- Op.Impact (11/12 April)
Military Medal - Hope, William MorganThe above named N.C.O. was told to cover the movement of the Troop from the left to the right-hand side of the bank with a Bren Gun. He moved up the bank and on reaching the top was hit in the body; despite this he continued over the bank and although wounded and under heavy fire, engaged the enemy sniper at a few yards range with his Tommy Gun. He knelt in the open firing one magazine; he then placed another magazine on the gun firing that also and proceeded to reload with a further magazine. He opened fire again killing the enemy sniper, but was hit in the hands, losing two fingers from each hand, Despite this he still attempted to fire his Tommy Gun, but was pulled back into the slit trench under cover after the bank had been crossed.
By his magnificent courage and determination he enabled the Troop to move from one position to the other without casualties, inspiring the men to move confidently under fire.
Military Cross - Kinnear, Ernest ArthurDuring the early stages of the attack the patrol attached to 'P Troop found themselves in exposed positions on the left of the main dyke.
Heavy and sustained S.A. fire was brought to bear on their positions from enemy positions on their left.
S.P. and mortar fire was also brought to bear, the position being well and truly straddled.
The O.C. patrol ordered his men to the sheltered side of the dyke, as many casualties had been received.
The A/m N.C.O, with total disregard for his own safety made three separate trips over the dyke under accurate and withering cross S.A. and mortar fire to try and pull out the wounded who were still lying on the exposed bank of the dyke.
Heavy shell fire was also in progress.
In the new position the patrol were under accurate sniping from 50 yards and Spandau fire from 150 yards. The patrol were ordered to withdraw, to a better and less exposed position. Sgt. HOPE remained with the wounded men; he continued moving amongst them, cheering them on and tending their wounds. During this time the sniper continued to fire, two of the wounded men being hit again. Finally Sgt. HOPE jumped on to the bank, completely exposing himself to the enemy in an endeavour to stop them firing on the already wounded.
The enemy continued to fire and shelling commenced once again. Sgt. HOPE remained with the wounded giving what assistance he was able. When eventually medical aid arrived only one wounded man remained alive, the remainder having been either killed by sniper fire or shelling.
Throughout the entire action this S.N.C.O. displayed the utmost bravery and complete disregard for his own life. His devotion to duty and encouragement to his section on the death of his section officer was an inspiration to all around him.
Sgt Kinnear was acting in the capacity of Troop Sergeant Major during Operation 'IMPACT' 10-13 Apr 45, and became at once an outstanding figure on the battlefield. In the area of MENATE the Commando met stiff enemy opposition on a narrow front, with the additional hazards of deeply sown minefields. Heavy toll was taken of unit personnel. During this critical period, with morale badly shaken and the success of the operation in the balance, Sgt KINNEAR emerged as a leader of the highest qualities. Tirelessly applying himself to the welfare of his men he moved freely through his section positions, succouring the wounded and exhorting tired men to renewed effort. In so doing he was repeatedly exposed to enemy SA fire, but by demonstrating complete disregard for his own safety he so stimulated the Troop that it was able to resume the attack and capture the objective.
During the many operations carried out by 40 (RM) Cdo from SICILIY to ARGENTA, Sgt Kinnear has been conspicuous by his gallantry.
During an operation on the DALMATION Island of BRAC in June 1944, he was again acting as Troop Sergeant Major. When heavy casualties had been sustained he went out alone over open ground to evacuate many of them under fire. Again in the same action he evacuated two casualties from the middle of a Schu minefield, and later returned to the summit of a hill within easy range of the enemy positions to evacuate wounded left behind in the withdrawal, although he was forced to retire by accurate sniping.
Within his troop and within the unit, Sgt KINNEAR has been a tower of strength. With always a helping hand for the weak, a word of encouragement to the faint hearted and above all, by his own shining example he has upheld the highest traditions of his Corps and of the British SNCO.
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