Source : National Archives ADM 202/87
Note i have added 'Roll of Honour' and 'Awards' to each year of the diary.
Please let me know if any typing errors or errors to the text found.
Officer Commanding, Lt.Col.J.P.Phillipps.
Capt. J.C.Manners commanded on 18 Feb.
Major.R.D.Houghton commanded on the 19 Feb & 24 Feb respectively.
Note i have added 'Roll of Honour' and 'Awards' to each year of the diary.
Please let me know if any typing errors or errors to the text found.
London | 4 Feb 42 | a.m. | Capt.P.W.C.Hellings. D.S.C., detached from 3 R.M. for duty at R.M. Office, informs Capt(A/Major) J.P.Phillipps serving at Staff College Camberlay or requirements for R.M. Commando War Establishments | |
London | 7 Feb 42 | -- | Major J.P.Phillipps visits R.M.Office and Office of Commodore Combined Operation.(Lord Louis Mountbatten) to discuss staff requirements and R.M. Commando War Establishments. | See Appendix A. |
London | 12 Feb 42 | -- | Major J.P.Phillipps attached to R.M.Office for duty from Staff College Camberley. Signal made to Home Fleet and formations and units serving in U.K. | |
Deal | 14 Feb 42 | 1745 | Major J.P.Phillipps, Capt(A/Major)R.D.Houghton, Capt J.C.Manners, Capt.Hellings, D.S.C., Lieut.A.D.Comyn and 100 O.R.'s (approx) arrive to start formation of Unit. Draft of G.1098 equipment table given to Major J.P.Phillipps. | Major.R.D.Houghton from 15(M.G) Bn,R.M.; Capt J.C.Manners from Chatham Div. Lieut.A.D.Comyn from R.M.M.S. Thurlestone |
Deal | 15 Feb 42 | 0900 | N.C.O.'s and men detailed to sub units. Lieut. D.E.M.B.Tod and Lieut.H.O.Huntington-Whiteley report for duty. Further drafts arrive 72 O.R.'s from 101 R.M.Bde. Beach Engineers Bn. R.M.T.T.Depot | Lieut.D.E.M.B.Tod from Portsmouth Division. Lieut.H.O.Huntington-Whiteley from Chatham Division. |
Deal | 16 Feb 42 | 0815 | Training starts. Further drafts (25 O.R.'s) arrive from R.M.Sisge Regt. Plymouth Division and 18(Mob)Bn. Lieut.M.J.Ephraums reports for duty. | Lieut.M.J.Ephraums from H.M.S. Cumberland. |
Deal | 17 Feb 42 | a.m. | 40 O.R.'s returned to units at own request. Most men were under impression (a) The unit would be formed for short time only or (b) There was extra pay when serving with R.M. Commando | Few of men returned, if any, worthy of retention. |
1700 | Draft arrives from Portsmouth Division 11 O.R.'s. Draft from 12 R.M. and Sussex Bty, 2 C.A.Regt. 28 O.R.'s arrives. Lieut.N.E.S.Maude reports for duty. | Lieut.N.E.S.Maude from Holding Bn. Deal. | ||
Deal | 18 Feb 42 | 0800 | Major.Phillipps and Major.Houghton visit R.M.Office to discuss formation of Signal Pl. and other administrative details. Arrangements are made for R.M.Commando to remain a Deal until 23 March 42. | |
1800 | Ty Lieut.(A/Ty Capt) R.K.Deveraux reports for duty. | Capt.R.K.Deveraux from 104 (Trg) Bde. 20 Bn R.M. | ||
2100 | Major.Houghton returns. | |||
Deal | 19 Feb 42 | a.m. | Draft G.1098 returned ammended to O.S.I.a for publication. | |
p.m. | Major.Phillipps returns from London | |||
2100 | Trg conference, arrangements made for Demolitions course at H.M.S. Pembroke. | |||
Deal | 20 Feb 42 | p.m. | 2nd/Lieu.I.C.McKellar and 10 O.R.'s. 8 Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders report for duty. Draft arrives from 102 Bde 38 O.R.'s.. Lieut.H.W.F.Grant-Dalton reports for duty. | S A & S.H. from 102 R.M. Bde. Lieut.H.W.F.Grant-Dalton from Portsmouth Division. |
Deal | 21 Feb 42 | 1100 | Owing to many units not having given leave recently permission is sought and granted from R.M.Office for R.M.Commando to have one weeks leave in early March. 30 O.R.'s returned to Unit, they being no longer volunteers. | |
Deal | 22 Feb 42 | 0900 | R.M.Commando paraded for Forced march. | Route march carried out at a rapid rate. 128-130-paces/min. Route; DEAL-SHOLDEN-GT MONGEHAM-WALMER-DEAL. |
p.m. | Lieut.D.L.Barclay reports for duty. | Lieut.D.L.Barclay from H.M.S. Norfolk | ||
After one week chief difficulties appear to be mainly Administrative. They are due to (a) Lack of trained Administrative N.C.O.'s. (b) The fact that troops had arrived even before the nucleus of the staff. These factors caused a lag which was not caught up until the end of the first week. | ||||
Deal | 23 Feb 42 | 0900 | Close Sp.Pl. to instruction by 5 DORSETS. Loan of one 3" Mortar for training. Range programme agreed on with I. of S.A. Deal. | |
1700 | Lt.Colonel.Phillipps visits 130(Inf)Bde to arrange for Field Firing Range. | |||
Deal | 24 Feb 42 | 0800 | Lt.Colonel.Phillipps visits R.M.Office to discuss methods of obtaining G.1098 equipment. Further increase of allocations from units to R.M.Commando. Ty/Lieut.E.W.Ecrepont reports for duty. Lieut.J.E.Stiebel reports for duty. | 104(Trg)Bde. 60. O.R's. 12 R.M. Bn. 20. O.R's 103 Bde. 20. O.R's Ty/Lieut.E.W.Ecrepont from 9.R.M. Bn. Lieit.J.E.Stiebel from H.M.S. Nelson. |
Deal | 25 Feb 42 | 0800 | Range courses begin. A Coy and Mortar Pl. Trg ammunition arrives from S.A.S.O. Chatham. | |
p.m. | Ty/Lieut.J.W.E.Bradley reports for duty. | Ty/Lieut.J.W.E.Bradley from 15(M.G.) Bn. R.M. | ||
Deal | 26 Feb 42 | 0900 | Lt.Colonel.Phillipps, Major.Houghton, and the Adjutant recce field firing range on SANDWICH flats. A Coy completes range course. Close Sp. Pl. fire 3" Mortar. | |
Deal | 27 Feb 42 | a.m. | Draft 20 O.R's arrive from 103 Bde. Draft 26 O.R's from R.M. Signal School comprising complete Signal Pl/ arrive. Pl. formed and trained for 5 days at R.M. Signal School. | |
Deal | 28 Feb 42 | a.m. | 9 O.R's arrive from Chatham Division, these replace men returned earlier at own request. Lt.Colonel.Phillipps and 7 officers to view field firing range and makes final arrangements. X Coy complete range course. |
Capt. J.C.Manners commanded on 18 Feb.
Major.R.D.Houghton commanded on the 19 Feb & 24 Feb respectively.
Deal | 1 Mar 42 | 0900 | Lt.Colonel.Phillipps and 7 officers to view Field Firing Range. Target areas selected. "Commando Action" exercised with A and X Coys. B Coy commence range course. | A Coy. 10 minutes. 4.N.C.O.'s absent and turnout poor. X Coy. 11 Minutes. Present and correct. "Bogey" timing by day 5 minutes. |
1400 | Court of Inquiry held on the loss of rifle belonging to PO/X. 101146. Mne.W.Duffy. Court declared Mne.Duffy responsible for loss while traveling on duty. | |||
Deal | 2 Mar 42 | 0800 | Major.R.D.Houhgton visits R.M.Office and C.C.O.Office. B Coy completes range course. | |
1400 | Surgeon Lieut.H.E.Dunning-Gale. R.N.V.R. reports for duty | Surg-Lt.H.E.Dunning-Gale from R.M. Siege Regt. | ||
Deal | 3 Mar 42 | 0930 - 1130 | A Coy Field Firing. Firing of all Coy weapons and includes support by two 3" Mortars (H.E. & Smoke) | |
1200 - 1400 | X Coy Field Firing. As for A Coy. One run only possible owing to fighter A/C requiring range. | |||
p.m. | Major.Houghton proceeds on leave. | |||
Deal | 4 Mar 42 | 0930 - 1130 | B Coy Field Firing. | |
1200 - 1400 | H.Q. Fighting Troop and Demolition Pl. carry out T.M.C. and Grenade field firing. | |||
Deal | 5 Mar 42 | 0930 | Lt.Colonel.Phillipps receives report if damage done to houses near Field Firing Range. Investigates damage done/ | Houses property of Air-Commodore Critchley. |
1700 | Court of Inquiry held on alleged damage at Shingle End near Sandwich. | |||
p.m. | Final arrangements for leave period completed. | |||
Deal | 6 Mar 42 | 0530 | R.M.Commando proceeds on leave. | |
0900 | Capt.Deveraux and Adjutant inspect houses at Shingle End and receive letter from Caretaker in which he accepts all responsibility for an further damage. | |||
Deal | 7 Mar - 10 Mar 42 | Stationary, Military Publications and some G.1098 stores arrive during this period. | ||
Deal | 10 Mar 42 | 1800 | Major.Houghton returns from leave. | |
Deal | 11 Mar 42 | 1000 | Lt.Col.Phillipps visits section 9 & 12 under programme arranged by Major.Wyatt.R.E. for inspection of latest war weapons and inventions. | |
Deal | 12 Mar 42 | Arrangements made for O,C. Demolition Pl.(Lt.Maude) to attend course as suggested by Major Wyatt. | ||
Deal | 13 Mar 42 | 2359 | R.M.Commando returns from leave. | |
Deal | 14 Mar 42 | 0900 | Embarkation order parade to check personal equipment. | |
Deal | 15 Mar 42 | 1000 | T.E.W.T. for all subaltern Officers and N.C.O's. | |
Deal | 16 Mar 42 | a.m. | 16 Ranks Demolition Pl. attend course at R.N.Torpedo School, Chatham. | |
p.m. | Major.Houghton to DORLIN HO. to arrange for accomodation. | |||
2245 - 2350 | Battle proceeding for Night Attack excercised. | |||
Deal | 17 Mar 42 | Date of move of R.M.Commando to DORLIN HO. fixed as Sun. 5 Apr. Letter to A.G.R.M. suggesting methods of obtaining reinforcements for R.M.Commando. | ||
Deal | 18 Mar 42 | Arrangements made for Sec. Fd Firing in area HOPE POINT. PO/X.104116. Mne.R.G.Seth absent without leave awarded 168 hrs detention. | ||
Deal | 19 Mar 42 | Lt.Maude attends Advanced Demolition course (4 days) Lt. Col.Phillipps visits R.M.Office and C.C.Office. | ||
Deal | 20 Mar 42 | PLY/X. 2739. Mne.Caine, absent without leave, awarded 168 hrs detention. | ||
Deal | 21 Mar 42 | R.M.Commando run and walk. 1 Cpl and 8 Mnes arr. from H.M.S. NORFOLK. | ||
Deal | 22 Mar 42 | 0900 | R.M.Commando parades for route march. 12 O.R's for Demolition Course at R.N.Torpedo School detached to Chatham. | |
Deal | 23 Mar 42 | 0800 | A. Coy Sec Fld Firing. PO/X. 105973. Mne.Milne and PO/X. 105964. Mne.Simpson absent without leave. Awarded 14 days detention. | |
Deal | 24 Mar 42 | 0800 | B. Coy Sec. Fd Firing. Lt.Col.Phillipps visits R.M.Office on duty. 1 Cpl, 12 Mnes arr. from Chatham Divsion. 5 Mnes from Seige Regt. | |
Deal | 25 Mar 42 | 0800 | X. Coy Sec. Fd Firing. 1 Mne arr. from Seige Regt. | |
Deal | 26 Mar 42 | 0800 | 7 Mnes from 18(Mob) Bn. 1 Mne Butcher from Portsmouth Division. EX. 1000. Mne.Underwood, 10 days detention, attempting to steal. | |
Deal | 27 Mar 42 | 0800 | 1 Mne from R.M.School of Signalling. CH/X. 731. Sgt.H.F.Martin promoted A/Q.M.S.I. and appointed as Commando S.M. | |
Deal | 28 Mar 42 | 0510 | R.M.Commando Action. Battle Procedure exercised. Speed of assembly satisfactory. N.C.O's promotions made. | |
Deal | 29 Mar 42 | 0930 | National Day of Prayer. R.M.Commando Church Parade. 1 Sgt arr. from Plymouth Division | |
Deal | 30 Mar 42 | 1400 | Advance Party stores loaded. | |
London | 31 Mar 42 | 0800 | Lt.Col.Phillipps visits R.M.Office on duty. | |
Deal | 31 Mar 42 | Ex.5411. Mne.Fox and Ex.5326. Mne.Wild absent without leave awarded 28 days and 10 days detention. |
Capt.A.D.Comyn commanded from 7 - 10 Mar. (incl).
Major.R.D.Houghton commanded from 11 - 13 (incl), from 24 - 27 (incl). and on 31 Mar.
Capt.J.C.Manners commanded on 19 Mar.
Deal | 1 Apr 42 | 0550 | Major.Houghton, Lt.Huntington-Whitely, Lt.Ephraums, Lt.Stiebel and 72 O.R's Advance party more to H.M.S. DORLIN. | |
2 Apr 42 | 1030 | Lt.Col.Phillipps moves to H.M.S.Dorlin. Snipers fire range course. | ||
Deal | 3 Apr 42 | Final arrangements completed for move of Main Body. | ||
Deal | 4 Apr 42 | a.m. | Stores loaded. Capt.Hellings, D.S.C. to C.C.C. office on duty by road and return. 1 Sgt arr. from H.M.S. King George V and 8 O.R's from Portsmouth Division. 3 O.R's from Beach Bn. | |
Deal | 5 Apr 42 | 0715 | Main Body parades, all stores turned over to Barrackmaster.Camp Q.M.S. left s rear party. | |
0805 | Main Body leaves Deal. Easter Sunday. After six weeks at Deal unit is at full strength. About 10 to 15% however medically unfit and a further 3% totally unsuited. Period at Deal has been invaluable owing to amenities available. Chief difficulties still Administrative. Lack of training in such duties of both Officers and N.C.O's apparent. | |||
Edinburgh | 6 Apr 42 | 0230 | Train splits. A. Coy to Oban remainder to Glenfinnan. | |
Dorlin Area | 6 Apr 42 | 1030 | Main Body less A. Coy arrive Glenfinnan detrain thence by water and road to billets. | |
1800 | A. Coy arrive from Oban Commando split into 4 areas, distance between extreme areas is 15 miles. Time about 1½ hours by M.T. | |||
Dorlin Area | 7 Apr 42 | a.m. | Adm. Work and settling in. | |
1400 | All Officers and N.C.O's attend lecture and practice boat work in R. Boats. | |||
Dorlin Area | 8 Apr 42 | a.m. | All Coy Unit Trg. 2 Pl. start short Demolition course under Q.M.S.I. Royal Engineers H.Q. exercise by day and night. | |
Dorlin Area | 9 Apr 42 | a.m. | All Coys unit trg incl. Boatwork, Seamanship and Assault | |
a.m. | H.Q. exercise | |||
Dorlin Area | 10 Apr 42 | a.m. | All Coy unit trg and Rehearse night landings | |
p.m. | Lt.Col.E.Brockman A.A. & Q.M.G. visits unit from R.M.Office. 2 Officers Sgt 3 Cpls 18 Mnes required to be detached to Special Service. | |||
Dorlin Area | 11 Apr 42 | a.m. | All Coy unit trg. H.Q. exercise | |
Dorlin Area | p.m. | B. Coy Night landing exercise. | ||
Dorlin Area | 12 Apr 42 | a.m. | Officer and N.C.O's less C.S.M's & C.Q.M.S's recce opposed Landing Exercise. Remainder clean billets. | |
Dorlin Area | 13 Apr 42 | Unit trg. H.Q.Exercise | ||
Dorlin Area | 14 Apr 42 | 0930 | X. Coy opposed landing. Individual trg weak. Sec Comdrs. moderate only. | Lt.D.E.M.B.Tod promoted Acting Capt. |
Dorlin Area | 15 Apr 42 | Unit trg. H.Q.Exercise. Lt.Col.Phillipps inspects B Coy. Lack of Administrative experience and knowledge of procedure revealed. | ||
Dorlin Area | 16 Apr 42 | 0930 | A. Coy opposed landing. Weaknesses same as X. Coy. | |
2359 | B and X. Coys with CL.Sp. and Demolition Pl start 36 hr exercise on MULL. | |||
Dorlin Area | 17 Apr 42 | all day | Exercise continues in very warm weather. | |
1600 | Sgt.Frost arrives from Deal to take over duties of R.Q.M.S. | |||
1800 | A. and H.Q.Coy employed fighting large fire. | |||
Dorlin Area | 18 Apr 42 | 0600 | B. Coy achieve object mainly due to the faulty dispositions of X. Coy. | |
1600 | X.Coy return and continue fire fighting. Capt.Tod returns from London with details of Detached Special Unit. | |||
Dorlin Area | 19 Apr 42 | 0900 | B. Coy continue fire fighting. | |
Dorlin Area | 20 Apr 42 | 0900 | B. Coy opposed landing. Same weaknesses as shown by A & X. Coys. More individual trg appears necessary. | |
1400 | Lt.Col.Phillipps inspects H.Q. Coy. | |||
Dorlin Area | 21 Apr 42 | 0001 | A.Coy start 36 hr exercise. Approach march by night 16 miles. | |
0800 | R.M.Commando less A. Coy continue 36 hr ex. against A. Coy. | |||
Dorlin Area | 22 Apr 42 | 0600 | 36 hr exercise ends. | |
23 Apr 42 | 0845 | Capt. D.E.M.B.Tod. Lieut.H.F.Grant-Dalton and 36 O.R's designated as T Coy R.M.Commando and detached for Special trg at ACHNACARRY. | This leaves a shortage of 2 officers with a possibility of a 3rd if Major.Houghton is appointed to R.M.Division. | |
Dorlin Area | 24 Apr 42 | 1200 | R.M.Commando opposed landing ex. As the first full Commando landing this is satisfactory. PO/X. 2098. Mne.A.C.Gent. awarded 28 days detention. 5 O.R's from 5.R.M.Bn. 1 O.R. from 2 R.M. Bn. | |
Dorlin Area | 25 Apr 42 | 1000 | Lt.Col.Phillipps to London on Duty to visit C.C.C. and R.M.Office with reference to future moves of R.M.Commando, and to discuss personal problems with the A.G.R.M. due to ranks unfit and unsuitable and also losses due to creation of T Coy. | |
Dorlin Area | 26 Apr 42 | Adm. News received that Major R.D.Houghton will not be appointed to R.M.Division. | ||
Dorlin Area | 27 Apr 42 | Unit trg continues. 2 S.N.C.O's, 1 J.N.C.O. and 27 O.R's returned to units as being unsuitable or unfit. Lieut.(Qr-Mr) A.M.Beffiff appointed as Qr-Mr R.M.Commando to date 5 May. | ||
Dorlin Area | 28 Apr 42 | 24 hr Exercise for all ranks to exercise bivouacs and Mountain cooking carried out. 2 O.R's from 12 R.M. Bn. | ||
Dorlin Area | 29 Apr 42 | Adm. Large fire requiring B. Coy to be employed after 24 hr exercise. | ||
Dorlin Area | 30 Apr 42 | Final arrangements for 4 Day Exercise completed. | See Appdx B for Operation Order No,3. for 4 Day. |
Major.R.D.Houghton commanded from 25 - 29 April.
Capt.J.C.Manners commanded from 2 - 6 April.
Dorlin | 1 May | 0800 | R.M. Commando embarks Dorlin proceeds to LOCH TORRIDON and LITTLE LOCH BROOM for prolonged Exercise. | Commando represents raiding force of Germans intention of whom is to destroy communications in Inverness Area. See attached Appendix. |
p/m/ | 3 Drivers arr. | |||
Ross-shire | 2 May 42 | Exercise continues. 2 Cpls 43 Mnes arr 103 Bde. 7 Mnes arr from Chatham | ||
Ross-shire | 3 May | Exercise continues. Camp party move to ALNESS to prepare Camp for Main Body. | ||
Ross-shire | 4 May | Exercise continues. 2 Mnes arr from Plymouth. 7 Mnes arr from Portsmouth 1 Mne arr from 18(Mob)R.M. Bn. | ||
Dingwall | 5 May | 0400 | Exercise Ends. | Exercise carried out in very good weather. Physical fitness well up to standard. Exercise reveals however individual and section trg needs improvement. |
Alness | R.M. Commando rests and prepares for return journey. 8 Mnes arr from Beach Bn. 3 Mnes arr from 1 R.M. Engineers Coy. 8 Mnes arr from Beach Ban. | |||
Dorlin | 6 May | Return to Dorlin by Road. 4 Mnes arr frm 20 (Trg)R.M.Bn. 6 Mnes arr from 1 Anti Tank Bty 1 Mne arr from 2 Anti Tank Bty | ||
Dorlin | 7 May | a.m. | Administration | |
1400 | Discussion on 4 day exercise. | |||
Dorlin | 8 May | a.m. | Lt.Colonel.Phillipps and Major Houghton visit Ardrossan to discuss future moves with Comd.S.S.Bde. | Capt. J.C.Manners commands 8 - 9 May. |
p.m. | Liet.K.D.Smale. joins R.M. Commando | Lieut. Smale from 2 R.M. Bn. | ||
Dorlin | 9 May | a.m. | Adm. Lieut.Col.Phillipps and Major Houghton return. | |
Dorlin | 10 May | a.m. | Adm. Liet.Barclay goes to Greenock to recce lodgings for Commando. | |
Dorlin | 11 May | a.m. | 1 S.N.C.O., 2 J.N.C.O's, 16 O.R's return to Units Medically unfit or unsuitable. Difficulties reported in finding lodgings at Greenock. Po/x. 3341. Mne.E.Plowman awarded 14 days detention, absent without leave. | |
Dorlin | 12 May | a.m. | 5 O.R's returned to unit unsuitable. Instructions for cruise in H.M.S. Princess Beatrix received. Letter re W.E.. submitted to A.C.R.M. Changes due in Provisional W.E. due to difficulty of administering H.Q. Coy details with original complement. | |
Dorlin | 13 May | a.m. | Cdo less B. Coy embark for exercise. 24 hr two sided exercise against B. Coy. | |
Dorlin | 14 May | 0500 | Exercise ends. Admin. Lt.Col.Phillipps visits S.S.Bde at Ardrossan and S.O.A.S.C. at Largs to obtain details of cruise in H.M.S. Beatrix. | |
1800 | News received from Lt.Col.Phillipps that establishment for embarkation to be reduced. | |||
Dorlin | 15 May | a.m. | Preperations for Move, exact means Sea or Rail doubtful. | |
p.m. | Lieut.D.G.Over joins R.M.Cdo. Lt.Col.Phillipps returns from Largs area. | Lieut.D.G.Over from 5 R.M. Bn. | ||
Dorlin | 16 May | a.m. | Arrangements to move by train made. | |
Dorlin | 17 May | 0800 | Decision that move will be made by train. Stored loaded. | |
Dorlin | 18 May | 0830 | R.M. Cdo moves to Greenock by three routes. | |
p.m. | Embarkation in H.M.S. Princess Beatrix leaving Lieut.Barclay and Camp Staff with some stores to go by road and rail to Havant. This move carried out at 24 hrs notice under difficult conditions in which a risk of heavy loss of stores was incurred. | |||
Greenock | 19 May | 0930 | H.M.S. Princess Beatrix proceeds for Cowes Rds. Unit Trg and settling in. | |
At Sea | 20 May | At Sea Unit trg. Weapon trg. P.T. unarmed combat. Anchor Cowes Rds. Staff Officer from S.O.A.S.C. informs Lt.Col.Phillipps of future employment of R.M. Cdo. | ||
Cowes | 21 May 42 | a.m. | Lt. Col. Phillipps, Major Houghton call on S.O.A.S.C. H.Q. 2 Can. Div., 214 Ind Inf Bde. Decision that R.M. Commando will disembark into lodgings at Shanklin, Sandown and Ventnor. | |
I.O.W. | 22 May | a.m. | Lodgings arranged; no difficulties. Adv. Party move in. | Cdo goes on subsistence allowance 6/8 a day and provides all food from civilian sources as individuals. |
I.O.W. | 23 May | 0800 | R.M.Cdo disembarked at Ryde, moves by march route. Stores by road to Sandown, Shanklin and Ventnor. | Although dispersed communications between Coys and H.Q. are a great improvement and distances less than at H.M.S.Dorlin. However dispersal within coys greater. This promotes (i) Individuality (2) A corresponding disadvantage of difficulty in Administration. The balance is advantageous. |
I.O.W. | 24 May | a.m. | Settling in. Trg Conference. | |
I.O.W. | 25 May | a.m. | Lt. Col. Phillipps called on 214 Ind Inf Bde. | |
p.m. | Lt. Barclay and Camp Staff details arrive from Havant. | |||
I.O.W. | 26 May | a.m. | Letter received approving promotion of Lt. Maude and provision of addl subaltern in H.Q. Coy. T.E.W.T. all officers and N.C.O's | Lt. Maude H.Q.Coy Comd has carried out duties with no officers to assist him since formation. Lt.Maude to be Acting Capt. 6 April 42. |
I.O.W. | 27 May | a.m. | Lt.Col.Phillipps visits G.S.O.I. 2 Can Div to discuss future employment R.M.Cdo. | R.M.Cdo is attacked to S.S.Bde, but for the present is working with but not under Comd of 2 Can. Div. |
2300 | A.Coy Brading Dock area ex. | |||
I.O.W. | 28 May | a.m. | Lt.Col.Phillipps visits London. Remainder of stores arrive from Greenock. | Major R.D.Houghton commands 28/29 May |
2300 | X. Coy Brading Dock area ex. | |||
I.O.W. | 29 May | 0800 | A and X Coy assault course. | |
1800 | Lt. Col.Phillipps returns from visit to C.O. H.Q. & R.M.Office. Mne.Hayman awarded 28 days detention. Absent without leave. | |||
2300 | B. Coy Brading Dock area ex. | |||
I.O.W. | 30 May | a.m. | Unit trg. | |
p.m. | Ty/Lt.H.G.Loe joins unit and appointed pl. Command 2 Pl. | Ty/Lt.Loe from 10 R.M. Bn. | ||
I.O.W. | 31 May | a.m. | Lt.Col.Phillipps and Major Houghton recce Cowes dock area. |
Major. R.D.Houghton. commanded on 14/15 and 28/29 May.
Captain.J.C.Manners commanded on 8/9 May.
I.O.W. | 1 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Lt.Col.Phillipps visits C.V.O. Office. | Major.R.D.Houghton commands 1/2 June 42. |
I.O.W. | 2 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Lt.Col.Phillipps visits R.M.Office, returns from London. | |
I.O.W. | 3 Jun 42 | Fine | Coys carry out Sec Fd Firing | ||
I.O.W. | 4 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Lt.Col.Phillipps recces Portsmouth Dockyard Area for Cdo Exercise. | |
p.m. | Trg Conference. | ||||
I.O.W. | 5 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Lt.Col.Phillipps visits C.R.E. 2 Can Div. | |
p.m. | Flight Lt. Durnford M.C. from M.I.9. gives lecture on evasion and escape to all Offrs and N.C.O's. 3 O.R's from Depot R.M. | ||||
I.O.W. | 6 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Lt. Bevis attached tempy for duty with Sigs. | Lt. Bevis from 15 R.M. Bn. |
I.O.W. | 7 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Comds 'O' Gp recce Dockyard exercise. | |
I.O.W. | 8 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Brigadier Laylock Comd S.S.Bde visits Cdo | |
I.O.W. | 9 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Cdo carries out exercise in Portsmouth Dockyard. | |
I.O.W. | 10 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Adm. L.M.G's Armourers Inspection. Capt. C.Hunt attached tempy for duty/ | Capt. C.Hunt Staff Capt(Q) S.S.Bde and assists in getting priority orders through for G1098 stores. This has been held up owing to unit having no written authority for priority stores. |
I.O.W. | 11 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Order for additional Operational equipment incl 2" mortars, 18 addl L.M.G. and A/Tk grenades made. | |
I.O.W. | 12 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Capt. Hunt returns to S.S.Bde. | |
I.O.W. | 13 Jun 42 | p.m. | Fine | Priority stores arrive. Owing to authority of S.S.Bde these stores arrive by return. Capt. B.M.Franks Staff Capt A. SS.Bde attached tempy for duty. | Capt. Franks acts in capacity of I.O. Lack of I.O. on W.E. is shown to be serious handicap. |
I.O.W. | 14 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Commando carries out exercise in Portsmouth Dockyard. | |
p.m. | Ty Lt. A.M.Beriff joins as Qr-Mr Capt. Maude recces EAST SURREY DOCKS. | Lt. Berriff from H.Q. R.M. Div. Administrative Staff originally negligible has now been increased by 1 Lt.Qr-Mr, 1 R.Q.M.S., 1 C.Q.M.S. for H.Q.Coy 1 Clerk 2 Storemen. This increase has been entirely necessary and is due to change of role of Commando. | |||
I.O.W. | 15 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Unit trg. Trg conference. Intensive trg reduced to prevent all ranks going stale. T. Coy transferred from R.M. Cdo to H.M.S. Fidelity. | |
I.O.W. | 16 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Unit trg. Lt. Col. Phillipps visits 2 Can Div. | |
I.O.W. | 17 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | 1 Sgt and 4 Mnes arr from Chatham Div. | |
I.O.W. | 18 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Comd.R.E.D.Ryder. V.C. visits R.M.Cdo. Unit trg. Lt. Col. Phillipps visits R.A.C.O. Cowes 3 Mnes arr from Portsmouth Div. | |
I.O.W. | 19 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Decision that Lt. Col. Phillipps, 2nd i/c, Coy Comd.A. Coy, Mortar dets will attend exercise 'Yukon 11' with 2 Can Div. Unit trg. | |
p.m. | Special rubber boots arrive from S.S.Bde. | ||||
I.O.W. | 20 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Pl. Fd Firing B & A Coys. | |
p.m. | Capt. R.J.Batterton & 2 O.R's U.S.M.C. attached for Tempy duty with unit. | ||||
I.O.W. | 21 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Pl Fd Firing X. Coy and Mortar Pl. | |
I.O.W. | 22 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Lt. Col. Phillipps, Major Houghton, Capt.Hellings Sigs and Mortar details attend exercise 'Yukon11' with 2 Can Div in BRDIPORT area. | |
p.m. | All Brens. A.A. shoot at drogue. 1 Cpl and 12 O.R's arr from Plymouth Div. | ||||
I.O.W. | 23 Jun 42 | p.m. | Fine | Major Houghton and other ranks return to unit from exercise 'Yukon 11' | |
I.O.W. | 24 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Admin. | |
p.m. | Lt. Col. Phillips visits A.G.R.M. and C.C.O. and returns to Shanklin. | Major. R.D.Houghton Commands. | |||
I.O.W. | 25 Jun 42 | p.m. | Fine | R.M. Cdo carry out rehearsal for operation RUTTER in H.M.S.Locust and R.Boats. Cooperation with Navel Dock Parties and Boats crew of value. Capt.Astor attached. | Capt. Astor, Public Relations Officer. R.M. attached C.C.O. |
I.O.W. | 26 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Capt. Dunne S.S.Bde visits R.M. Cdo. | |
p.m. | Decision that Cdo will concentrate at Upper Chine School. Intelligence Sgt S.S. Bde returns. | This necessary for security and will aid final issue of Amn and Stores. | |||
I.O.W. | 27 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Inter Coy Section and Individuals Competitions. On pl. B. Coy gain experience in Free French Chasseur Craft sailing to Newhaven with Convoy. | Won by X. Coy. |
I.O.W. | 28 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Upper Chine School Buildings allocated to Coys. Further pl. B. Coy embark in Chasseur for 24 hr cruise. | Chasseur are craft that will be used in Operation Rutter. |
I.O.W. | 29 Jun 42 | Fine | Pl. X. Coy embark in Chasseur for 24 hr cruise. | ||
I.O.W. | 30 Jun 42 | a.m. | Fine | Orders for concentration at Shanklin given. | To prevent curiosity necessity for economy is given as reason. |
Major. R.D.Houghton Commands 1/2 & 24 June 42.
Capt. J.c.Manners Commands. 22/23. Jun 42.
Upper Chine School | 1 Jul 42 | a.m. | Fine. | R.M. Cdo concentrates. | Crushed conditions - Army rationing, more suitable owing to Army service available. |
1700 | All Officers briefed for Operation Rutter. | ||||
Upper Chine School | 2 Jul 42 | a.m. | Fine | Street Fighting. Briefing of N.C.O's. Issue of Amn. | During this period, lectures and demonstrations given by subaltern from 3 Cdo who fought in Vaagso raid. |
p.m. | Fine | Final checking of all stores. | |||
H.M.S. Locust | 3 Jul 42 | 0830 | Dull changing to rain. Windy. | Cdo H.Q., A. Coy, 10 Pl.(X.Coy), 3 Pl, and No. 1. Demolition party embark in H.M.S.Locust for Operation Rutter. B. Coy X.Coy less 10 Pl, NO's 2 & 3 Demolition parties due to embark at 1700 hrs. | H.M.S. Locust 700 Tons armed 2 - 4" Pom-Poms. |
1110 | Dull changing to rain. Windy. | C.C.O. (Vice-Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten) address ships coy and R.M. Cdo ranks in LOCUST, says that operation cannot take place as arranged owing to weather preventing adequate fighter protection. | |||
p.m. | Rain | Cdo ranks in 'Locust' very crowded. Efforts made to return to camp at Shanklin which is secure. | |||
Shanklin | 4 Jul 42 | 1000 | Cloudy Rain | Cdo details in 'Locust' return to Shanklin. | Disappointment of all ranks. |
Shanklin | 5 Jul 42 | 0900 | Fair | Cdo details as above embuss for Cowes | |
1015 | Decision to postpone operation Rutter further 24 hrs as weather still unfavourable for fighting cover. | During this period Cdo is living in large Girls School but in crowded conditions, although far better than in a ship for exercise but not for victualling. | |||
1200 | Arms inspection. | ||||
1700 | All ranks 40 mins P.T. followed by Pay. | ||||
1800 | Operation Rutter postponed till Tuesday 7 July at earliest. | ||||
Shanklin | 6 Jul 42 | 0900 | Fair but windy. Low clouds. | Cdo route march in loose order 10 miles. | |
p.m. | All Magazines emptied ammunition and mags oiled. | ||||
2100 | Coms O Gp1. Operation Rutter amended. To be completed in one tide i.e. shortened by 4 hrs R.M. Cdo task approximately same except speed even more essential. | ||||
Shanklin | 7 Jul 42 | 0915 | Fair, Windy Low Clouds | ADMA force embuses for Cowes and embarkation in Locust. | |
1030 | Order is given to cancel Operation Rutter completely. | ||||
1400 | ADMA force disembarks. Returns to Shanklin. | ||||
p.m. | Preparations for leave begun. Coys disperse to lodgings in same locations as before occupied. | ||||
Shanklin | 8 Jul 42 | a.m. | Fair, Windy | Stores and amn collected. Leave arrangements completed. Mne.D.Mcleod awarded 96 hrs detention. | As leave was due to unit this has enabled great disappointment to be over come and has prevented any large reaction or staleness. |
Shanklin | 9 - 20 Jul 42 | a.m. | Fair. Only rain. | Adm. Rear parties left. Trg in S.A. of ranks ex Aux Bn, carried out. Arrangements for F.G.C.M. of Mne. John Darwin eventually completed. F.G.C.M. to take place 27 days after arrest. | Capt. A.D. Comyn commands during absence of C.O. |
Shanklin | 21 Jul 42 | a.m. | Windy high clouds. | Capt. A.D. Comyn goes on leave. Second leave party goes no leave. | Lt.J.W.E.Bradley Acting Adjutant. |
Shanklin | 22 Jul 42 | p.m. | Dull & cloudy with high wind and rain. | "O" Gp regarding future moves and trg. | |
1800 | Lecture by 2nd i/c to all officers on "Battle Procedure" | ||||
Shanklin | 23 Jul 42 | p.m. | Windy low clouds | Demonstration Battle Procedure conducted by C.O. | |
Shanklin | 24 Jul 42 | p.m. | Cloudy and Dull | C.O. confers with B.M. 214 Bde regarding 3 days exercise for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Aug. | |
Shanklin | 25 Jul 42 | a.m. | Windy and dull with spasmodic rain | Court Martial takes place at Eastney Barracks. Mne.Darwin guilty. | |
Shanklin | 26 Jul 42 | a.m. | Rain with high wind | "O"Gp at Yaverland Range Ref.OS142 054052 for Coy advance under fire with dive bombing using soot as token bombs. Also making preliminary arangements for R.M.Cdo's operational role in defence of the I.O.W. | |
Shanklin | 27 Jul 42 | a.m. | Rain all forenoon. Fine in the afternoon. | Sigs exercise to test communication for the above mentioned scheme. | |
p.m. | C.O. to 9.Inf.Bde. making arrangements for 3 day exercise. | ||||
Shanklin | 28 Jul 42 | a.m. | Sunny & | Coys adv. under fire. | Good value to tps. Exercise marred by aeroplace accident. No hits more practice required. |
Cloudless | Drogue Firing | ||||
Shanklin | 29 Jul 42 | p.m. | Rain | Court of Inquiry held by R.A.F. personnel on the place accident at yesterdays exercise. C.O. watches pl. in attack exercises observing standard of battle procedure in pls. | |
Shanklin | 30 Jul 42 | a.m. | C.O. & Capt. J.C.Manners to an "O" Gp at R.A.F. Station Ventnor with regard to a future night exercise. | ||
p.m. | Court of Inquiry on Aeroplane accident continues. C.O. carries out recce on the ground for 3 days exercise now know as exercise 'PORT' prepared. |
Capt. A.D. Comyn. R.M. commands 9/20 July 42.
Shanklin | 1 Aug 42 | p.m. | Fine | Night Exercise raiding local R.A.F. station carried out. | |
Shanklin | 2 Aug 42 | Fine | Reccee for 3 Day exercise. | ||
Shanklin | 3 - 5 Aug 42 | Wet & Dull | Lt.Col.Phillipps visits Combined H.Q. at Fort Soutwick. | ||
Fine | R.M. Cdo acts as enemy to 9 I.B. Value gained in acting as raiding party. Improvement on R/T shown. Ply.x.3515 Mne. Darwin to serve 112 days detention. | 3.Aug. J.P.Class W.T.Week. It is discovered that disappearance from billet for two days excited little comment. | |||
Shanklin | 6 Aug 42 | p.m. | Fine | Adm. Fd Firing Range prepared. | |
Shanklin | 7 Aug 42 | a.m. | Wet | 28 O.R's returned to unit. B & X Coy Fd Firing by Pls. The Fd Firing by Pls. seems to be the best type of exercise for junior leaders and for maintaining interest of the troops. | |
Shanklin | 8 Aug 42 | a.m. | Wet | H.Q. & A. Coy Fd Firing Range | |
Shanklin | 9 Aug 42 | a.m. | Fair | Adm. | |
Shanklin | 10 Aug 42 | a.m. | Fair | Unit trg. J.P. Class Tactics week. | |
Shanklin | 11 Aug 42 | a.m. | Fair | T.E.W.T. Invasion Role. | R.M. Cdo allotted counter attack role by 214 Bde. |
Shanklin | 12 Aug 42 | a.m. | Fair | Ex. Taking up Action Stations Posns and moving to alternate area. Full Scale load of amn carried. This is done as an Adm precaution for Operation Jubilee and provides good camouflage to tps. | |
p.m. | Arrangements completed for Street Fighting area to be requisitioned in Cowes. | ||||
I.O.W. | 13 Aug 42 | a.m. | Dull | A & B Coy exercise Street Fighting. | |
p.m. | Preliminary Adm arrangements for JUBILEE made by C.O. and Adjt. | For security reasons no one by C.O., 2i/c, Adjy, and Coy Comds is to know anything until embarking. For reason a dummy exercise ITCHEN on mainland is arranged. | |||
I.O.W. | 14 Aug 42 | a.m. | Dull | X. Coy Street Fighting Ex. Cowes | |
p.m. | Coy Comd. briefed for Operation JUBILEE and informed no one else to be informed. | Capt.Maude and Lt.Loe informed prepare Demolition Gear. For secrecy Storeman is sent on leave. | |||
I.O.W. | 15 Aug 42 | a.m. | Rain | Coys arrange Adm parades to check stores for JUBILEE | JUBILEE can take place any date 18 - 23 Aug inclusive. |
I.O.W. | 16 Aug 42 | a.m. | Heavy Rain | Message received that JUBILEE postponed 1 Day. This suits R.M.Cdo as tide more favourable Day 2. | Trg programme prepared for whole week with ITCHEN exercise at the end. This prevents suspicion by tps if exercise were delayed from day to day. |
I.O.W. | 17 Aug 42 | a.m. | Rain | St fighting Demonstration. Message received that tanks embark today. | |
p.m. | 'O' Gp to clear up details of JUBILEE | ||||
I.O.W. | 18 Aug 42 | 1800 | Fine | Amn. parade all Coys. Stores packed and embussed for Cowes. 'O' Gp for all officers. R.M.Cdo left Cowes by sea at 1700 hrs. | A. Coy in LOCUST. B & X Coy in CHASSEURS |
Dieppe | 19 Aug 42 | 1800 | Fine | ex. JUBILEE CARRIED OUT. | See Appdx 'A' for Operation Order and Officer remarks. |
I.O.W. | 20 Aug 42 | 1600 | Dull & Rainy | Return of Main R.M. Cdo Gp. | Main part of Cdo still in Newhaven. |
I.O.W. | 21 Aug 42 | 1600 | Rain | Recalled all G.1098 stores. | 6 Offrs, 69 O.R's not returned from Dieppe. |
I.O.W. | 22 Aug 42 | 1600 | Rainy | P.T. & Recreational Trg. | Reorganization and checking of losses throughout Coys. |
I.O.W. | 24 Aug 42 | 1600 | Dull | Amn returned to Cgo H.Q. | |
Upper Chine School | 25 Aug 42 | 1100 | Dull, Cloudy with Rain | 7 Offrs. report for Duty Ty 2nd Lieuts, Neale, Copsey, Chiverall, Beadle, O'Brien, Morgan and Laidlaw | Ty 2nd Lieuts, reported from R.M.M.S. Thurlestone after leave 2nd Lieut. Chiverall to B. Coy. 2nd Lieut. Neale and O'Brien to H.Q. 2nd Lieuts, Copsey, Beadle, Morgan and Laidlaw to A & X Coys. |
Upper Chine School | 26 Aug 42 | 1600 | Dull and Cloudy | 'O' Gb attended by 2i/c, Adjut, Capt.R.K.Deveraux, Lt.G.Formes, Capt.Maude to discuss re-organization of R.M. Cdo from Coy basis to Tp basis. | |
Upper Chine School | 27 Aug 42 | 1300 | Fine | R.M. Cdo proceeds on leave. Rear party consists of Lt. Bradley, R.Q.M.S. 4 Sgts. 5 Cpls. and 32 Marines. |
Officer Commanding from A.M. 20/8/42 Capt. J.C.Manners. R.M.
Lt. J.W.E.Bradley commands from 27/8/42 during leave period.
Report on Events off Dieppe
Report on Events on 19 Aug 42, off Dieppe
of A. Coy, Royal Marine Commando
by Capt. P. W. C. Hellings, D.S.C. R.M.
HMS. LOCUST arrived uneventfully off Dieppe at about 0530 hrs, there had been a certain amount of firing and tracer seen on either bow previous to this. The sky was clear, but visibility was greatly reduced owing to the thick smoke resulting from the earlier landings.
At about 0610 hrs LOCUST attempted to enter the mole, but it immediately became apparent that the batteries to the EAST of the entrance had not yet been silenced. LOCUST received two hits whilst preparing to enter, resulting in two killed and about 6 wounded.
Commander Ryder seeing that the EAST batteries were still in control of the channel did not enter the harbour at the time, a Bombardment by destroyer and LOCUST being resorted to. It was very difficult in the following hours to get any clear picture as to what was happening owing to the thick smoke, destroyer bombarding and aerial battles overhead. It did however become apparent that the floating reserve in R. Boats of, I believe, about a Bn in strength was landed on BLUE beach.
Reports which I heard from Col. Phillipps on the initial landing stated that success was had at RED and WHITE beaches but that BLUE had not gone so well. I heard no report about Outer beaches.
After the floating reserve had been landed there was no news, until Commander Ryder returned from KELPIEE, when he reported that RED and WHITE beaches were clear of opposition and the General wished the marines to go in and support the ESSEX SCOTTISH through WHITE beach. The Colonel gave his orders from LOCUST, the idea being to pass through the beach to the town and there reform and report to the Colonel of the ESSEX SCOTTISH, the object of the force being to pass around the WEST and SOUTH of the town, and attack the batteries on the EASTERN cliff from the SOUTH.
The marines of Commando H.Q. and A. Coy were embarked in two M.L.C's, the force under Major Houghton from the chasseur consisting of X & B. Coy embarking in A.I.C. The Mortar Pl. & Demolition being left behind in LOCUST.
The Commando started to move toward the shore, it being about 1130 hrs, smoke was provided by the chasseur, who accompanied us within 500 yds.
Shell fire was opened on the boats almost immediately, at about 4000 yds, increasing in intensity as the range shortened. The fire appeared to consist of 3"-4" Mortar Bombs, or a similar size, intermingled with low angle gun fire of about 4" and a tracer shell of about 2 pds which may have come from tanks, up to date the range wasto great for S. A.
The fire was all coming from the EASTERN cliffs and the end and base of the mole, firing to the N.W.
The range was shortening and rifle and L.M.G. fire was become apparent, the chasseur, being now no longer able to support the force owing to the depth of waters.
At this stage I turn to the personal narrative of my Company. The M.L.C. in which we had embarked had done the main landing and was in need of repair, one engine being out of commission and the deck of the M.L.C. was washing down with water. Owing to one engine being out of commission and the other very hot, steering was difficult, and our speed reduced which resulted in in an ever increasing distance between boats; Just prior to reaching the shore and whilst in thick smoke we completely broke down, which may have been the result of a near miss or the overheating of our engine. The engine was started after about 2 mins. and we proceded on toward the shore out of the smoke in time to see the Colonel's M.L.C. and an A.L.C. containing Capt. Deveraux and one platoon and Major Hougton's A.L.C. arrive under heavy mortar and M.G. fire. Fire was intense and any attempt to reach the houses would have been most hazardous. Colonel Phillippe stood up in his M.L.C. and waved the remaining boats to return to the protection of the smoke, one A.L.C. was extracted, the Colonel M.L.C. turned broadside on and I believe from survivors reports, caught fire.
My M.L.C. at this stage received a hit close to the stern which finished any attempt at steering, leaving us some 300 yds off the shore, smoke was used in quantity and we were able to increase the distance by about 200 yds before the engine finally went. After some period a chasseur took the M.L.C. in tow and we returned to LOCUST where the company were placed on board and told to await orders. I reported to Commander Ryder who sent me to General Roberts whom I saw and reported the state of affairs and that WHITE and RED beaches were held by the enemy.
Any attempt to return to the LOCUST in a R. Boat proved fruitless as bombing had commenced and she was laying smoke at top speed, shortly after this organized attempts to evacuate ceased and the company returned to England in LOCUST.
sgd. P.W.C. Hellings,
Captain, R.M. D.S.C.
R.M. Commando
Statements made by surviving Officers i/c boats on JUBILEE
1. Statement by O.C. 'B' Coy, Capt. R.K.Devereaux, R.M.
The coy was represented by 7,8 and 9 platoons, with Advance and rear coy H.Q. No. 7. platoon was in Chasseur 13, 8 platoon and Advance Coy H.Q. in 43 Chasseur, and 9 platoon and rear Coy H.Q. in Chasseur 42. I was in with advance Coy. H.Q.
This force was standing off JUBILEE area at about 0530 hrs. 19 Aug 42. We were due to enter the harbour at 0620 hrs. At about 0730 hrs we received orders to trans-ship into A.L.C's. This was carried out forthwith. On checking up the chasseurs I discovered that No. 42 was missing. I made inquiries and was told that this chasseur had not been with the convoy since 0200 hrs. From the time of trans-shipment I never saw 7 platoon again during the operation. Advance Coy H.Q. and 8 platoon were now in A.L.C No. B.L.9.
I was told by Colonel. Phillipps that the whole force R.M. Cdo, was to move direct into the harbour. Being at that time under comand Major Houghton, I got in touch with him. He was in another A.L.C. I arranged to follow his craft in. There was considerable smoke put down during which I lost touch with Major Houghton. I then saw an M.L.C. with the C.O. on board, on my port bow. The C.O. then intimated that it would be impossible to make the harbour and that we were to land on the beach some 300 yds ahead. It was WHITE beach. We then became separated in the smoke. We were now coming under fire from a C.D. gun and a number of M.G. positions. About five to ten minutes later the smoke cleared and I say the beach about twelve feet away. The fire was still intense. There were many prone figures on the beach. Away to the left towards BLUE beach were many who appeared dead or wounded in reversed arrow head formation. To my front was an M.L.C. lying broadside on the bench with about twelve figures lying stretched out on the beach on the seaward side of the vessel. I then saw the C.O. standing in the M.L.C. He was signalling for us to withdraw. We then went half to starboard with an M.L.C. carrying A Coy colliding with us astern. Before we made this movement Mne Breen, L.M.G. gunner in the bow of my A.L.C. fired on enemy posts ashore. One post in the Casino was neutralised. As we went about again, through fresh smoke put down by my party, I saw a T.L.C. in an sinking condition and some men in the water, I came alongside T.L.C. 125. I took off two Naval ratings and then searched for the rest. I found Marine Cpl. Ply. 122590 Ryan who was taken in- board and found to be wounded slightly. We then moved under cover of smoke out to sea about a mile. We later discovered we were holed just above the engine room on the port side and we were making water fast. We then moved towards Chasseur 43 and boarded. All L.M.G's were then manned for A.A. on board Chasseur 43. We steamed around for some time and finally left in the last convoy at about 1400 hrs. From the time we re-boarded Chasseur 43 we were attacked by enemy aircraft many times.
The discipline and courage of the men, in particular Mne. Breen, was at all times exemplary.
sgd. R.K. Devereaux.
Captain. R.M.
C.C. 'B' Coy
2. Statement by Ply.x. 2505 Cpl. W.J.Harvey.
We were ordered to transfer from Chasseur No. 43 to and A.L.C. at about 0730 hrs. On the way in shore we were under shell and small arms fire. When the A.L.C. arrived at the beach and the doors were opened, Mnes Garland and Kettlewell were hit and were later taken off shore by the same A.L.C. When we cleared the A.L.C. we came under strong enemy M.G. fire so we took cover behind a tank which was still firing but unable to move. We were there until 1130 hrs. when we were ordered back to an A.L.C. Quite a number were wounded. These men were carried back to the A.L.C. by Lieut. Smale and Cpl. McDonald. Others with this party moved under cover of the smoke put down by them. The last time I saw Lieut. Smale was when he ran back to the cover of the tank. The party was now well split up. During this operation I was acting as platoon sergeant.
sgd. W.J.Harvey.
Corporal. Ply.x. 2505.
R.M. Commando
3. Report on Events on 19 Aug 42, off Dieppe
by Lieut. J. W. Bradley, No. 9. Pl.
I was in Chasseur No. 12. with B. Coy rear H.Q. (C.Q.M.S., 2 sigs, 2S.B's) When the convoy sailed we took our place in it and steamed with it until the Aapt. (Capt Parq) reported that we had lost the rest of the ships, and he was trying to locate than with the aid of Asdig apparatus.
We made contact with the convoy at about 0515 hrs. but had to fall out again owing to the failure of one of our engines. This was apparently due to the excessive speed we had done catching up the convoy. At 0400 hrs the best speed we could make was 5 knots, and I was given to understand that the captain was not altogether certain of his position at sea. Owing to the lateness of the hour and the fact the the ship was incapable of doing any towing we turned and made our way for the English coast. When we were about 10 miles out the engine was restarted and it was decided that we should again turn towards Dieppe in the hope of being able to lend some assistance. We had steamed for about an hour when we picked up with and S.G.B. carrying members of No. 3 Commando - she was not able to make any headway owing to the engine having been put out of action by enemy action, so we towed her into Newhaven - we received orders at this time to 'Return to Base' which we proceeded to do picking up with a convoy of T.L.C's. At about 2000 hrs the the T.L.C's were bombed by 5 Focke Wolf 190's - we lent all possible assistance and convoyed a B.P.C. back to the Spithead Boom leaving 4 T.L.C's to put in at Shoreham, because one was damaged. We then returned to Base.
sgd. J.V. E. Bradley.
Lieut. R.M.
R.M. Commando.
Statement by Lt. Loe i/c No. Demolition Party Chasseur No. 5.
There was no particular incident other than those general to the whole convoy until approximately 0830 hrs. on the 19th. At this time LOCUST had disappeared in the direction of Dieppe and we were stationary amongst a collection of landing craft. We received orders to cruise parallel to the shore and lay smoke approximately one mile off shore. This we did in company with one destroyer and under fairly regular fire from the coastal batteries.
During this time I posted my section on the A.A. guns both on the bridge and in the stern. Altogether the marines manned 6 Hotchkiss and 6 Lewis Guns. We were thus able to reply in force to any attention from enemy aircraft. After 20 minutes steaming we came to the end of our run and we were now well outside the area of the other naval craft. A large german two engined bomber came down to approximately 6,000 ft and then tried to hit us with a stick of bombs. Al guns were brought to bear and fire was opened with the result that there is an explosion inside the plane and a large part of the port wing fell off. The plane disappeared inland falling fast.
Immediately afterwards two F.W. 190 planes attempted to dive bomb us. Our fire caused them to pull out early and the bombe fell about 20 yds away.
Soon after this we were asked to pass a message to an A.L.C. to draw alongside LOCUST and take off R.M. Commando. We were given to understand that the Demolition Party was not to land and that we were to move inshore to support the A.L.C's which were about to go in.
Soon afterwards an M.L.C. with Major Houghton in charge passed us about 30 yds away. We decided to follow this craft inshore. This we did until we lost the M.L.C. in the smoke screen and then carried on until we were six hundred yards offshore opposite the west end of the promenade. We changed our course and did the run again. In all we fired 143 shells. The high rate of firing helped by Cpl. Cullerton who took up position in the magasine for ammunition supplies. During all this time enemy shells were falling all round us but by the time we had finished there were numerous fires fires burning on shore.
Nothing further transpired until we were ordered to embark troops from the beach. Sub.Lieut. Syms then took the Chasseur in until she was just grounding in front of the west jetty and troops began to swim out to us. Immediately several M.G. posts opened fire on the men in the water and on the bridge of the Chasseur. A battery on the cliff opened fire and after 12 shots they had us straddled. One shell fell alongside and made a hole below the water line abaft the engine room.
Mne. Bevan, My servant, was stationed on the rear port Hotchkiss and managed to locate one M.G. post on the left of the harbour. He engaged this target for approximately 30 seconds until a shell entered the engine room immediately below him and tore his gun from its mountings. He was injured in the legs and arms but managed to silence the post.
With the next salvo a shell landed on the bridge, tore one side away and damaged the steering, Sub.Lieut. Syms decided to withdraw from the beach and this was accomplished by putting the Demolition Section on a manual steering gear. We were taking water rapidly and none of the pumps would work, but members of the naval engine party who had been below all this time, worked hard and got the pumps going and after another hour or so they repaired the steering gear as well. We then made our way back to England with 50 survivors and an M.L.C. in tow.
sdg. H.G.Loe.
Lieut. R.M.
R.M. Commando
the Senior officer most close to my Comanding Officer before and as a spectator at his death, I should like to bring to your notice the following points.
My Commanding officer, when ordered to proceed to WHITE beach was not aware of the fact that the beach was held by the enemy, whilst proceeding shorewards it became apparent that the beach was held in considerable force and under heavy fire. The Colonel, immediately fire became intense, took up a prominent position sitting on the top of the M.L.C. in order to direct the reminder of the party, from their position, leading the boats, and open to most intense M.G. and mortar fire, he led his Commando into the beach. As the range shortened and the smoke cleared there was no doubt in any man's mind that an attempt to reach the town over that beach would mean certain death to the majority. In spite of all these facts my Commanding Officer refused to turn back until he had proved the uselessness of the adventure by his personal action. The M.L.C. reached the beach and realising now the futility of further action he stood in the stern in full view of all, placing his white string gloves on his hands and waving to the boats astern to return to the cover of the smoke.
His final order to his Commando undoubtedly saved the lives of a further 200 men. He was shot shortly after.
I cannot say more fully how the personal courage of this officer led and inspired his subordinate officers and men. He went cheerfully and happily to a death which he had said the night before could not be better.
Capt. R.M.
R.M. Commando.
Statement by R.S.M. Martin.
Po.x. 107025. Mne. R.B.Singleton.
Ply.x. 105411. Mne. L.C.Bradshaw.
Whilst approaching the beach, we were engaged by heavy M.G. and rifle fire the C.O. ordered the buildings on the beach from where the fire was coming to be engaged by L.M.G. I passed the order forward and a gun opened up by Marine Bradshaw. I also ordered the H.Q. L.M.G. into action which was manned by Mne. Singleton. Both guns were kept continuously in action until such time as the targets were obscured by smoke. During this time the M.L.C. was repeatedly hit by bursts of M.G. fire and very accurate rifle fire from the beach. Owing to the position of this M.L.C. these men had to stand up to engage the targets, and Singletons gun was in action until all the ammunition at his disposal was used up. Both these men carried out their duties very courageously whilst under heavy fire and without thought to their own personal safety.
sgd. H.F.Martin. Q.M.S. R.M.
Mne. G.R.Bevan.
When there was no possibility of landing, my Chasseur was ordered to close into the beach to pick up survivors, whilst doing this, the survivors were being machined gunned in the water. Marine Bevan went aft, and located on M.G. on the East Cliff which he silenced, with L.M.G. fire, he continued to fire at others until the Chasseur was hit aft and his gun was blown off its mounting.
He showed great courage throughout.
H.G. Loe.
Lieut. R.M.
R.M. Commando.
I.O.W. | 1 Sep 42 | 1600 | Fair | R.M. Cdo on leave. Rear party consists of Lt. Bradley, R.Q.M.S., 4 Sgts, 5 Cpls and 32 Mnes. 7 Officers from Thurlestone proceed on leave. | Lt. Bradley i/c until 4/9/42 then Lt. Barclay until 8/9/42 |
I.O.W. | 8 Sep 42 | 1600 | Dull to Fair | R.M. Cdo returned from leave. Rear party proceeds on leave. | Capt. Manners resumed command. |
I.O.W. | 9 Sep 42 | 1600 | Fair | Conference regarding reorganization. | |
I.O.W. | 10 Sep 42 | 1600 | Fine | All Coys returned G.1098 gear to H.Q. | |
I.O.W. | 11 Sep 42 | 1600 | Fine | All Coys drew web gear etc. | |
I.O.W. | 12 Sep 42 | 1600 | Fine | Unit trg. | |
I.O.W. | 13 Sep 42 | 1600 | Sunny | Sunday routine. | |
I.O.W. | 14 Sep 42 | 1600 | Fine | R.T.Trg. All 2nd Lieut attend meeting at Adjts office. | Capt. Manners travelled to London and Capt Hellings took command. |
I.O.W. | 15 Sep 42 | 1800 | Fair | Conference to discuss Ex. Sark attended by C.O., 2 i/c. | Capt. Manners returned and resumed command. |
I.O.W. | 16 Sep 42 | 1800 | Fine and Windy | Visit by Brig. Laycock, Major Franks, Capt. Nunns and Capt. Waugh to see Cgo trg. | |
I.O.W. | 17 Sep 42 | 1800 | Fair | T.M.G. firing H.Q. Coy. Normal routine. | Lt. Huntington-Whitely moved to London on duty returned on completion. |
I.O.W. | 18 Sep 42 | 2400 | Cloudy | "O" Gp attended by 2 i/c, Coy Comd. Admin Officer, I.O. & S.O. to discuss formation of troops. Ex. Sark begins 1700 hrs today. No trg during afternoon. | Copy of orders for Ex. Sark enclosed. |
I.O.W. | 19 Sep 42 | 1600 | Fair | Ex. Sark ends 0800 hrs today. R.T. Trg. | |
I.O.W. | 20 Sep 42 | 1600 | Rainy | Sunday routine. Capt. Manners and Lt.H.O. Huntington-Whiteley to London. | Capt. Hellings in command. |
I.O.W. | 21 Sep 42 | 1600 | Rainy | Rev. Maughan visits Cdo. | |
I.O.W. | 22 Sep 42 | 1600 | Rainy | All Coys unit trg and P.T. Capt. Manners returns. | Capt. Manners resumes command. |
I.O.W. | 23 Sep 42 | 1700 | Cloudy & Rain | Unit trg including H.Q. 10 mile route march. | Capt. Devereaux to London. |
I.O.W. | 24 Sep 42 | 1600 | Fair | Unit trg. Night Ex by H.Q. Coy. | |
I.O.W. | 25 Sep 42 | 1600 | Rainy | Capt. Hellings, Lt.Berriff, 5 O.R's to Recce billets at Yarmouth. Unit trg. Also security measures. | |
I.O.W. | 26 Sep 42 | 1600 | Cloudy & Rain | 2nd Lieuts exercise (Indoor) Return of Capt Hellings and party. Area unsuitable. Football game A & X Coys v T Battery. | |
I.O.W. | 27 Sep 42 | 1600 | Fine | H.Q. Church Parade. Sunday Routine. | |
I.O.W. | 28 Sep 42 | 1600 | Fair | Ex. Jolly for Sigs and Tp H.Q's. "O" Gp attended by all troop comd. Admin Officer, I.O., & S.O. Official turnover to troop basis. Also invasion to be discussed. | Troop Comds. A. - Lt.M.J.Ephraums, R.M. B. - Capt.R.K.Devereaux. R.M. P. - Lt.J.E.Stiebel. R.M. Q. - Lt.J.W.E.Bradley. R.M. X. - Capt.N.S.E.Maude. R.M. Y. - Lt.I.C.McKellar. A & S.H. |
I.O.W. | 29 Sep 42 | 1800 | Rainy | Unit trg. | |
I.O.W. | 30 Sep 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit trg. Route March and cooking in the field. |
Lieut. J.W.E.Bradley commanded from 1/9/42 to 4/9/42.
Lieut. D.L.Barclay commanded from 5/9/42 to 8/9/42.
Capt. J.C.Manners commanded from 8/9/42 to 13/9/42 and from 15/9/42 to 19/9/42
and from 22/9/42 to 30/9/42.
Capt. P.W.C.Hellings, D.S.C. commanded on the 14/9/42 and from 20/9/42 to 21/9/42.
I.O.W. | 1 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fine | Unit Trg. | |
I.O.W. | 2 Oct 42 | Fine | Unit Trg. A.O., IO & 24 N.C.O's to Weymouth | Major Hellings to London.a.m. 2nd. Lt. Ecrepont to Eastney.a.m. 2nd. Capt. Devereaux to Fort Cumberland.a.m. 2nd. | |
I.O.W. | 3 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fine | Unit Trg and R.T. | 1 N.C.O. & 5 O.R's to London. Capt. Devereaux assumes duties of Adjutant. Capt. D.L.Barclay to sick list. |
I.O.W. | 4 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | A & X Troops move to Weymouth as advance party to Commando. | Move carried out in denim suits as a security measure. |
I.O.W. | 5 Oct 42 | 1400 | Foggy | Main body moves to Weymouth via Yarmouth with transport. | Accomodation Stores remain at I.O.W. |
Weymouth | 6 Oct 42 | 1800 | Misty | Moving of Stores. Billets arranged. R.T. Trg. | Essential stores, Amn &c., stored here. |
Weymouth | 7 Oct 42 | 1800 | Misty & Rain | Unit & R.T. Trg. | C.O. moves on duty returns on completion. p.m.7Oct. |
Weymouth | 8 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fine | Rear Party arrives from I.O.W. | Capt. Barclay resumes duty as Adjutant. |
Weymouth | 9 Oct 42 | 1800 | Overcast | R.T. & Unit Trg. | Major Hellings & Lt Berriff to I.O.W. |
Weymouth | 10 Oct 42 | 1700 | Fine | Unit Trg. | |
Weymouth | 11 Oct 42 | 2400 | Fair | Tp. night exercises and wireless Trg. | Movement across country. |
Weymouth | 12 Oct 42 | 2400 | Rainy | Route Marches. Cdo night exercises. | All commando working as one unit to exercise control. |
Weymouth | 13 Oct 42 | 2400 | Rainy | Unit Trg. Tp exercises at night. | 2/Lt. Chiverall to Light Duty. Capt. Devereaux to S.S. as Liaison Officer. |
Weymouth | 14 Oct 42 | 2400 | Foul | a.m. Unit trg. p.m Rest after evening exercises. Cdo night exercises including B Commando. | As from 12/10/42. Major B.J.D. Lunsden R.M. and 3 troops (B,P,Q) u/c of A Commando. |
Weymouth | 15 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fine | Unit trg. "O" Gp attended by Adjt. Tp Comd.,I.O.,S.O., & Tp Comd. of B. Commando regarding Ex.BLACKMORE. | Lt. Berriff to Exton on duty return on completion. |
Weymouth | 16 Oct 42 | Fine | Route March and River Crossing. | ||
Weymouth | 17 Oct 42 | 2400 | Fair | Ex. BLACKMORE commences today. "O" Gp attended by Tp. Comd. A & B Cdo, Adjut, I.O., S.O. to discuss same. | |
Weymouth | 18 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fine | Ex. BLACKMORE ends at 1230 hrs. Return at 1500 hrs. | |
Weymouth | 19 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fine | Sunday Routine. | Lt. Berriff moves to London with Major. Lumsden. |
Weymouth | 20 Oct 42 | 1800 | Cloudy | Trg Conference attended by Adjt, all Tp Comd. A & B Cdo also S.O. & I.O. | Lt. Epraums absent on duty. |
Weymouth | 21 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit trg including swimming Weymouth harbour. | |
Weymouth | 22 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit trg. C.O. Major Lumsden, All Tp Comd. I.O. & S.O. to conference at S.S. Bde regarding Ex. BLACKMORE. | Ordinary soldiering and section work needs improving. |
Weymouth | 23 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit & R.T. Trg. | Major Lumsden and Lt. Berriff to Pembroke. Major Hellings and Capt Devereaux to Portsmouth return on completion. |
Weymouth | 24 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. | |
Weymouth | 25 Oct 42 | 1800 | Rainy | Sunday Routine. | |
Weymouth | 26 Oct 42 | 1800 | Rainy | Visit by Major Gen.Beith. Demonstration of street fighting by X Tp. | Commencement of snipers trg. Green Berets now part of dress. |
Weymouth | 27 Oct 42 | 1800 | Foul | Unit trg and R.T. | |
Weymouth | 28 Oct 42 | Rainy | Night exercise. Very successful. | Exercise in speed and control at night. | |
Weymouth | 29 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. | Return of Major Lumsden and Lt. Berriff. |
Weymouth | 30 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair | Commencement of move to I.O.W. 2/Lt. Neale & I. Sec to Recce Bournemouth area. | Capt. Barclay to I.O.W. Lt. Bradley assumes duty as Adjt. |
Weymouth | 31 Oct 42 | 1800 | Fair & Rainy | Stores packed and arrangements for move made. |
Weymouth | 1 Nov 42 | 1800 | Rainy | A party consisting of P & Q tps u/c of Lt.Stiebel leave Weymouth and arrive Wareham. | Transport moves stores. |
Weymouth | 2 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fair | A party marches through Bournemouth to Christchurch. B party reached Wareham A,X & H.Q. u/c Capt. Maude. | Many bad feet in A party. |
Weymouth | 3 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fair | A party arrives Lymington. B party marches through Bournemouth to Christchurch. | B party in good condition. |
On Move | 4 Nov 42 | 1800 | Rainy | A party arrives I.O.W. B party to Lymington. 2nd/Lt. Neale, I.Sec & Sigs arrive I.O.W. Col. Manners and party of five march from Weymouth. | |
I.O.W. | 5 Nov 42 | 1800 | Rainy | B party arrives I.O.W. Col. Manners & party to I.O.W. | Arrival of 25 marines from R.M.I.T.C. Dalditch. |
I.O.W. | 6 Nov 42 | 1800 | Rainy | Move completed. Settling in billets. Talk by C.O. to all officers & men of Cdo. | More road marching essential. |
I.O.W. | 7 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. | Capt. Barclay i/c during absence of Col. Manners and Major Hellings on leave. |
I.O.W. | 8 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fair | Sunday Routine. | Arrangements made for leave. |
I.O.W. | 9 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fair | 1st Party moves on leave. Unit trg. | Cdo to leave in 3 parties, to avoid congestion on ferry and rail coming back also in 3 parties. A,X & Y. Mon. 9/11/42. B,P & Q. Tues. 10/11/42. H.Q. Wed. 11/11/42. |
I.O.W. | 10 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fair | 2nd Party to leave. | |
I.O.W. | 11 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fair | 3rd Party to leave. | Rear party of Lt Ecrepont and other ranks for admin. purposes. |
I.O.W. | 17 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fair | Cdo on leave. | Co. Manners resumes command. |
I.O.W. | 18 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fair | 1st Party returns from leave. | Major Hellings returns from leave resumes as 2 i/c. Capt. Barclay returns from leave resumes as Adjt. |
I.O.W. | 19 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fine | 2nd Party returns from leave. | |
I.O.W. | 20 Nov 42 | 1800 | Cloudy | 3rd Party returns from leave. | Lt. Ecrepont to leave 18/11/42. |
I.O.W. | 21 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit trg. | Rear Party to leave p.m. 21/11/42 |
I.O.W. | 22 Nov 42 | 1800 | Cloudy | "O" Gp attended by Adjt, all tp Comds, S.O., Q.M. & I.O. to discuss future trg. | Security Cpl. attached to Cdo from S.S. Bde. |
I.O.W. | 23 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg and R.T. Trg. | C.O., 2i/c., and Capt. Devereaux to demonstration. Arrival of 5 Officers from Thurlestone, 2/Lt. Chapman, G.M.Russell, J.H.Tarry, B.P.Hill, L.Cross. Also 38 men from R.M.I.T.C. |
I.O.W. | 24 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. | |
I.O.W. | 25 Nov 42 | 1800 | Cloudy | Night Exercise by X tp & I. Sec as enemy 41 Cdo. | |
I.O.W. | 26 Nov 42 | 1800 | Cloudy | Night Ex."Kangol" finishes 0830. Unit Trg. | |
I.O.W. | 27 Nov 42 | 1800 | Cloudy | Unit Trg and P.T. | Lecture by Adjt to young officers that joined on 23/11/42. |
I.O.W. | 28 Nov 42 | 1800 | Dull | Unit Trg. | Lecture by Lt. Manning M.I.9 on Security. |
I.O.W. | 29 Nov 42 | 1800 | Dull | Sunday Routine. | |
I.O.W. | 30 Nov 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. | Major. Leahy arrives from S.S. Bde Sigs. Lecture by Capt Barclay to all subalterns on "R" boat trg. |
Capt. D.L.Barclay commanded from 7th to 9th Nov 1942.
Lieut. E.W.Ecrepont commanded from 10th to 18th Nov 1942.
I.O.W. | 1 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. 3" Mortar Shoot. 15 mile Route March by whole Cdo. | Visit by Brig. Laycock & Major Franks |
I.O.W. | 2 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit & R. Boat Trg. 5 Offrs on M.G.B. | Lt.Col.Manners to London on duty. Major Hellings i/c. Capt. Barclay to Portsmouth. Surg Lt. Pryde to London. |
I.O.W. | 3 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fine | Night Ex. Anti Invasion. "I" Sec. & Sigs ex. took place. | Capt. Barclay returns. |
I.O.W. | 4 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. Trg conf. attended by 2i/c, Adjt, all Tp Comds, I.O., S.O., & M.O. | Evening lecture by C.O. to all junior officers on handling of men. |
I.O.W. | 5 Dec 42 | 1800 | Rainy | Unit Trg and mortar firing. Street Fighting. | |
I.O.W. | 6 Dec 42 | 1200 | Fair | Sunday Routine. Church parade by P, Q & H.Q. Tps at Shanklin. | Lt.Steibel Lt.Ephraums to be A/Capt 1/10/42. Lt.Bradley to be A/Ty/Capt 1/10/42. |
I.O.W. | 7 Dec 42 | 1600 | Fair | Unit Trg, Street Fighting and swimming. | |
I.O.W. | 8 Dec 42 | 1600 | Fair | Admin & Unit Trg. | 2/Lt. Neale to Cambridge on duty. |
I.O.W. | 9 Dec 42 | 1600 | Rain | Night exercise Cdo. "ANSON". | |
I.O.W. | 10 Dec 42 | 1600 | Fair | Arrival of 29 Mnes from R.M.I.T.C. Unit Trg | Lt.Wildey joins unit as A.O. |
I.O.W. | 11 Dec 42 | 1600 | Fair | Trg Conference attended by 2i/c, Adjt, S.O., M.O., and Tp Comd. | |
I.O.W. | 12 Dec 42 | 1200 | Fair | Unit Trg & Admin. Demonstration of Demolition. | Lt. Waterworth joins unit as Sigs Officer in place of Lt. Loe. |
I.O.W. | 13 Dec 42 | 2400 | Fair | Demonstration of night attack on Coastal battery and showing use of flares. | |
I.O.W. | 14 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fair | Admin and Unit Trg. | |
I.O.W. | 15 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fair | Route March, Mass P.T. and Hammock practice. | |
I.O.W. | 16 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fair | Night Vision tests for all ranks. Admin. | 2/Lt. Neale returns from Cambridge. |
I.O.W. | 17 Dec 42 | 1800 | Rain | Demolition demonstration. Unit Trg. | Lt. Wildey proceeds on leave. |
I.O.W. | 18 Dec 42 | 1800 | Rain | Unit Trg. Trg conference attended by Adjt, S.O., M.O., I.O., & all Tp Comd. | |
I.O.W. | 19 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. R.T. & Admin | |
I.O.W. | 20 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fair | Sunday Routine. | |
I.O.W. | 21 Dec 42 | 2400 | Rain | Unit Trg. Night Exercise "DRYSHOD" Demonstration for Lord Louis Mountbatten. | |
I.O.W. | 22 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fair | H.Q. Exercise movement and control in the field. Route march. Inspection of H.1098 stores of "A" Tp. | |
I.O.W. | 23 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg, Night Exercise "Diesel" Object to practice fast movement, demolition & withdrawal. | One casualty. Fell over cliff. Carriers practically useless at night. |
I.O.W. | 24 Dec 42 | 2000 | Fair | Rope bridging demonstration. Route march. Trg conference attended by S.O., I.O., M.O., & all Tp Comd. | |
I.O.W. | 25 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fair | No Training carried out. | |
I.O.W. | 26 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fair | Unit Trg. Semaphore. | |
I.O.W. | 27 Dec 42 | 1800 | Fair | All troops equipped with new assault respirators. Sunday routing. | |
I.O.W. | 28 Dec 42 | 2400 | Dull | Unit Training. Cdo. Night Exercise "LOBSTER" | A,X,Y & Cdo H.Q. attacked. P & B Tps defended. |
I.O.W. | 29 Dec 42 | 1800 | Rain | Cliff Climbing. Battle "Inoculation" | Lt. Willey from leave p.m. 28/12/42 |
I.O.W. | 30 Dec 42 | 1800 | Rain | Unit Trg & Admin | Lt.Col.Manners moved to London on duty. Major. P.W.C.Hellings commands. |
I.O.W. | 31 Dec 42 | 1800 | Mild | Battle Drill. Motor Inf. Drill & unit trg. | Lt. Col. Manners resumes command. |
Major P.W.C.Hellings, R.M. commanded on 2/12/42 & 30 Dec 42.
Awards (op.Jubilee)
- Military Cross
Smale, Kenneth William Ridley
- Military Medal
Bradshaw, Leslie Charles
Breen, Terence Edward
- Croix de Guerre
- Mention in Despatches
Roll of Honour
- 19th August 1942 (op.Jubilee)
Beesley, Jack
Callow, Arthur John
Catterall, John
Comyn, Alan Douglas
Duerden, Alfred
Everall, Henry John
Gotts, Eric William
Harwood, Frederick Charles William
Heath, Albert Stuart
Mackinstry, John
McDonald, Norman
Morgan, Henry William
Northern, Samuel Bernard
Orman, Peter William
Over, Derrick George
Phillips, Joseph Picton
Powell, Wallace William Alfred
Rhodes, William Henry
Riddle, Albert Harrison Invincible
Singleton, Ronald Barry
Thorp, Thomas Edward
Walker, Percy Edward
Wigmore, Harold Arthur