I.O.W. | 1 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fine | Unit Trg. | |
I.O.W. | 2 Oct 42 | Fine | Unit Trg. A.O., IO & 24 N.C.O's to Weymouth | Major Hellings to London.a.m. 2nd. Lt. Ecrepont to Eastney.a.m. 2nd. Capt. Devereaux to Fort Cumberland.a.m. 2nd. | |
I.O.W. | 3 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fine | Unit Trg and R.T. | 1 N.C.O. & 5 O.R's to London. Capt. Devereaux assumes duties of Adjutant. Capt. D.L.Barclay to sick list. |
I.O.W. | 4 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | A & X Troops move to Weymouth as advance party to Commando. | Move carried out in denim suits as a security measure. |
I.O.W. | 5 Oct 42 | 1400 | Foggy | Main body moves to Weymouth via Yarmouth with transport. | Accomodation Stores remain at I.O.W. |
Weymouth | 6 Oct 42 | 1800 | Misty | Moving of Stores. Billets arranged. R.T. Trg. | Essential stores, Amn &c., stored here. |
Weymouth | 7 Oct 42 | 1800 | Misty & Rain | Unit & R.T. Trg. | C.O. moves on duty returns on completion. p.m.7Oct. |
Weymouth | 8 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fine | Rear Party arrives from I.O.W. | Capt. Barclay resumes duty as Adjutant. |
Weymouth | 9 Oct 42 | 1800 | Overcast | R.T. & Unit Trg. | Major Hellings & Lt Berriff to I.O.W. |
Weymouth | 10 Oct 42 | 1700 | Fine | Unit Trg. | |
Weymouth | 11 Oct 42 | 2400 | Fair | Tp. night exercises and wireless Trg. | Movement across country. |
Weymouth | 12 Oct 42 | 2400 | Rainy | Route Marches. Cdo night exercises. | All commando working as one unit to exercise control. |
Weymouth | 13 Oct 42 | 2400 | Rainy | Unit Trg. Tp exercises at night. | 2/Lt. Chiverall to Light Duty. Capt. Devereaux to S.S. as Liaison Officer. |
Weymouth | 14 Oct 42 | 2400 | Foul | a.m. Unit trg. p.m Rest after evening exercises. Cdo night exercises including B Commando. | As from 12/10/42. Major B.J.D. Lunsden R.M. and 3 troops (B,P,Q) u/c of A Commando. |
Weymouth | 15 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fine | Unit trg. "O" Gp attended by Adjt. Tp Comd.,I.O.,S.O., & Tp Comd. of B. Commando regarding Ex.BLACKMORE. | Lt. Berriff to Exton on duty return on completion. |
Weymouth | 16 Oct 42 | Fine | Route March and River Crossing. | ||
Weymouth | 17 Oct 42 | 2400 | Fair | Ex. BLACKMORE commences today. "O" Gp attended by Tp. Comd. A & B Cdo, Adjut, I.O., S.O. to discuss same. | |
Weymouth | 18 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fine | Ex. BLACKMORE ends at 1230 hrs. Return at 1500 hrs. | |
Weymouth | 19 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fine | Sunday Routine. | Lt. Berriff moves to London with Major. Lumsden. |
Weymouth | 20 Oct 42 | 1800 | Cloudy | Trg Conference attended by Adjt, all Tp Comd. A & B Cdo also S.O. & I.O. | Lt. Epraums absent on duty. |
Weymouth | 21 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit trg including swimming Weymouth harbour. | |
Weymouth | 22 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit trg. C.O. Major Lumsden, All Tp Comd. I.O. & S.O. to conference at S.S. Bde regarding Ex. BLACKMORE. | Ordinary soldiering and section work needs improving. |
Weymouth | 23 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit & R.T. Trg. | Major Lumsden and Lt. Berriff to Pembroke. Major Hellings and Capt Devereaux to Portsmouth return on completion. |
Weymouth | 24 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. | |
Weymouth | 25 Oct 42 | 1800 | Rainy | Sunday Routine. | |
Weymouth | 26 Oct 42 | 1800 | Rainy | Visit by Major Gen.Beith. Demonstration of street fighting by X Tp. | Commencement of snipers trg. Green Berets now part of dress. |
Weymouth | 27 Oct 42 | 1800 | Foul | Unit trg and R.T. | |
Weymouth | 28 Oct 42 | Rainy | Night exercise. Very successful. | Exercise in speed and control at night. | |
Weymouth | 29 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. | Return of Major Lumsden and Lt. Berriff. |
Weymouth | 30 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | Commencement of move to I.O.W. 2/Lt. Neale & I. Sec to Recce Bournemouth area. | Capt. Barclay to I.O.W. Lt. Bradley assumes duty as Adjt. |
Weymouth | 31 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair & Rainy | Stores packed and arrangements for move made. |