Awards (op.Jubilee)
- Military Cross
Smale, Kenneth William Ridley
- Military Medal
Bradshaw, Leslie Charles
Breen, Terence Edward
- Croix de Guerre
- Mention in Despatches
Smale, Kenneth William RidleyOn the 19th August 1942 Major Houghton who was 2 i/c Command 40 (RM) Commando during operation 'Jubilee' was ordered to land party from an LCA onto the main beach at Dieppe. On the run in, the LCA in which he was travelling, came under heavy enemy fire, but in spite of this proceeded towards the beach He eventually grounded about 100 yards out. Major Houghton, with complete disregard for his personal safety, was the first to attempt to land. He found the water too deep to achieve a landing, so under heavy fire he re-embarked and gave orders for the LCA to be beached on another position of its shore. This second attempt was successful and on landing Major Houghton immediately organised his party and engaged the enemy with all weapons at his disposal. In spite of overwhelming enemy fire, he only gave up when all other troops in the vicinity had surrendered. After capture, Major Houghton behaved in a manner which exemplified the highest traditions of the Royal Marine Corps. He maintained a high standard of discipline while acting as a company commander in OKay VIIB and by his personal example, stimulated the morale of all troops with whom he came in contact. He was always ready to give every assistance to potential escapees and it was only as a result of medical advice that he did not himself partake in any attempts to escape. By his devotion to duty, personal example, courage and untiring efforts he rendered to his country and corps a service which can seldom have been surpassed.
For bravery, endurance and inspiring devotion to duty whilst serving in Commando operations in the raid on Dieppe, 19th August 1942, and later as a prisoner of war in Germany, August 1942 - May 1945.
Bradshaw, Leslie CharlesWhen there was no possibility of landing, his boat was ordered to close into the beach to pick up survivors, whilst doing this, the survivors were being machine gunned in the water. Marine Bevan went aft and located one Machine Gun on the East Cliff which he silenced, with L.M.G. fire. He continued to fire at others until the boat was hit aft and his gun was blown off its mounting.
He showed great courage throughout.
Breen, Terence EdwardWhilst approaching the beach his boat engaged by heavy Machine Gun and rifle fire, the C.O. ordered the buildings on the beach from where the fire was coming to be engaged by L.M.G. A gun was opened up by Marine Bradshaw who also ordered the H.Q. L.M.G. into action. Both guns were kept continuously in action until such time as the targets were obscured by smoke. During this time the M.L.C. was repeatedly hit by bursts of M.G. fire and very accurate rifle fire from the beach. Owing to the position of this M.L.C. the men had to stand up to engage the targets. Bradshaw carried out his duties very courageously whilst under heavy fire and without thought to his own personal safety.
During the approach to the beach in L.C.A. under a continuous and withering fire, Marine Breen took up a position with his Bren gun on the port side of his craft. He continued to fire with accuracy and effect at the German positions and succeeded in neutralising the German gun position on the Casino. During this time the craft was being continually hit by small arms and mortar fire but Marine Breen continued undaunted until all his ammunition had been expended.
In the action at DIEPPE on 19th August, 1942, Lt Col. MANNERS was senior surviving Officer of the Commando. His boat was sunk, and he spent over two hours in the water. During this time, regardless of his own safety he devoted himself to encouraging his men, and seeing them into rescue boats. He personally saved the lives of two of his men. On finally leaving the water, he assumed command of survivors setting a fine example of endurance and devotion to duty.