Canadian Special Ops and Airborne Forces postwar

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  • Keith M. McCoy (grave)
    Peggy L. was his sister, not his wife.
    Thanks, i have ammended.
    Best regards, Craig
  • Keith M. McCoy (grave)
    Peggy L. was his sister, not his wife.
  • John Ridgway
    I went to John Ridgway’s School of Adventure, at Ardmore, in 1998. He was 60 that year, a charismatic, big, strong, and very fit man indeed. He and his instructors demanded a great deal of a mixed bunch of mainly middle-class men and women, from urban environments. Virtually everyone had...
  • Joaquin Fajardo
    Hi Eugenio. We exchanged emails around 25/30 years ago regarding the Spaniards on the HELIOPOLIS. I was never able to ascertain if any direct family members went to Hawaii. Apart from Fajardo, other family surnames were Aneas, Mingorance and Ruiz all very common names in Otivar. Unfortunately...
  • 1 SAS (A Squadron) group 1943
    Just searched online for my old boss Ted Badger,who I knew had a distinguished military career.If anyone would like further info on him please contact me at
  • 2 SAS Group
    Hi Tim,

    William McQueen was from Grangemouth and was MID LG 9/8/45, page 4054. I also have a note that he won a Croix de Guerre, but have never been able to verify.

    Best wishes,

  • unknown SBS
    This photo was taken in Kastelorizo (Megisti) island, Greece
  • Richard Bethell
    Major The Right Honorable R.N. Bethel was my Company Commander and an Inspirational leader.
    I'm old now but his lessons resonate.
  • Raymond Bowers
    Thank you for adding my father. He returned to be curate in North London after demob. He and his wife Daphne went to Uganda in 1947. The left Uganda in 1962 and he worked for CMS in London as Education Secretary before moving to Bath in 1966
  • R. Walker-Brown
    Aw this is my grandad Brown. I knew he was injured in the left eye and blinded. Not sure how that happened. I knew about Italy but never realised how high ranking and brave he was. RIP Grandpa Brown
    I've ammended his record here ...

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