TURI | 1 | Settle in | ||
2 | Administration | |||
3 | Administration | |||
A.M. | Lt.Col.R.W.Sankey, DSO. DSC. and Lieut.J.G.Matters moved on duty. Major P.R.Matters assumed command | |||
4 | Sunday Routine 'Y' Tp to 2 Cdo Trg.Wing MINERVINO | |||
5 | Administration and Unit Training | |||
6 | Administration and Unit Training | |||
7 | Administration and Unit Training | |||
P.M. | Lt.Col.R.W.Sankey, DSO.,D.S.C. and Lieut.J.G.Matters return from duty | |||
8 | Lt.Col.R.W.Sankey resumed command Administration and Unit Training | |||
9 | Rev.H.R.Gray R.N.V.R., Capt G.C.Belbin, Lieut.R.Wilkie join Commando from H.O.C. | |||
10 | Administration and Unit Training | |||
11 | Sunday Routine | |||
12 | Administration and Unit Training | |||
13 | Administration and Unit Training | |||
14 | 1000 | Brig.G.M.O.Davey, C.B.,D.S.O. Commander L.F.A. visits Commando Inspection and Address | ||
15 | Commando prepares to move | See Appendix G.1,G.2; | ||
16 | Load stores etc | |||
17 | 1630 | Rail Party leave | ||
18 | 0700 | Road Party leave | ||
19 | Transit | |||
20 | 1400 | Road Party arrive RAVENNA | ||
1600 | Rail Party arrived RIMINI | |||
2000 | Rail Party arrive RAVENNA | |||
RAVENNA | 21 | Settle in | ITALY Sheet 89 1:100,000 | |
22 | Commando relieve 2 Commando in Sector A.1 | See Appx. D. | ||
23 | Line holding | See Appx. A; | ||
24 | Line holding | do. | ||
25 | Line holding | do. | ||
26 | Line holding | do. | ||
27 | Line holding | do. | ||
28 | Line holding | do. | ||
29 | Line holding | do. | ||
30 | Line holding | do. | ||
31 | Line holding | do. | ||
MAPS. ITALY 1:25,000 SHEET 89 1 NW. SHEET 89 1 SW. |
Sitreps 22 Mar 45 - 31 Mar 45
From 40 (RM) Cdo
To 2 SS Bde
221930A. Sitrep at 1930 hrs. Intermittant shelling area 6054 1400 hrs to 1500 hrs and area 624546 1700-1820 hrs. Rocket and mortar fire area 636564 1855 hrs. Own tps taking over area. Recce patrol from 6355 to between 57 and 58 Northings.230830A. Sitrep at 0800 hrs. Enemy NTR. Own tps change over completed 222224A. Locations A Tp Y Tp 1 Sec P Tp occupied 1 Tp 12 Tp 1 SEc 3 Tp posns (WOODFORCE) remainder as follows. 1 Sec P Tp 624548 X Tp R Tp occupied 4 Tp and 5 Tp posns respectively Hy Weapons Tp same posns. Recce patrol reports no activity seen.
231330A. Sitrep at 1930 hrs. One German seem observing over dyke immediately NORTH of 592556 at 0830 hrs and 1430 hrs disappearing before we could engage. RT set heard working same area 0820 hrs. Civilian seen 1300 hrs on WEST bank of RENO 633565 remaining 5 minutes then disappeared. Listening patrols to enemy FDLs 639575 and river bank 634567. Contact patrol to Garibaldi Bde 588555.
240750A. Sitrep at 0750 hrs. Lt observed behind dyke 0430 hrs and sound of knocking 592556. Voices heard irregular intervals from 0200 hrs onwards 614560. Small fire seen 0335 hrs for 4 minutes bearing magnetic 12 degrees from 614558. Area 6355 shelled approx 6 rounds 0725-0740 hrs. Patrol to Garibaldi Bde est contact. Listening patrol report awaited.
241920A. Sitrep at 1920 hrs. Area 6254 intermittent shelling 1300-1520 hrs. Two shells on track area 636534 1600 hrs. Area 622553 mortared 1705-1720 hrs and area 638567 from 1850-1910hrs. No cas. Burst of Spandau fire 0650 hrs from area 615565. Spandau fire from 595556 engaged patrisans 588565. One German seen at 1600 hrs 615560. Recce patrol to 639579 out last lt in first lt. Recce patrol to area 635566 out 2000 hrs in 0200 hrs.
250800A. Sitrep at 0800 hrs. 1900 hrs area 635560 shelled by 15 HE 81 mm GB fire by RA. 2150 hrs 5 rounds rifle fire from area CRISPINO incl track in EAST direction 3" mortar engaged. 0210 hrs RHINO report probable mine being set off in front of their posn. 0420 hrs SPIT patrol returned and reported having got to within 250 yds of enemy FDLs. Nothing unusual seen or heard. No mines of booby traps encountered. Mine free patch est to within 650 yds of enemy posn. Lying up area found 640578 and several others in same locality. 0510 hrs burat of SCHMEISSER heard bearing 70 deg from FRANKLIN. 0500 hrs small patrol sent to FILIPONE Farm 634556 as result of intruder at 0230 hrs and 0415 hrs between YORK & NEW. Set off trip flare at 0430 hrs. Patrol returned 0710 hrs NTR.
251900A. Sitrep 1900 hrs. Area 623553 mortared & shelled 1950 hrs. Area 635567 shelled 1623 hrs.613558 mortared by small calibre from NORTH of RENO 1645 hrs. 638554 shelled intermittently by gun out of range own atty 1720-1750hrs. Sniper from G RONGONI fired 2 rounds direction 632568 at 1225 hrs. No cas. 2 Cdo sniper att X Tp killed German at 1530 hrs 614558. Recce patrol to FDLs TONGUE out 2300 hrs in 0330 hrs. Recce patrol track SOUTH of RENO from junc 632530 to junc 614558 out 2000 in 0300 hrs.
260730A. Siterep 260730A. Unidentified intruder set oiff trip flare 633656 2230 hrs. Horse & cart heard CASINO 613563 2340 hrs. Spandau burst 1000 yds from 613558 bearing 05 degrees. Spandau on river bank opposite 615558 engaged area 605547 0450-0500 hrs. OP Cpl returned from 641577 0525 hrs as his escort L/Cpl T.HALEY was captured 0415 hrs. Report follows. Deserter MULIER from MC Coy PESSELRING Bn arrived 537560 0600 hrs.
261915A. Sitrep 1915 hrs. 635565 shelled 1045 hrs. 624548 shelled & mortared intermittently 1125-1220 hrs. 635555 received approx 40 rounds 81 mm mortar 1535-1615 hrs. 605541 shelled by 155 mm gun 1330-1350 hrs. No cas. Listening patrol to TONGUE FDLs out 2000 hrs in 0400 hrs. Standing patrol between 623528 and 625586 observing NORTH bank RENO. Broadcasting party 612558 out 1900 hrs in 0100 hrs approx.
270800A. Sitrep 0800 hrs. SHERRY complete 0240 hrs. Wireless transmission from 613557. Owing to wind probably not heard successfully outside a range of 100 yds either direction. No reactions. NTR from SPIT area. NTR from patrol from 615557 to junc 625557..
271915A. Sitrep 1915 hrs. NTR. Contact patrol to partisans at LA BALLADORA 585547 Out 2200 hrs in 0200 hrs. Standing patrol from --5558 625559 to observe mov on or across RENO. Listening patrol from Pillboxes 638547 to approx 300 yds NORTH out 1930 hrs in 0230 hrs.
280730A. Sitrep at 0730 hrs. 2000 hrs Spandau fire from 630564 onto area 6255 following own MMC HF. 0010-0150 hrs RONCONI 632572 fired 24 rounds 81 mm mortar into area 630565. 0045-0055 hrs approx 20 rounds 81 mm mortar fire from WEST in area 637560. No cas. Contact patrol fired on by partisan sentry 2105 hrs at 585546. One Sgt killed. Standing patrol set off mone 617558 1940 hrs. One Cpl killed one offr and two mnes wounded. Listening patrol 43 Cdo ambuashed enemy working party TONGUE apprx 640577 killing three probably killing two one escaped. Patrol was then engaged by Spandau fire from close range about 2300 hrs and withdrew unable obtain identifications. No cas.
281915A. Sitrep at 1900 hrs. 613542 mortared 0910 hrs. 622553 mortared 1240 hrs. 635554 shelled by hy & lt arty 1237-1245 hrs. Area 605555 reports explosions in Tp posn 1400 hrs apparently airburst from rifle grenade. 634556 shelled & mortared from bearing 331 deg & 335 deg magnetic 1635-1645 hrs. 611542 shelled 1630-1645 hrs. 634557 mortared 1647-1700 hrs. No cas. 43(RM)Cdo recce patrol TONGUE out 1930 hrs in 0300 hrs. No patrol by 40(RM)Cdo.
290800A. Sitrep at 0800 hrs. 1930-1945 hrs four para flares seen bearing 80 degrees from 636556 accompanied by rumblings. Were informed RAF bombing MTBs. 2015 mortaring 400 yds fwd of 630569. 2224-2235 hrs 3 shells fell area 636556 flash bearing of one 323 degrees from 634558. Tp and MMGs 43(RM)Cdo left comd. 43 Cdo patrol composition one offr 6 ORs. Out 1930 hrs in 2115 hrs. Found that REs had cleared up through mine fd leading to river bank which was wrong. Caught by Spandau fire from 635571. No cas. Two Spandaus also located at 634571 and one at 632583. Possible location of enemy mortars believed to be 3" is 632589.
291915A. Sitrep 1915 hrs. 4 Germans seen at 634566 1345 hrs observing across RENO. Shelled by our arty and disappeared. Area 6354 shelled 5 rounds 1825-1840hrs. No cas. 614545 shelled 1845 hrs. Intentions. Standing patrol at 624558 to observe mov. Out 1900 hrs in 0400 hrs.
300730A. Sitrep at 0730 hrs. 1945 hrs noise of hy vehs or tks heard at 634560 bearing 350 degrees magnetic distance unknown. 0615 hrs raft with 3 men seen 4000 yards from 635542 bearing 74 degrees drifting SOUTH. Both patrols NTR.
301915A. Sitrep 1915 hrs. Area 639568 mortared 1715 hrs no cas. Intentions Standing patrol at 624558 to observe mov. out 1900 hrs in 0400 hrs. Broadcasting party 612558 at 2000 hrs to 2100 hrs.
310800A. Sitrep 0800 hrs. 2113 hrs suspected enemy patrol crawled to within 80-100 yds of posn at 615558 and disappeared immediately. Unit then stood to and stood down at 2315 hrs. 0115 hrs Y Tp relieved by Q Tp from Pillboxes and now in area 632532. 43(RM)Cdo standing patrol report nothing seen or heard seemed as if enemy FDLs were deserted. Unit standing patrol NTR. Propoganda & music broadcast to enemy from area 615358. No reactions.
311915A. Sitrep 1915 hrs. Airbursts seen WEST of MANDRIOLE 1000 hrs. G FISTRINA 598539 received two direct hits from shelling 1530-1540 hrs. Two fishing boats seen approx 650570 1745 hrs drifting SOUTH not known if occupied. Area 613558 mortared for G RONCONI 1845 hrs no cas. Standing patrol to observe mov at 618558. Broadcast program approx 2000 hrs from 613558.