camp. | |
3 Feb | Weather again cold and windy. Unit is carrying on with para trng which was to have included experimental kit bag jumps by 100 men. Once again due to high wind the drop was cancelled. All personnel were paraded to the Y.M.C.A. in the evening where training films were shown. | |
4 Feb | Weather still clear and very windy. The CO briefed the unit of a forthcoming Bde mass jump and exercise. Coys devoted the day to briefing using the bn briefing rm. | |
5 Feb | Clear and cold today. Coys training as per syllabus. All unit officers were briefed for exercise "Cooperation". An unusually large number of men attended a moving picture shown at the "Y" in the evening. | |
6 Feb | Very foggy and slight rain. Due to bad weather exercise was cancelled until the following day. A movie was shown at the "Y" in the evening. | |
7 Feb | Slight rain and foggy during the morning. At 0800 hrs bn proceeded to airdrome. Chutes were fitted at 1100 hrs, take off was 1600 hrs and the first jump was made at 1700 hrs. All men jumped with full battle equipment and containers were used only for the heavy weapons such as mortars and MMG. Injuries were only minor but a considerable amount of equipment was damaged. The movement from the DZ to the RV and on to the objective was good. On reaching the objective at 2100 hrs the bn dug in for the night. | |
8 Feb | Patrols were sent out by all coys early in the morning. IO proceeded on a recce and returned at 1130 hrs. Orders to move were received at 1300 hrs. Bn moved to Lark Hill a march of eight miles where transport was waiting to take the unit back to the barracks. During the move enemy tanks kept up continual attacks on both flanks as the bn moved forward. The enemy for the exercise was the 2nd bn 502 Para Inf Regt an American unit. Exercise ended at 1930 hrs. | |
9 Feb | Warm and clear all day. Bn was debriefed on ex "Co-operation" in the morning and regular training was carried out during the afternoon. A Coy spent the afternoon on the rifle ranges. | |
10 Feb | Warm and clear all day. A Coy fired SMG on the 30 yard range in the morning. B Coy carried out battle drill all day. C Coy fired LMG on ranges all day. During the afternoon A Coy were given recreational training. | |
11 Feb | Weather clear and cool. Regular training carried on throughout the bn. A Coy completed a ten mile forced march. A film was shown at the "Y" in the evening. | |
12 Feb | Training was carried out as usual with B Coy on rifle ranges and C Coy doing a forced march in the morning and holding a sports parade in the afternoon. Mortar pl went on an all day exercise. | |
13 Feb | Clear and warm during the day with a cold wind in the late afternoon. A voluntary church parade was held in the morning and a film was shown at the "Y" in the afternoon. All ranks were permitted to go to the nearby towns. | |
14 Feb | A Coy fired on the Sten range in the morning and carried on general training in the afternoon. B Coy proceeded to Cranborne Chase for two days field firing. C Coy taking PT in preparation for forth coming swimming course. Int Sec personnel were att to coys for one weeks training. | |
15 Feb | C Coy proceeded to Yeovil on swimming course. MMG completed a ten mile forced march and Sig pl a twenty mile forced march in the afternoon. Remainder carried on with regular training. | |
16 Feb | Training carried on as per syllabus throughout the bn. A large number of men attended a film shown in the gym in the evening. | |
17 Feb | Regular training all day with A Coy on the 30 yd Sten range. | |
18 Feb | A Coy completed a 25 mile route march while B Coy used the 30 yd Sten range. Sig and a/tk pls also on route march. C Coy still on their swimming course in Yeovil. | |
19 Feb | General administration and preparation for 36 hr leave. All personnel proceeded on pass at 1100 hrs. | |
20 Feb | 36 hr passes. A film was shown for those who remained in camp. | |
21 Feb | A Coy and mortar pl on field firing exercise. Sig pl visited the div Tk Sqdn for instruction in tank and A/C driving. C Coy on swimming course. | |
22 Feb | A Coy and mort pl on field firing. Remainder of the bn carried on regular trng. | |
23 Feb | A Coy on 30 yd ranges in the morning and on recreational trng in the afternoon. C Coy returned from swimming course in Yeovil in the evening. A film was shown in the gym. | |
24 Feb | Regular trng throughout the day. A Coy on 25 mile march and B Coy on the 30 yd range. | |
25 Feb | A Coy on an all day exercise. B Coy plus mort pl proceeded on the ten mile forced march route. MMG on Vickers range all day. Sig pl on the 30 yd range. | |
26 Feb | General administration in preparation for 36 hr leave granted to all men in camp. | |
27 Feb | Church parade was held for the men remaining in camp. A film was shown at the "Y". | |
28 Feb | Weather clear and colder. Coys carried out regular trng. All personnel of the bn were briefed for a short exercise in the near future. A, B, and trng Coys were paid in the afternoon. | |
29 Feb | Weather clear and warm all day. Trng carried out as per syllabus. HQ and C Coy paid. |